author: Brice Letcher
This project genotypes malariaGEN samples at a set of specific P. falciparum genes using a newly-developed genome-graph-based pipeline. See the documentation for a list and rationale of the genes picked for analysis.
Two of these, DBLMSP and DBLMSP2, were analysed in detail, supporting the following publication:
Some of the others are analysed a little bit more in my thesis:
Genome-graph based genotyping with applications to highly variable genes in P. falciparum.
- To regenerate results, run the Snakemake workflows as detailed below. These rely on version-frozen software through a singularity container, available in the zenodo release associated with the publication above.
- To regenerate figures in the publication above, also refer to this zenodo release.
The project is divided into Snakemake workflows located at analysis/workflows
Code used by the workflows is in analysis/scripts
Reproducibility is mediated by a singularity container whose definition is at
A built version of this container is expected by the workflows in
. A built version is available on zenodo.
An additional repository is included in this project, as a git subtree, called
. That sub-project runs all the sequence analyses of DBLMSP and
DBLMSP2 and is structured in the same way as this one (, Snakemake workflows, scripts).
In each workflow I load a global configfile ("common.yaml") and a set of common python utilities (""). "common.yaml" must be loaded before "", and "" must be loaded before other "".
Inside workflows, functions prefixed with cu_
come from analysis/workflows/
Similarly, each workflow's own analysis/workflows/<workflow_name>/
functions prefixed with a two-letter code: e.g. for download_data
, functions will
start with dd_
To run a workflow on the cluster, call
sh analysis/
Requirements: None
Downloads 3 main datasets, using input TSVs located at analysis/input_data/sample_lists
(and also released on zenodo):
: downloads all p. falciparum read sets from malariaGEN pf6 releasepacb_ilmn_pf
: downloads paired illumina reads and pacbio assemblies for 15 samples from Otto et al. (2018)generational_samples
: downloads clone tree data from Hamilton et al. (2017) and crosses data (see paper for references)laverania_illumina
: downloads Illumina reads from non-pf laverania species from Otto et al. (2018) (note this is a different paper reference than forpacb_ilmn_pf
Requirements: download_data
Performs genotyping using a range of tools.
- (Variant calling) Runs cortex and octopus on all pf6 and pacb_ilmn_pf samples
- (Genotyping) Adjudicates between cortex and octopus using gramtools
- (Variant calling) Runs gapfiller on top of gramtools adjudicated output
Requirements: call_variants
Evaluates variant calls, using two orthogonal strategies (see paper).
Requirements: call_variants
- Makes a PRG (Population Reference Graph; aka genome graph) based on end output of call_variants workflow. Configurable parameters are:
- Which pf6 samples to use for graph construction
- Which genes to build the prg on (for e.g., set of 26 hypervariable genes I have
selected for study; see Genes section below)
- What
to use formake_prg
Requirements: make_prg
Takes as input a genome graph made by make_prg, and runs gramtools genotyping on all specified samples.
Requirements: joint_genotyping
Produces sequences for use by plasmo_paralogs
Genotypes Illumina-sequenced samples not part of malariaGEN's pf6: - Generational samples: pf clones and crosses - Laverania samples: non-pf laverania samples
For the laverania samples, four datasets are available:
- PPRFG01: the one with Pacb data as well, from which assembly was built
- PPRFG02: DBLMSP, DBLMSP2, AMA1 were all fully resolved at the end of
`non_pf6_samples` worfklow.
- PPRFG03: almost no read coverage in DBLMSP, DBLMSP2, and AMA1 after joint genotyping on the pf6-graph
This may be due to the high rate of host contamination (~86%) ([Otto et al. (2018)[otto_2018b] supp. table 1).
- PPRFG04: has more diversity than the three above - this could be due to it being highly mixed with P. adleri. DBLMSP was almost fully resolved at the end of the `non_pf6_samples` workflow, not DBLMSP2.
Sanity check: I ran bcftools view -R analysis/input_data/otto_2018_core_genome_def.bed -f "PASS" -v snps | wc -l
on each vcf made by octopus for:
- The 15 pacb_ilmn_pf
Pf samples
- The four laverania samples above
And get ~18k SNPs for the Pf samples vs > 130k SNPs for the laverania samples; including for PPRFG02, which I initially found suspiciously not-diverged from 3D7, when looking at read alignments.
To avoid rebuilding a container everytime a different version of the gramtools codebase is tested, it is installed locally:
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -e <path/to/gramtools>
This means the file pyrequirements.txt should not be produced by running pip freeze > pyrequirements.txt
We use Plasmodium data from the MalariaGEN projects: The following Sanger ftp lists:
- pf6 metadata/vcfs (under pfcommunityproject/Pf6)
- pvivax vcfs (under pvgv)
For P. falciparum, I have used the 2018-11 version for variant calling and graph building ( pf6 used the 2016-07 version in their release VCFs (see pf6 paper). However, I checked the following:
- The two genomes have exactly the same chromosome sizes
- The two annotation files (GFF) have exactly the same coordinates for pf6_26_genes
On that basis it is fine to use 2018-11 version for evaluation purposes (see eval_varcalls workflow)
Some samples are duplicates with low coverage, estimated to be mixed species, 'continent mismatches' (labeled from a continent but their genotypic data maps them to another); these are marked as not 'Analysis_set' in the 'Exclusion reason' column.
Further, some samples are mixed within-species infections. An estimate of clonality is given by Fws- malariaGEN typically use >0.95 as threshold for clonality.
We build graphs from and genotype only 'Analysis_set' and fws>0.95 samples.
To get these, inside analysis/input_data/sample_lists/pf6
grep -f <(awk '{if ($2 > 0.95){print "^"$1}}' Pf_6_fws.tsv) pf6_samples.tsv | grep "Analysis_set" | cat <(head -n1 pf6_samples.tsv) - > analysis_set_fws95.tsv
Note the code in analysis/workflows/common_utils
also derives this (and other) sample subsets.
This includes clone trees and crosses datasets, literature refs and data sources are given below.
- Claessens et al. (2014)doi: clone trees for parental lines 3D7, W2, Dd2, HB3. All parental lines are lab strains. 197 WGS samples in total.
- Hamilton et al. (2016)doi: clone trees for parental lines KH1-01 and KH2-01. These were culture-adapted from clinical samples from Cambodia. 87 WGS samples in total.
To build the input tsvs, I first took the initial excel files containing sample IDs, tree IDs and ENA accessions from the supplementary materials of each paper, and combined them together. I then added a parent tree ID for each sample, using the clone tree diagrams in each paper, also in the supplementary material. This is stored in analysis/input_data/sample_lists/generational_samples/clone_trees.tsv For six samples, I found convincing evidence of sample mislabeling: across several genes, I find large distances between the inferred sequences for the parent and the child samples, but a distance of zero to another parent in a different clone tree. I corrected these, and stored the new sample tsv in analysis/input_data/sample_lists/generational_samples/clone_trees_corrected.tsv
The crosses input tsv is produced from the input txt files of each of two papers as follows:
- Miles et al. (2016) table:, which I call
- Garimella et al. (2020) table: which I call
echo -e "Sample\tCross\tClone\tAccession" > crosses.tsv
awk -F'\t' '{print $3"\t"$1"\t"$2"\t"$4}' miles_etal_crosses.txt | tail -n+2 >> crosses.tsv
awk -F'\t' '{print $2"\t"$1"\t"$3"\t"$4}' garimella_etal_crosses.txt | grep "803xGB4" | sed s/803xGB4/803_gb4/ >> crosses.tsv
Column Clone
allows identifying the parent samples for each cross. All accessions are
run IDs, but all samples were sequenced in single run (as per Miles et al. (2016) supplementary)
See the documentation for a list and rationale for the genes we chose to analyse.