TODO: I will go back to this point once I have created some hand-made agents and I have a better understanding of the game.
I will start using a simple win ratio metric to verify that new agents are better than the old ones. I should probably compute the win ratio against more than one agent to verify that the new agent is robust.
The goal is to identify the difficulties when making a rule based agent
On a first step I'm going to start from the simple agent and make it better incrementally. All the work can be found on notebook 002_hand_made_agent
. I have refactorized the simple agent and later done the following updates:
- Add research
- Build new workers
- Build new cities
- Avoid collisions
With this I have created the first agent called viral
that builds cities and workers as fast as possible.
It is surpring how complex behaviours arise from simple rules. We could improve by:
- Better movements. Learn to avoid obstacles, avoid going to a city if we want to build a new one
- Do not go over already used resources
- Careful at night, avoid stupid deaths
- Resources should be treated differently
- Using carts could have sense when moving to a new location, that way other units behind will move much faster
- It's interesting to see that a simple agent is able to consume all the resources in the map, or nearly all. but the match is pretty long.
- When using the random mode the unit can "forget" the task, goes to build a new home and suddenly decides to go to the closest city
- Sometimes there are bottlenecks where a lot of units are inside a house
- Moving to the closest resource may not be the best strategy if it is already crowded
We may have to switch the framework to a task based one. Maybe it's time to look at halite competition.
- Agent dying in the night because it does not have resources to create light (seed 1)
- How to avoid collisions between units, how to coordinate the different goals of the units
- How to move to a new location avoiding obstacles
- I have realized that building new city tiles is much cheaper than surviving the night (100 resources vs 300 resources). That explains why agents in the forum do "only" worry about increasing the worker population and not about preserving houses.
- However I believe that maybe once coal or uranium are available it may have sense to preserve cities since using wood for cities is cheaper. Maybe carts could play a role there.
- Moving to center does not increase the cooldown
- Changing the board size while mantaining the seed creates a totally different board
The agent viral
scores around 974 on leaderboard, which is around position 100 on the leaderboard.
This agent beats the simple_agent
around 94.5% of the times.
In this link visualizations of the agent can be seen. Below a picture of the viral agent with a big city before it collapses for lack of fuel on this episode.
I would like to think about game strategy. Given the resources of a map, what the ideal agent will do. For example I could compute what a forest could sustain. I can also think of city planning because if I build in all the surroundings of a resource then I cannot grow anymore. Thus it may have sense to leave holes so the city can grow, but then I have to use guards to avoid the enemy entering inside. Probably it may have sense to send settlers to new forest at the start of the game since the surroundings of a resource are the easiest place to build cities. At day a worker can travel to any place that is located at a manhattan distance smaller than the half of the remaining day steps. Blocking the way of the enemy could also be an interesting behaviour.
In the other hand I believe I have to switch to a framework that assigns tasks to the agents. This will solve the problem of "forgetting" the current task and I have the feeling it will allow to scale more complex behaviours easily than the current initial approach. Moreover I have seen that the same philosophy was used on Halite challenge
I don't know yet if there is room for machine learning. Maybe in the part of choosing an strategy, looking at the board and identifying the key resources, the ideal layout of the city... But probably execution is better done by code.
The goal is to implement a task manager bot. At the start of the turn the bot will assign different tasks to the units and later it will coordinate the actions based on their priority.
Hopefully this approach will scale better to complex behaviour than the one used on the first bot.
I started thinking about this approach when dealing with collisions and when balancing between building cities or gathering resources. Later I found that a very similar approach was described on Halite challenge Thus seeing that it has sense I have decided to implement it. I would love to get a bot that is able to beat the viral agent more than 90% of the times.
After a complete redesign of the agent improving how the agent moves, avoid going out at night and a few
more small changes I have created agent dwight
that is able to beat viral
65% of the times.
However in the forum performs very similar. Also I have found that there is a public agent that
scores around 1250, much better than my ~980.
Some ways of improving:
- Better assignment of targets for agents. They all currently go to the same cell. To be able to do that I have to provide the current tasks of the other agents.
- A method to choose between building a new city or gathering fuel seems to be very important
- Better handling of night. Planning is needed.
- Cities should be treated as obstacles when going to build a new one
It seems that planning is crucial. We need to look at the future to be able to maximize the number of cities at the end of the game. Simplifications of the game could help to planning, for example we could represent the board with a graph being the nodes the clusters of resources and the edges the distances between clusters.
A policy may help planning, but each map is different so it seems difficult to have a single policy. Instead planning offers a general solution for all the maps.
I could devote a lot of time thinking about good strategies, and it will be funny, but I think planning could solve that by brute force and I will learn more by taking the planning approach. Also I could take the agent from the forum to fight with.
The game is an optimization problem: how to maximize the cities built at the end of the game given the map resources and the opponent behaviour. My intuition is that planning is the best solution for that problem, there might be very good solutions with rule-based agents, very good learned policies... but I believe planning is the best solution.
After a refactorization of the agent I have created agent dwight
that is able to beat viral
65% of the times.
However in Kaggle performs very similar or worse.
Meanwhile an agent called working_title
has been released in the forum that is able to beat
my agents around 95% of the times.
I believe I should focus on planning. I have a strong enough agent from the forum to fight with. On previous hungry geese challenge I missed the oportunity to apply planning and now I have to try it.
I could try to optimize an agent for a single map. Instead of thinking which strategies work best I might simply overfit an agent to a map to find what is the best strategy for that map. Visualizing that match will likely show something very close to the perfect agent. With that knowledge I could later try to generalize to all the maps.
The goal of this iteration is to create an interface to be able to play the game and to explore the game to find good strategies.
The idea is to create a simple yet usable game interface. I will have to create a visual representation of the game with all the information needed to take the decisions and an interface.
One option is to create the interface using opencv. I have experience with it an it may work. Another could be to use jupyter widgets. The first is based on keyboard while the second one relies more on mouse.
One interesting thing is that the game representation I'm going to build could be later used for training a model. Thus I have to diferentiate between game representation and game rendering.
While doing the first renderings on a notebook I have noticed that pyplot is slow on the notebook. It takes 400ms to show an image while only 100ms to create it. Thus it seems that I should better use opencv just for speed reasons. The idea is to first render the game and then add an overlay of movements and visualization of the current unit.
I'm going to first read some tutorials because I remember there were problems with some opencv versions for conda that were not able to show images, and also there were different types of windows.
On 21/09/2021 I have a working version of the game interface. Now It's time to start playing and write how I play and what would be the optimal way of playing. I can use the checkpoints to play alternative strategies.
- A cart is able to move during day as fast as a worker, but leaves a road level of 1.5 behind so all units following it could move without stopping.
- It is possible to build road on resources like wood, uranium and coal
- A cart cannot gather resources, it can only carry them
- If a house is built on a road, then the cell loses its previous road level when demolished
- Thus using carts may have sense when we want to speedup movement (maybe to go to another resource, or to move faster in the forest) and also to carry resources from a resource to the city.
- To mine coal or uranium I believe the best strategy is to have workers on mining positions without moving and transferring resources to a cart. This ensures that the enemy cannot take the resource and at the same time I can move the cargo to the nearest city.
- In the other hand I believe forest should be mined with workers because collection speed is much faster.
- Carts can really speed processes because once they have visited a place the workers can move twice as fast
- Cities can be walls that protect the forrest
I have implemented a user interface for playing the game and played on two maps. Playing is slow because the current base agent I'm using creates wrong actions and I have to delete them and create from zero. Having a more human agent could speedup playing.
At this point I have a much better understanding of the game and I believe I know a better strategy than the one that is being used by top agents on the leaderboard. I have to think of how I can create an agent that can play with that strategy.
I can think of two different paths from here, I have already chosen Imitation learning but let's document the two for reference.
I have already written rules of how the agent should play on Ideal agent. It should be possible to translate those ideas to code. I believe a test-drive approach could work very well for this case. I will prepare pairs of game state and actions and verify that my agent works as expected. The number of tests will grow as the implementation gets more complex. I can use the game interface to create those pairs.
However I don't think I will learn too much from this approach. Moreover people has already been taking this approach for a long time so it will be difficult to catch up. And it is not easy to write a hard coded agent as I have already seen on previous iterations.
Given enough resources I'm sure RL will be able to find a better strategy. But I don't believe I have those resources. After studying the game complexity and considering the slow simulation of the game I believe RL would be very difficult for this game.
In the other hand imitation learning might work. The biggest drawback of imitation learning is that the agent may act strangely when it reaches a state of the game that was not encountered before. My idea of overcoming that problem is to pretrain the agent on matches from the forum, and then fine-tune on human matches. That could be a good combination.
The beauty of this approach is that I don't have to hard-code the agent and I will learn more about imitation learning. That is why I have chosen to follow this approach.
The goal is to explore how good an agent can become just by imitation learning and how many matches do we need to imitate an agent.
In the best scenario we will end this iteration having an agent that performs close to the best people on the leaderboard.
- Download matches from the leaderboard
- Create features from game state
- Implement a conditioned Unet architecture
- Training script
- Agent that uses a model for playing, it will need some post-processing of the predictions
- Optimize the model architecture (optimize validation loss, but also measure agent score to see if they are correlated)
- Optimize input features
- Optimize training strategy (single train, pretrain and fine-tuning)
As a start point I have a notebook from the forum and also for hungry geese I developed my own notebook on colab.
I remember that it was only possible to download 10k matches each session, that is why I started using colab to avoid that limitation.
I only want to download matches from the best agents. To do so I should rank the agents based on their latest score.
I have created a kaggle notebook to select matches for downloading them. Now I'm going to download the matches using colab.
Board cell features:
- Resources
- Road level
Board global features:
- Day/night cycle
- Turn
- Is Last day?
Player cell features:
- Units
- Cities
- Cooldown
- City size (I don't have this feature available, but I don't think is very important)
- Cargo
- is active (I'm not adding this one because I have set negative values for cooldown for an active city)
- Fuel that can be gathered a turn (take into account research points)
- Resources that can be gathered a turn (take into account research points)
- Number of turns a city can survive at night
Player global features:
- Research points (normalized to coal and uranium era)
- Number of cities
- Number of units
This Imitation learning notebook has a very interesting way to compute the input features because it does not use the object provided by luxai but directly parses the observation.
I need to compute the features, the actions and the masks for the predictions.
I want the model to generate actions for all the units and buildings at the same time. I also want to use global information for taking the actions. Thus Unet seems like a very good fit for this problem. However I also need to provide information such as day/night cycle, research points... So I have searched for a conditioned Unet and I have found this paper Conditioned-U-Net: Introducing a Control Mechanism in the U-Net for Multiple Source Separations
I have read the paper and it seems the right way to tackle the problem. The ouput of the model will have binary cross-entropy loss because sometimes there are multiple actions for the same cell (imagine a unit inside a house)
It already has a github implementation that uses keras, so I could try to use that code directly and see if it works.
Using that implementation as a start point I have prepared my own model that looks good. I also need to implement a loss function that allows to use masks over the binary cross-entropy loss. Also I have found that this implementation does not allow to use variable input size, so I will have to add borders to boards smaller than 32x32.
I have found that in the kaggle notebooks tensorflow 2.4.0
is being used. However I had already installed
version 2.6.0
on my computer. To avoid losing time I will continue using 2.6.0
unless I find problems
when making the submissions. Thus I have an incentive to make a submission as soon as possible.
pip install tensorflow==2.6.0
pip install effortless_config
conda install -c conda-forge cudatoolkit==11.2.2 cudnn=8.1 -y
conda install -c conda-forge cudatoolkit-dev==11.2.2
pip install pydot graphviz
It is not founding ptxas
even if I have installed cudatoolkit-dev
I have implemented a very simple training script. It loads 400 matches to memory because I cannot fit more. On following iterations I will start using generators to overcome RAM limitations.
I have implemented functions that allow to recover actions from predictions and verified that they work when given the ground truth. Now I have to prepare an script that given a model path and and output folder path it will create everything necessary to make a submission. I have to do this as good as possible so I can reuse it later with new models.
I can take as a reference the work I did for hungry geese challenge.
cd "/mnt/hdd0/MEGA/AI/22 Kaggle/luxai/scripts/create_cunet_agent"
lux-ai-2021 --rankSystem="wins" --tournament --maxConcurrentMatches 20 "clown/" "working_title/"
lux-ai-2021 "clown/" "working_title/"
Total Matches: 123 | Matches Queued: 39
Name | ID | W | T | L | Points | Matches
clown/ | RjsyUDGFuo9f | 112 | 0 | 11 | 336 | 123
working_title/ | Amxi6tZ65x2Z | 11 | 0 | 112 | 33 | 123
#after fixing collisions
Total Matches: 521 | Matches Queued: 39
Name | ID | W | T | L | Points | Matches
working_title/ | zjyVDttY1iGm | 520 | 0 | 1 | 1560 | 521
clown2/ | 7BhIkpq4HuJj | 1 | 0 | 520 | 3 | 521
I'm having trouble when uploading the model, it seems that the problem is that my luxai environment has 3.9 python and kaggle uses 3.7. I was expecting this kind of problems and that's why I have prepared this submission so soon. Thus I need to create a new conda environment and train the model again.
conda create -n luxai_37 pytest rope pylint tqdm numpy pandas scikit-learn ipython ipykernel coverage matplotlib python=3.7
source activate luxai
python -m ipykernel install --user --name $CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV --display-name "Python ($CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV)"
conda env export > environment.yml
conda create -n luxai_37 pytest rope pylint tqdm numpy pandas scikit-learn ipython ipykernel coverage matplotlib python=3.7
conda activate luxai_37
pip install tensorflow==2.6.0
pip install effortless_config
pip install pydot graphviz
conda install -c conda-forge cudatoolkit==11.2.2 cudnn=8.1 -y
pip install pyyaml
pip install kaggle-environments
pip install psutil
pip install nvidia-ml-py3
conda install -c conda-forge cudatoolkit-dev==11.2.2 -y
I have run several experiments with the following conclusions:
- Data labels are very unbalanced so I have to give a weight of 32 to positive labels. Focal loss seems to help slighlty
- It seems that learning rate is not very relevant since I have tried with 2,4,8e-3 and results are almost the same.
- In the other hand increasing the batch size allows to reach training loss faster but maybe at the cost of poor generalization (not clear since val metrics are noisy)
- Unet filters: This has the greatest influence on train loss, the greater the number of filters the lower the loss.This suggest that the direction for improving is increasing the number of filters and increasing the training data
- Depth: 4 seems to be the optimum, 3 or 5 do not improve
- Condition: using a complex Film layer with a single hidden layer seems to be optimum
I have been able to train agent clown2
that achieves a LB score of 1358 and position 94/870. It is
far from the best agents (~1900) but it is a good start point for imitation learning.
On the following iterations I want to scale up data. I will start by using data augmentation and I will continue by using all the available data instead of using just the data that fits into memory.
This is intended to be a short iteration where I implement data augmentation for training and measure the improvement on the agent.
Since the board is squared I can apply 90º rotations and also flips to multiply by 8 the amount of training data.
I have to be careful with the actions of moving and transfer because the index of the layers should be changed when applying the data augmentation. I will write tests to verify that data augmentation is reversible.
I will also need to modify the training script to use a generator instead of an array of data.
I have created a set of pagliacci
models that have 32, 64 and 128 filters on the first layer of
the unet model. I have run two local tournaments:
Total Matches: 976 | Matches Queued: 39
Name | ID | W | T | L | Points | Matches
pagliacci_128/ | RyKUtFiirJMv | 305 | 7 | 107 | 922 | 419
pagliacci_32/ | bfgCCSIj0cc0 | 289 | 9 | 145 | 876 | 443
pagliacci_64/ | DbPktMtaVtIp | 264 | 14 | 118 | 806 | 396
clown2/ | oW1ycTIWUwaq | 84 | 8 | 256 | 260 | 348
working_title/ | nygpdaZexM3E | 15 | 0 | 331 | 45 | 346
Total Matches: 898 | Matches Queued: 42
Name | ID | Score=(μ - 3σ) | Mu: μ, Sigma: σ | Matches
pagliacci_128/ | uIEncBqBWeCr | 26.0596907 | μ=28.554, σ=0.831 | 388
pagliacci_64/ | lwjqjgfaiHJ6 | 25.8941708 | μ=28.425, σ=0.844 | 397
pagliacci_32/ | Ev0DdTqxvQnq | 23.9877369 | μ=26.396, σ=0.803 | 354
clown2/ | TVRBKu8BvvLa | 19.9573681 | μ=22.478, σ=0.840 | 347
working_title/ | 8FpBlwkv4lLC | 13.2467371 | μ=16.224, σ=0.992 | 310
I have realized that when using wins as the metric the number of matches is not asigned correctly. For example notice that pagliacci_128 has played 20 matches less than plagiacci_32.
In the other hand using trueskill does not give interpretable results.
I would like to run a test to see if pretraining could improve generalization of the models. My idea is to enable to load weights from a pretrained model and see if that improves the validation loss. I will modify the csv file that is used for match selection to be able to do the experiment correctly.
We have pretrained with 800 matches and fine-tuned on 400 different matches.
unet filters | pretrained best validation loss | from zero best validation loss |
32 | 0.2702 | 0.2745 |
64 | 0.2663 | 0.269 |
128 | 0.2599 | 0.2621 |
The validation loss with the pretrained model is consistently better but difference is not big.
I have trained on 200, 400, 600, 800 and 1000 matches.
On this experiment I wanted to see the effect of using more matches for training. It is not obvious if that is good thing, because we are mixing data from different agents, that play different. Probably is a good thing for pretraining but not sure about fine-tuning.
The validation set was different on each experiment, so that makes direct comparison impossible.
However we can see that the train losses relations are not trivial. They are not well organized and sorted from less number of matches to biggest number of matches. This suggests that we have to do a deeper study in the future.
Also I have to increase the limit of 50 epochs.
I have created a set of pagliacci
models that are currently scoring around 1450-1500 on leaderboard.
I'm currently on position 22/882 at day 28/10/2021.
The next step is to implement a training script that is able to use all the data for training and does not have RAM limitations. I will have to also experiment with the amount of data used for training or fine-tuning the models.
The goal of this iteration is to see if training with all the data yields improvements.
The idea is to load the matches in groups, for example of 50 and create batches from those matches until there is no data left. Then load new matches and start again.
Total Matches: 177 | Matches Queued: 39
Name | ID | W | T | L | Points | Matches
pagliacci_32/ | O1eks2TRoiMU | 147 | 1 | 29 | 442 | 177
napoleon_32/ | 1jep9HhiTAJ2 | 29 | 1 | 147 | 88 | 177
win/loss rate: 16/83%
Total Matches: 432 | Matches Queued: 40
Name | ID | W | T | L | Points | Matches
pagliacci_64/ | ABc7rP1YXf9k | 322 | 2 | 108 | 968 | 432
napoleon_64/ | sFcXldiaulXf | 108 | 2 | 322 | 326 | 432
win/loss rate: 25/74%
Total Matches: 136 | Matches Queued: 40
Name | ID | W | T | L | Points | Matches
pagliacci_128/ | rKFXXW0q3g7q | 62 | 29 | 45 | 215 | 136
napoleon_128/ | k71CkioerK2j | 45 | 29 | 62 | 164 | 136
win/loss rate: 33/45%
It seems that training in all the data creates weaker models. It also seems that the bigger the model the difference it is able to learn better from all the data.
We need to see if this also holds in the public leaderboard. I have created a set of agents called napoleon
to test this.
I have submitted a set of agents called napoleon
and at the time of writing (29/10/2021) they score
1515, 1450 and 1344 for 128, 64, 32 filters respectively. Thus we can see the same pattern as the local
scores. Thus it seems that training in all the data yields worse results unless we use a very big model.
My hypothesis is that this happens because there are agents of very different skill, there is a big difference between an agent scoring 1500 and another scoring 1800. Also the agents may have contradictory policies that are harder to learn than simply learning from a single or a few agents.
On the next iteration we are going to do the opposite. Instead of using data from all the agents we are going to focus on training on a single or a few agents. Hopefully pretraining on all the data will be useful on that little data trainings.
Previous iteration has shown that training on all the data yields worse results if the model is small. So now we are going to do the opposite, to train just on the best agent or on the best n agents.
Let's see how many matches do the best agents have.
SubmissionId | n matches | FinalScore |
23032370 | 176.0 | 1818.288755 |
22777661 | 394.0 | 1711.493722 |
23034455 | 244.0 | 1710.606181 |
22934122 | 241.0 | 1651.606058 |
22902113 | 345.0 | 1650.975344 |
23159502 | 65.0 | 1650.841907 |
23038485 | 137.0 | 1643.818123 |
23010508 | 195.0 | 1643.516025 |
23008895 | 191.0 | 1636.605564 |
22931784 | 233.0 | 1636.232316 |
This shows that pagliacci
agents that were trained with 400 matches were a mixture of the best and the second best agent.
Let's see if training on matches from a single agent yields better results than previous models. I will have to try both with and without pretraining.
name | win rate | matches |
focus_rank0_32_filters_pretrained | 63.8% | 252 |
pagliacci_32 | 44% | 270 |
focus_rank0_32_filters | 41.1% | 260 |
Clearly the use of pretrained weights is beneficial. So I will always be using pretrained from now on. Let's now run a tournament between rank0, rank1 and rank2 agents.
Total Matches: 154 | Matches Queued: 20
Name | ID | W | T | L | Points | Matches
pagliacci_32/ | LEYo49y7BNud | 52 | 0 | 31 | 156 | 83
focus_rank0_32_filters_pretrained/ | uK26aXRH6AEF | 51 | 1 | 37 | 154 | 89
focus_rank1_32_filters_pretrained/ | kSfwkJ5hVqGE | 36 | 0 | 40 | 108 | 76
focus_rank2_32_filters_pretrained/ | 07wuE9koYaIs | 14 | 1 | 45 | 43 | 60
Since rank2 is clearly weaker I'm removing it from the tournament and starting again.
name | win rate | matches |
focus_rank0_32_filters_pretrained | 79.3% | 63 |
pagliacci_32 | 40.2% | 67 |
focus_rank1_32_filters_pretrained | 32% | 70 |
Clearly training just on the best agent is better than training just on other agents.
name | win rate | matches |
focus_rank0_128_filters_pretrained | 70% | 111 |
focus_rank0_64_filters_pretrained | 59.2% | 108 |
focus_rank0_32_filters_pretrained | 33% | 100 |
pagliacci_32 | 28% | 89 |
It seems that using more filters is beneficial, I have made submissions for all three models.
Let's start from the best agent and train on the best n agents and compare to just training on the best single agent.
name | win rate | matches |
focus_rank0_128_filters_pretrained | 61.5% | 138 |
pagliacci_32 | 50% | 150 |
focus_best2_32_filters_pretrained | 47.1% | 138 |
focus_best3_32_filters_pretrained | 47.7% | 1134 |
focus_best4_32_filters_pretrained | 46.4% | 114 |
focus_best5_32_filters_pretrained | 43.1% | 95 |
The table clearly shows that the best option is still to use the best agent. Using other agents is not beneficial.
I have seent that I have 176 matches from the best agent from the leaderboard but there are 329 matches available as of today. Thus it seems likely that if I download that data I could get an improvement, since it is almost twice the data.
I have also modified the weight loss when training because validation city action rises earlier than unit action loss, so by reducing the city action loss weight I'm able to reduce this effect.
In this conditions I have created agents superfocus
with the hope that we can reach even higher
in the leaderboard.
Total Matches: 303 | Matches Queued: 19
Name | ID | W | T | L | Points | Matches
superfocus_64/ | ByUqHHxX2deM | 263 | 0 | 40 | 789 | 303
pagliacci_32/ | rQoHanVqb4on | 40 | 0 | 263 | 120 | 303
Total Matches: 117 | Matches Queued: 19
Name | ID | W | T | L | Points | Matches
superfocus_128/ | uyKFAGXqPNfL | 67 | 19 | 31 | 220 | 117
pagliacci_32/ | SlhkSZZneShb | 31 | 19 | 67 | 112 | 117
Total Matches: 487 | Matches Queued: 19
Name | ID | W | T | L | Points | Matches
focus_rank0_64_filters_pretrained/ | s5iECdePSOGd | 370 | 2 | 115 | 1112 | 487
pagliacci_32/ | xoxRGhv1IoQq | 115 | 2 | 370 | 347 | 487
name | win rate | matches |
superfocus_64 | 86.7% | 303 |
focus_rank0_64_filters_pretrained | 75.9% | 487 |
supefocus_128 | 57.2% | 117 |
Seems that the superfocus_64
is stronger, but the supefocus_128
is weaker.
As a last attempt of this iteration I'm going to train an ensemble combining superfocus_64
I will change the seed for choosing the train/val split and see how many models I can upload to kaggle.
On hungry_geese challenge the limit size for the submission was 100 MB, but on this challenge I don't
see if that limit exists.
Total Matches: 487 | Matches Queued: 19
Name | ID | W | T | L | Points | Matches
superfocus_64_ensemble/ | fPLm1P59wddY | 480 | 0 | 7 | 1440 | 487
pagliacci_32/ | nevonCiIpeL5 | 7 | 0 | 480 | 21 | 487
Teh win rate is 98.5% which is absolutely amazing. As of 30/10/2021 I have submitted 5 copies of this agent with the hope that by the end of tomorrow they will have reached the 4 position in the leaderboard. I need to reach to around 1690 leaderboard score.
Training just on the single best leaderboard agent was found to be the best strategy. I believe there are two reasons for this:
- The best agent is much better than the other agents
- There could be contradictory policies when using multiple agents
I have seen that the model behaves weirdly when playing against very bad agents, a sign that imitation learning does not work well when the data comes from a different distribution.
On this iteration I have also implemented ensembles and weigth loss, because city action overfits first.
At the time of writing there are less than 24 hours to finish the sprint 3. That means that my best agent should play around 10 more matches. That may be enough to reach position 4.
At the time of writing the best model from previous iteration is pagliacci_64
which has a score of 1527.
That means that we have improved more than 100 points on LB and it is likely that even more because
win rate of the superfocus_64_ensemble
agent is very high and its score will go up.
This are my ideas for improving:
- Data augmentation at test
- Check warnings from agent and add more post-processing to model output
- Download more data
- Lower learning rate when retraining
- LR policy when training on all the data
- Arquitecture search
The goal is to implement data augmentation at test time so we can improve the agent without having to improve the models.
Moreover if I'm able to make the submissions today I may decrease the score of other agents in the leaderboard and help to win the sprint 3.
The idea is simple: to augment the data by doing flips and rotations to create a better prediction. The only complicated thing is that we have to invert the data augmentation on the predictions before we combine the predictions.
Also I don't really know if I will have enough time on Kaggle to combine ensembles and data augmentation but at least I have to try.
To verify locally that it works I will be using a single model agent. I will be using pagliacci_32
as my baseline
since it has been used extensively for comparisons previously. I will be playing against pagliacci_64
because I initially started playing against the baseline agent and results were weird.
Total Matches: 385 | Matches Queued: 19
Name | ID | W | T | L | Points | Matches
pagliacci_64/ | adtVllF8Drri | 234 | 1 | 150 | 703 | 385
pagliacci_32/ | xVbRKUrrGSpQ | 150 | 1 | 234 | 451 | 385
Total Matches: 408 | Matches Queued: 20
Name | ID | W | T | L | Points | Matches
pagliacci_64/ | iI0w2cRp4boI | 221 | 4 | 183 | 667 | 408
pagliacci_32_da_hf/ | eF9Q4ZMzedmR | 183 | 4 | 221 | 553 | 408
Total Matches: 412 | Matches Queued: 20
Name | ID | W | T | L | Points | Matches
pagliacci_64/ | fK8IHDOtYDR1 | 225 | 6 | 181 | 681 | 412
pagliacci_32_da_2rot/ | 0Dvv2aPqKghq | 181 | 6 | 225 | 549 | 412
Total Matches: 367 | Matches Queued: 19
Name | ID | W | T | L | Points | Matches
pagliacci_64/ | ndv8sjZeHgrk | 213 | 1 | 153 | 640 | 367
pagliacci_32_da_4rot/ | F9hs5K0Cl2hZ | 153 | 1 | 213 | 460 | 367
Total Matches: 380 | Matches Queued: 20
Name | ID | W | T | L | Points | Matches
pagliacci_64/ | qiFb71pD2BFu | 207 | 2 | 171 | 623 | 380
pagliacci_32_da_full/ | 8ya9Nj2RkoKj | 171 | 2 | 207 | 515 | 380
name | win rate | matches |
pagliacci_32 | 38.9% | 385 |
pagliacci_32_da_hf | 44.8% | 408 |
pagliacci_32_da_2rot | 43.9% | 412 |
pagliacci_32_da_4rot | 41.6% | 367 |
pagliacci_32_da_full | 45% | 380 |
This experiment show that all data augmentation improve over the baseline, but we can see that we get a very similar improvement when using just horizontal flip compared to using full data augmentation.
Finally I want to measure improvement with the ensemble.
Total Matches: 165 | Matches Queued: 19
Name | ID | W | T | L | Points | Matches
superfocus_128/ | gyigFZZ0x3pq | 89 | 1 | 75 | 268 | 165
superfocus_64_ensemble/ | o8D2FokR9UK0 | 75 | 1 | 89 | 226 | 165
Total Matches: 110 | Matches Queued: 20
Name | ID | W | T | L | Points | Matches
superfocus_64_ensemble_hf/ | o25MVDpkh17e | 59 | 0 | 51 | 177 | 110
superfocus_128/ | wbStTSexuKLM | 51 | 0 | 59 | 153 | 110
Total Matches: 28 | Matches Queued: 20
Name | ID | W | T | L | Points | Matches
superfocus_64_ensemble_da/ | Ues8VNRi1LM1 | 15 | 0 | 13 | 45 | 28
superfocus_128/ | ebAUfnQ3DZgy | 13 | 0 | 15 | 39 | 28
name | win rate | matches |
superfocus_64_ensemble | 47.8% | 165 |
superfocus_64_ensemble_hf | 53.6% | 110 |
We can see a considerable improvement in win rate when using data augmentation.
Playing with all data augmentation is extremely slow, tomorrow I will try making a submission to see if it is able to withstand the time limits. In around 30 minutes it only has been able to play 28 matches.
I have submitted the ensemble with full data augmentation and just by 8 seconds it was able to finish a 32x32 game, however it only lasted 200 seconds, so in a more balanced game is likely to timeout. It has happen, timeout when playing against a stronger agent. This could be handled by reducing the number of augmentations
On this iteration we have implemented data augmentation at test.
The goal of the iteration is to add postprocessing to model predictions because some warnings have been seen:
- a unit trying to build a city without the resources needed (does it spend the action, maybe is better to mask that options out and take the second higher action in that case)
- cities trying to make units when there is no more gaps available (probably is better to prioritize)
[WARN] (match_DVPnqsyFN2tR) - Agent 0 tried to build unit on tile (1, 1) but unit cap reached. Build more CityTiles!; turn 5; cmd: bw 1 1
In this case the city simply does nothing. In the next turn it researchs, so we have lost a turn. Thus by postprocessing this we could gain time and prioritize where the new units are created.
[WARN] (match_DVPnqsyFN2tR) - Agent 0 tried to build CityTile with insufficient materials wood + coal + uranium: 96; turn 40; cmd: bcity u_5
This could be solved with a mask applied to units that have 100 resources.
[WARN] (match_DVPnqsyFN2tR) - Agent 0 tried to build CityTile on non-empty resource tile; turn 44; cmd: bcity u_8
This could also be solved with a mask, I have to check the order of action resolution because it may be the case of a tree disapearing and a house being built at the same time. Resource collection is done after unit actions, so we can safely mask that.
- Do not build more units that allowed
- Do not build cities when resources are not available
- Do not build cities on non-empty resource tiles
I have to first verify that warnings do not happen anymore and also that the agent is equal or better than
the previous one. I will be using superfocus_64
as my workhorse.
name | win rate | matches |
superfocus_64 | 86.7% | 303 |
do not build cities if not posible | 84.8% | 840 |
do not build units if not possible | 85.5% | 353 |
After implement the two first post-processing algorithms I don't see a significative improvement on win rate. However I have also fixed a bug that was also affecting to the collision of the units because identifiers for city tiles were incorrect.
Thus I don't think it has sense to implement the third one since it happens much less frequently.
I have implemented post-processing on the actions that succesfully removed the game warnings. However it did not have a significative change on local score. It is soon to see if it has an effect on leaderboard.
Hints for new features, make it very easy for the model:
- can unit build?
- is cell empty?
- number of new units that can be build
- obstacles
Maybe studying the predictions over validation set I could come with new feature ideas.
On this iteration I will download more data for pretraining and study if setting some threshold on the score for choosing the train data has an effect on validation score when fine-tuning.
- See if I can add the name of the team to the dataframe with the matches
- Download more submissions
- Create a script to generate npz files from json in parallel
- Experiment with different thresholds on pretrain data
I have seen that since the first time I downloaded data the team Toad Brigade
has submitted two more
agents of a similar level to the one I used to train on. I believe it is likely that training on those
three models will yield better results. They currently have scores of 1911, 1903 and 1896, the fourth
one has 1720.
I'm going to create a new version of superfocus_64
models that are trained on the three best
Toad Brigade
agents. If this set of models is better then I will do following experiments with
this setup on mind. This more than doubles the amount of data used on superfocus_64
Total Matches: 808 | Matches Queued: 20
Name | ID | W | T | L | Points | Matches
three_toad/ | pkEDFufn49DY | 499 | 8 | 301 | 1505 | 808
superfocus_64/ | iohzNqleLvik | 301 | 8 | 499 | 911 | 808
61.7% win rate
Total Matches: 121 | Matches Queued: 19
Name | ID | W | T | L | Points | Matches
three_toad_ensemble/ | AfrENe5exehz | 81 | 0 | 40 | 243 | 121
superfocus_64_ensemble/ | iGUWy18s1a81 | 40 | 0 | 81 | 120 | 121
66.9% win rate
Total Matches: 168 | Matches Queued: 20
Name | ID | W | T | L | Points | Matches
three_toad_ensemble_longer/ | 7PB981IZzXEG | 101 | 0 | 67 | 303 | 168
superfocus_64_ensemble/ | Zlj0Q7YWVAQy | 67 | 0 | 101 | 201 | 168
60.1% win rate
It seems that training on the best three models is giving a better result. I have submitted three_toad_ensemble
agent to kaggle to see if it is also better on the leaderboard.
Since it seems that fine-tuning on three best Toad Brigade
agents is the best current strategy I'm
going to exclude those agents from pretraining for a fair comparison. However once the best pretraining
configuration it is found and a model for submission is going to be created I will recover those agents
for pretraining.
The idea is to use a threshold over leaderboard score to exclude some of the agents and see if it is better to use all the data or for example agents with a score above 1600. The baseline will be a model without pretraining.
For this experiments I will exclude fine-tuning data from pretraining, althought when going to create an agent for submission I will be including them.
- All pretrained models beat the model without pretraining.
- 1650 threshold is clearly worse than the others
- The optimum threshold seems to be 1550 with current data.
I need to create a different train and val partition for pretraining.
Now let's train an ensemble with these conditions:
- Pretrain 7 models on agents with a score higher than 1550 and different seeds for the data
- Fine-tune each model on three best
Toad Brigade
agents with different seeds for the data
This ensemble might be better than previous ensembles because it uses more and better data for pretraining and because each fine-tuned model will have different pretrained weights so the ensemble will be more diverse.
import pandas as pd
import os
df = pd.read_csv('/home/gbarbadillo/luxai_ssd/agent_selection_20211102_teams.csv')
df = df[df.FinalScore >= 1550]
df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
def save_train_and_val_data(folder, seed):
os.makedirs(folder, exist_ok=True)
train = df.loc[[idx for idx in range(len(df)) if (idx + seed) % 20]]
val = df.loc[[idx for idx in range(len(df)) if not (idx + seed) % 20]]
train.to_csv(os.path.join(folder, 'train.csv'), index=False)
val.to_csv(os.path.join(folder, 'val.csv'), index=False)
for idx in range(7):
save_train_and_val_data(folder='/mnt/hdd0/Kaggle/luxai/models/24_diverse_ensemble/pretrain/seed%i' % idx, seed=idx)
for i in {1..6}; do cp -r seed0/ seed${i}; done
for i in {1..6}; do sed -i "s/seed0/seed${i}/g" seed${i}/train_conf.yml; done
for i in {1..6}; do sed -i "s/test_split_offset: 0/test_split_offset: ${i}/g" seed${i}/train_conf.yml; done
cat */*.yml | grep seed
cat */*.yml | grep split_offset
I have called this new ensemble three_toad_deluxe
Total Matches: 215 | Matches Queued: 19
Name | ID | W | T | L | Points | Matches
three_toad_deluxe/ | 5fAbR3bfguo5 | 152 | 2 | 61 | 458 | 215
superfocus_64_ensemble/ | RAG7GhEBIpRg | 61 | 2 | 152 | 185 | 215
win rate: 70.6%
On this iteration we have create the set of agents three_toad
that are pretrained on a lot of data
and fine-tuned with just the three best Toad Brigade agents. Local scores show an improvement over previous models,
more time is needed to see if this reflects on the leaderboard. Visualization of the matches on kaggle
suggests that new models are much more stronger and have more intelligence than previous ones.
On this iteration I want to do variations over the architecture to see if I can reduce the validation loss (thus doing a better imitation).
Initially I just want to do:
- Increase the depth to see if beneficial to have a more global view
- Increase the capacity of the conditional input
- Increase the overall capacity of the model
The goal is to reduce the validation loss when training on three best Toad Brigade agents. In order to do that I have to first pretrain on the agents with a leaderboard score higher than 1550. Thus for each architecture variation I have to both pretrain and fine-tune.
Maybe I have to modify the interface to create the cunet model to enable setting the number of filters on each layer. This will allow to increase depth without increasing the number of parameters too much.
Results when pretraining and smoothing 0.8 over the loss.
name | model size (MB) | best train epoch loss | best val epoch loss |
01_baseline_filters_64_128_256_512_final_32 | 14.4 | 0.2774 | 0.303 |
02_baseline_filters_128_256_512_1024_final_64 | 56.6 | 0.2625 | 0.2945 |
03_filters_64_128_256_512_final_64 | 14.5 | 0.2736 | 0.2977 |
04_filters_128_128_256_512_final_64 | 15.7 | 0.2692 | 0.3004 |
05_filters_128_256_256_512_final_64 | 21.1 | 0.2648 | 0.2967 |
06_filters_128_256_512_512_final_64 | 37.6 | 0.2635 | 0.2954 |
07_filters_128_128_256_512_final_128 | 16.3 | 0.2546 | 0.2959 |
08_filters_256_256_256_512_final_256 | 28.9 | 0.2559 | 0.2944 |
09_filters_256_256_256_256_final_256 | 24.1 | 0.2554 | 0.2962 |
10_filters_512_x4_final_512 | 95.3 | 0.2501 | 0.2892 |
11_filters_384_x4_final_384 | 53.8 | 0.2512 | 0.2906 |
Now the results when fine-tuning, which are the deciding ones.
name | model size (MB) | best val epoch loss |
01_baseline_filters_64_128_256_512_final_32 | 14.4 | 0.192 |
02_baseline_filters_128_256_512_1024_final_64 | 56.6 | 0.1841 |
03_filters_64_128_256_512_final_64 | 14.5 | 0.1899 |
04_filters_128_128_256_512_final_64 | 15.7 | 0.1862 |
05_filters_128_256_256_512_final_64 | 21.1 | 0.1832 |
06_filters_128_256_512_512_final_64 | 37.6 | 0.1828 |
07_filters_128_128_256_512_final_128 | 16.3 | 0.1814 |
08_filters_256_256_256_512_final_256 | 28.9 | 0.1765 |
09_filters_256_256_256_256_final_256 | 24.1 | 0.1766 |
10_filters_512_x4_final_512 | 95.3 | 0.1735 |
Considering the number of parameters my choosing is 09_filters_256_256_256_256_final_256
generating the next ensemble.
Total Matches: 215 | Matches Queued: 19
Name | ID | W | T | L | Points | Matches
three_toad_deluxe/ | 5fAbR3bfguo5 | 152 | 2 | 61 | 458 | 215
superfocus_64_ensemble/ | RAG7GhEBIpRg | 61 | 2 | 152 | 185 | 215
win rate: 70.6%
Total Matches: 102 | Matches Queued: 20
Name | ID | W | T | L | Points | Matches
optimus_prime/ | 37gRryyCVUPL | 78 | 0 | 24 | 234 | 102
superfocus_64_ensemble/ | OizifUz24VEj | 24 | 0 | 78 | 72 | 102
win rate: 76.4%
Total Matches: 79 | Matches Queued: 19
Name | ID | W | T | L | Points | Matches
optimus_prime/ | u6oRbfj4e2FK | 55 | 0 | 24 | 165 | 79
three_toad_deluxe/ | cI98Ah6LgDSQ | 24 | 0 | 55 | 72 | 79
win rate: 69.6 %
New optimus_prime
is clearly better than previous ensembles.
On this iteration I have improved the model architecture and also the training learning rate policy.
As a result I have create the set of optimus_prime
agents that beat consistently my previous agents.
I have just submitted them to the leaderboard so I have to wait until they get to their real score.
What if I train only on victories? That does not make sense in the context of imitation learning because we want to copy the behaviour, so the result of the match is irrelevant.
Try on non-greedy policies. I have seen some oscilating behaviours of the units that could be caused by choosing the action with the maximum probability.
Policy gradient. I believe that if I play 200 matches and train on wins and also on loses with negative target I should be able to improve the policy and achieve a higher win rate against that agent. There might be more efficient ways to do it but that should work.
I'm going to first try with non-greedy policies and later move to policy gradients to try to improve the agents.
The goal of this iteration is to experiment using non-greedy policies to see if there is an improvement. The motivation comes from units oscilating between two positions: moving north, south, north, south... This might be cause by simply choosing the action with maximum probability. Adding a little bit randomness might improve the agent.
I should first refactor action choosing to allow adding randomness. Current strategy is to choose the action with the highest probability and if it exceeds a threshold then the action is taken.
I believe we should keep using a threshold to decide between taking or not taking an action. That seems the right way to do it because we don't have another way to not taking an action with the current implementation.
On a first step I have done a sweep over different thresholds for taking or not taking an action.
I have been using the agents three_toad_deluxe_single
and optimus_prime_single
, the later one
was the one changing the threshold. On a second step I have tried a random policy that randomly
chooses between the actions that exceed the threshold.
The table below suggests that a threshold of 0.6 may be better than the default 0.5. It also seems that the random policy is worse than the greedy for playing.
policy | threshold | wins | matches | win rate | uncertainty 95% |
greedy | 0.2 | 86 | 209 | 41.1% | 6.7% |
greedy | 0.3 | 200 | 356 | 56.2% | 5.2% |
greedy | 0.4 | 215 | 376 | 57.2% | 5.0% |
greedy | 0.5 | 201 | 348 | 57.8% | 5.2% |
greedy | 0.6 | 397 | 608 | 65.3% | 3.8% |
greedy | 0.7 | 250 | 379 | 66.0% | 4.8% |
greedy | 0.8 | 111 | 210 | 52.9% | 6.8% |
random | 0.5 | 11 | 55 | 20.0% | 10.6% |
random | 0.6 | 415 | 645 | 64.3% | 3.7% |
random | 0.7 | 367 | 650 | 56.5% | 3.8% |
When playing with the ensemble I do not see significative difference when using the threshold of 0.6.
Total Matches: 79 | Matches Queued: 19
Name | ID | W | T | L | Points | Matches
optimus_prime/ | u6oRbfj4e2FK | 55 | 0 | 24 | 165 | 79
three_toad_deluxe/ | cI98Ah6LgDSQ | 24 | 0 | 55 | 72 | 79
win rate: 69.6 % +- 10.1
Total Matches: 385 | Matches Queued: 19
Name | ID | W | T | L | Points | Matches
optimus_prime_th06/ | utD4xGqPYpPC | 272 | 1 | 112 | 817 | 385
three_toad_deluxe/ | 2UxnYrjOJ6oG | 112 | 1 | 272 | 337 | 385
win rate: 70.8 % +- 4.6
I have tried using different thresholds over the actions and following a random policy instead of a greedy one. On individual models setting a higher threshold such as 0.6 show improvements but there was no evidence of improvement when using the ensemble.
I believe there might be room for improvement using imitation learning:
- Add more features
- Study errors on val set
- Why the agent does not gather coal and uranium as good as wood
However I'm going to try with Policy gradients because it seems more promising and I will learn more.
The goal of the iteration is to see if by using policy gradients I can increase the win rate of an agent playing against another agent.
I won't care about generalization against other agents: I'm going to take an agent and play against a frozen version of itself until it beats consistently. If it works then I will do more iterations with a more general goal.
The idea is to use the luxai cli to play tournaments, save the matches to file and then use those matches for training. I will train just like on imitation learning with the exception that on loses I will invert the target actions so it learns to do the opposite.
However I have found that the luxai cli saves the json files on a different format to kaggle. Thus I need another way of playing matches, or to translate from one format to the other. The first option seems better since it will allow to control how many matches are played more easy than with the command line interface.
I'm going to have a look at how I managed on hungry geese challenge to play matches in parallel. I will likely have to modify the agent template again since when using python interface I need to provide the absolute path to the model.
It takes around 5.5 minutes to play 100 matches with superfocus_64
agent against itself.
The idea is to play n matches, train on those matches, save the model and play again in a loop. I want to have metrics of how the win rate is changing over time. I will be using a greedy policy for this probe of concept.
When playing 100 matches per round uncertainty on the win rate will be around 10% on the worst case. Thus to be able to probe that it works we have to reach a win rate of 70%, that is the goal of the experiment. Hopefully we will start at 50% win rate and steadily grow up to 70% and even more.
I have tried using different ways of using the data for training and all of them were worsening the model, even when using very low learning rates. Then I have run a training with learning rate zero and to my surprise the worsening was almost the same. When analizing the weights of the model I have found that the only change was the parameters of the batch normalization layers.
It seems that the data distribution of the matches used for policy gradients is different to the distribution from the matches of the leaderboard and that was causing the agent to fall from a win rate of 50% to around 30%.
Thus I have implemented the option to freeeze the batch normalization layers and thus only change the weights of the other layers.
After many experiments I have not being able to improve an agent using my implementation of policy gradients. Maybe I need to be more patient with the experiments, but the end of the challenge is approaching and I should focus on the most promising options.
The goal of this iteration is to implement an automated pipeline to do curriculum learning for imitation learning. The best existing models have been trained by first pretraining on a lot of agents of the leaderboard and finally fine-tuning on the best 3 agents. I have the feeling that this could be done better if I add more stages to the training. This way I will be training on agents of increasing skill and that's why I'm calling this iteration curriculum learning.
The idea is to create a script that given a template, a seed, the dataframe with all the agents and the thresholds that define the curriculum it will create the folders and files to do the trainings and also a bash script that will do all the steps.
Thus I will have an automated way of training models that I could reuse when downloading more matches from the leaderboard.
python /mnt/hdd0/Kaggle/luxai/models/35_curriculum_learning/template.yml /mnt/hdd0/Kaggle/luxai/models/35_curriculum_learning 1 /home/gbarbadillo/luxai_ssd/agent_selection_20211113.csv 1600 1650 1700 1800 1950 2000
Stage 0 matches: 12280 agents: 42
Stage 1 matches: 8138 agents: 39
Stage 2 matches: 2521 agents: 14
Stage 3 matches: 462 agents: 1
Stage 4 matches: 306 agents: 1
Stage 5 matches: 293 agents: 1
I have created the agent megatron
that is able to defeat 60% of the times the agent optimus_prime
and 73% of the times three_toad_deluxe
The end of the challenge is approaching and Toad Brigade still has a great advantage over the other players. So it makes sense to devote all my efforts to keep improving imitation learning because I might be second in the challenge if I'm able to better imitate them.
The goal of this iteration is to try with new input features to see if that enables better imitation learning. I have not changed the input since the beginning of the challenge so there may be room for improvement.
My idea is to take a subset of the data, for example the three best Toad Brigade agents and train an agent on that data. Input features will be modified along experiments and validation loss will be the evaluation metric. Once we find the optimal configuration we will train an ensemble with it.
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('/home/gbarbadillo/luxai_ssd/agent_selection_20211113.csv')
df[df.FinalScore > 1900].to_csv('/home/gbarbadillo/luxai_ssd/agent_selection_20211113_three_toad_brigade.csv', index=False)
cd scripts/train_imitation_learning
python /mnt/hdd0/Kaggle/luxai/models/36_feature_engineering/template.yml /mnt/hdd0/Kaggle/luxai/models/36_feature_engineering 0 /home/gbarbadillo/luxai_ssd/agent_selection_20211113_three_toad_brigade 1600
cd ../preprocess_data
python /home/gbarbadillo/luxai_ssd/agent_selection_20211113_three_toad_brigade.csv /home/gbarbadillo/luxai_ssd/matches_20211014/matches_json /home/gbarbadillo/luxai_ssd/matches_20211014/experimental/hour
name | explanation |
wood | amount / 800 |
coal | amount / 800 |
uranium | amount / 800 |
player_worker | n_units |
player_cart | n_units |
player_city | binary |
opponent_worker | - |
opponent_cart | - |
opponent_city | - |
cooldown | ( cooldown - 1 )/ 10 |
road_level | road_level/6 |
player_city_fuel | n_nights_survive |
opponent_city_fuel | - |
player_unit_cargo | cargo/max_cargo |
opponent_unit_cargo | - |
player_unit_fuel | fuel/max_fuel |
opponent_unit_fuel | - |
player_city_can_survive_next_night | - |
opponent_city_can_survive_next_night | - |
player_city_can_survive_until_end | - |
opponent_city_can_survive_until_end | - |
resources_available | how many resources can be gathered at that position |
fuel_available | how many fuel can be gathered at that position |
playable_area | 1 |
These features look ok.
name | explanation |
step | step/360 |
is_night | step % 40 > 30 |
is_last_day | step > 40*8 |
player_research_points | research_points / 200 |
opponent_research_points | - |
is_player_in_coal_era | research_points > 50 |
is_player_in_uranium_era | research_points > 200 |
is_opponent_in_coal_era | - |
is_opponent_in_uranium_era | - |
player_n_cities | cities/10 |
player_n_units | units/10 |
opponent_n_cities | - |
opponent_n_units | - |
I'm not sure if knowing how many units and cities does each player has is relevant. Maybe is better to know if we are winning or losing by taking the difference between both. I don't think knowing that I have 40 or 50 units will change how the bot acts.
name | explanation |
is_unit_full | cargo == max_cargo |
is_cell_empty | no resources or cities on cell |
can_build_city | binary |
obstacles | enemy cities + units with cooldown >=1 not in cities |
- can I move to a position without risk of collision?
- split cooldown
name | explanation |
hour | step % 40 / 40 |
city_diff | (player_cities - opponent_cities)/10 |
n_unit_slots | n_cities - n_units |
name | val loss | val loss round 0.6 |
01_baseline_with_original_features | 0.1722 | 0.1751 |
02_add_hour | 0.1698 | 0.1703 |
03_add_can_build_city | 0.1634 | 0.1693 |
04_obstacles | 0.1656 | 0.1704 |
05_city_diff | 0.1649 | 0.1661 |
06_unit_free_slots | 0.1665 | 0.171 |
It does not seem that obstacles is beneficial. There might be a better learning rate policy that could make me repeat the experiments, be less patient but reduce the learning rate less.
name | val loss | val loss round 0.6 |
01_baseline_with_original_features | 0.1674 | 0.1728 |
02_add_hour | 0.1656 | 0.169 |
03_add_can_build_city | 0.1653 | 0.1668 |
04_obstacles | 0.1657 | 0.1679 |
05_city_diff | 0.1625 | 0.1665 |
06_unit_free_slots | 0.1619 | 0.1659 |
07_remove_cities_and_units | 0.1615 | 0.1656 |
08_remove_obstacles | 0.1639 | 0.1665 |
09_split_cooldown | 0.164 | 0.1661 |
On this comparison we have been able to improve validation loss from 0.1674 to 0.1615 just by changing the features.
I have been experimenting with dropout at /mnt/hdd0/Kaggle/luxai/models/38_dropout
with current implementation dropout is only applied at one layer instead on all the 4 depths. However
if we mantain the number of parameters changing dropout is not beneficial.
It may be necessary to increase the model size to work with more dropout.
Now I'm going to train an ensemble with the same configuration as megatron
but using the new features.
This will allow to directly compare the two agents and see if changing the features brought improvements.
python /mnt/hdd0/Kaggle/luxai/models/40_curriculum_learning_with_new_features/template.yml /mnt/hdd0/Kaggle/luxai/models/40_curriculum_learning_with_new_features 0 /home/gbarbadillo/luxai_ssd/agent_selection_20211113.csv 1600 1650 1700 1800 1950 2000
Stage 0 matches: 12280 agents: 42
Stage 1 matches: 8138 agents: 39
Stage 2 matches: 2521 agents: 14
Stage 3 matches: 462 agents: 1
Stage 4 matches: 306 agents: 1
Stage 5 matches: 293 agents: 1
seed | baseline stage 5 val loss | stage 5 val loss after feature engineering |
0 | 0.169 | 0.1605 |
1 | 0.1778 | 0.171 |
2 | 0.1678 | 0.1611 |
3 | 0.1672 | 0.1619 |
mean | 0.1705 | 0.1636 |
In this experiment using the new features reduced val loss from 0.1705 to 0.1636 on average.
10 days, not enough evidence optimus_prime 1736 optimus_prime_hf 1731
30 days, signs of improvements superfocus_64_ensemble 1640 superfocus_64_ensemble_hf 1665
On local evaluation the change on agent fitipaldi
is to small to be able to measure it on a
reasonable amount of matches.
I have created the agent fitipaldi
(from feature engineering) which is able to beat three_toad_deluxe
, optimus_prime
and megatron
with probabilities 81%, 71% and 57% so it is the best agent so far. We will have to wait around 14 days
to see its score on the leaderboard.
Find optimum path and final step for curriculum learning.
The end of the challenge is approaching and I want to find the best strategy to train the final agents. I have doubts regarding the path (how many stages are necessary) and also regarding the final stage (train just on the best Toad Brigade agent, the best 2...)
I'm going to take as my baseline the training done for fitipaldi
agent and remove stages or modify
the grouping of agents. The goal will be to optimize the validation loss of the last stage.
python /mnt/hdd0/Kaggle/luxai/models/41_optimal_stages/template.yml /mnt/hdd0/Kaggle/luxai/models/41_optimal_stages 0 /home/gbarbadillo/luxai_ssd/agent_selection_20211113.csv 1950 2000 --sufix _1950_2000
python /mnt/hdd0/Kaggle/luxai/models/41_optimal_stages/template.yml /mnt/hdd0/Kaggle/luxai/models/41_optimal_stages 0 /home/gbarbadillo/luxai_ssd/agent_selection_20211113.csv 1800 1950 2000 --sufix _1800_1950_2000
python /mnt/hdd0/Kaggle/luxai/models/41_optimal_stages/template.yml /mnt/hdd0/Kaggle/luxai/models/41_optimal_stages 0 /home/gbarbadillo/luxai_ssd/agent_selection_20211113.csv 1700 1800 1950 2000 --sufix _1700_1800_1950_2000
python /mnt/hdd0/Kaggle/luxai/models/41_optimal_stages/template.yml /mnt/hdd0/Kaggle/luxai/models/41_optimal_stages 0 /home/gbarbadillo/luxai_ssd/agent_selection_20211113.csv 1650 1700 1800 1950 2000 --sufix _1650_1700_1800_1950_2000
python /mnt/hdd0/Kaggle/luxai/models/41_optimal_stages/template.yml /mnt/hdd0/Kaggle/luxai/models/41_optimal_stages 0 /home/gbarbadillo/luxai_ssd/agent_selection_20211113.csv 1800 2000 --sufix _1800_2000
python /mnt/hdd0/Kaggle/luxai/models/41_optimal_stages/template.yml /mnt/hdd0/Kaggle/luxai/models/41_optimal_stages 0 /home/gbarbadillo/luxai_ssd/agent_selection_20211113.csv 1700 1800 2000 --sufix _1700_1800_2000
python /mnt/hdd0/Kaggle/luxai/models/41_optimal_stages/template.yml /mnt/hdd0/Kaggle/luxai/models/41_optimal_stages 0 /home/gbarbadillo/luxai_ssd/agent_selection_20211113.csv 1650 1700 1800 2000 --sufix _1650_1700_1800_2000
python /mnt/hdd0/Kaggle/luxai/models/41_optimal_stages/template.yml /mnt/hdd0/Kaggle/luxai/models/41_optimal_stages 0 /home/gbarbadillo/luxai_ssd/agent_selection_20211113.csv 1600 1650 1700 1800 2000 --sufix _1600_1650_1700_1800_2000
python /mnt/hdd0/Kaggle/luxai/models/41_optimal_stages/template.yml /mnt/hdd0/Kaggle/luxai/models/41_optimal_stages 0 /home/gbarbadillo/luxai_ssd/agent_selection_20211113.csv 1700 2000 --sufix _1700_2000
python /mnt/hdd0/Kaggle/luxai/models/41_optimal_stages/template.yml /mnt/hdd0/Kaggle/luxai/models/41_optimal_stages 0 /home/gbarbadillo/luxai_ssd/agent_selection_20211113.csv 1600 1800 2000 --sufix 1600_1800_2000
name | final min val loss |
seed0_1950_2000 | 0.174 |
seed0_1800_1950_2000 | 0.1686 |
seed0_1700_1800_1950_2000 | 0.163 |
seed0_1650_1700_1800_1950_2000 | 0.1608 |
seed0_1600_1650_1700_1800_1950_2000 | 0.1605 |
seed0_1800_2000 | 0.1654 |
seed0_1700_1800_2000 | 0.1595 |
seed0_1650_1700_1800_2000 | 0.1597 |
seed0_1600_1650_1700_1800_2000 | 0.1563 |
seed0_1700_2000 | 0.1629 |
seed0_1600_1800_2000 | 0.1648 |
The best path seems to be seed0_1600_1650_1700_1800_2000
. With this I create the agent stacy
that has a better use of stages.
seed | baseline stage 5 val loss | stage 5 val loss after feature engineering | better curriculum learning |
0 | 0.169 | 0.1605 | 0.1563 |
1 | 0.1778 | 0.171 | 0.1687 |
2 | 0.1678 | 0.1611 | 0.1561 |
3 | 0.1672 | 0.1619 | 0.1574 |
mean | 0.1705 | 0.1636 | 0.1596 |
Although we are feeding a channel with the input map, maybe is interesting to use the map size
for contitioning the agent. I will be doing the experiment just like I did on feature engineering
on the folder /mnt/hdd0/Kaggle/luxai/models/37_feature_engineering
cd scripts/preprocess_data
python /home/gbarbadillo/luxai_ssd/agent_selection_20211113_three_toad_brigade.csv /home/gbarbadillo/luxai_ssd/matches_20211014/matches_json /home/gbarbadillo/luxai_ssd/matches_20211014/experimental/map_size
It did not improve over the best result.
I have created terminator
agent by training on the best three toad agents. So instead
of using the configuration 1600_1650_1700_1800_2000
I have used 1600_1650_1700_1800
Local evaluation results show that it is slighlty weaker than stacy
agents, so it seems is
better to do the last training just on the best agent.
On this iteration I have created agents stacy
and terminator
. On local evaluation stacy
to be the best agent so far, althought not much better than fitipaldi
and megatron
I'm thinking of training a single big model instead of 4 smaller models.
The goal of this iteration is to see if using bigger models yields better results now that we have more data available for training.
On a first step I'm going to train with the same data as stacy
so I can make a direct comparison
between them.
I have created agent obelix
which is not as good as stacy
on local validation.
I might do some variations with dropout because I have found that previous experiments with dropout did not have the correct number of final layer filters.
Also I might reduce the true weight to see how the errors during train change.
Maybe I should increase patience to 3 because for example on stage1 I see that the learning rate was very quickly decreased.
I have also created a obelix_tw16
agent changing the true weight from 32 to 16.
I have concerns about the metrics and the losses used for training. On a first step I'm going to do predictions on the validation set and explore the data for getting a better understanding and new ideas. I have the intuition that with the correct loss and metrics a bigger model should be better than 4 smaller models.
- We have found a big problem on unit actions, 40% of the time that the unit needs to stay without taking action it takes one. Cities do not have this problem.
- We have also found that is very rare to have 2 units on same position (0.5%) and even more rare to take 2 actions (0.2%)
The goal of this iteration is to modify the model output to predict wether to take an action and the policy over the possible actions. Current implementation does both tasks at the same time.
Current implementation has a binary distribution over all the actions. Proposed implementation has a binary distribution over wether to take an action and a softmax distribution over the possible actions.
The motivation for the change comes from the study done at 17.2.1
I will create a new branch for this breaking changes, that way I could go to master if things do not work well.
I want to do a proof of concept retraining just the final stage. I could do a retrain if I load the weights skipping the layers that do not match.
On the first comparison we have seen that althougth action prediction has a different working point the results are almost the same as the old model. A training from zero has been launched to see if there is any difference.
On a first place we see the old distribution, and next we see the distribution for the new model with four outputs.
It seems that training metrics are better now and could be giving more information to guide architecture or hyperparameter tuning.
I have trained a model from zero and results are slightly better than retraining from an old model, probing that new implementation is better, but difference is small.
Althought initial results are almost the same the new implementation has the advantage of having an easier loss function and the metrics are measuring exactly what we need. My hypothesis is that with current implementation we might find a better training configuration.
This are the parameters I'm going to change:
- model capacity
- dropout
- learning rate
- conditioning?
- regularization?
constant learning rate? remove or add dropout?
For the analysis I will be focusing on units because city predictions are already very good. I will be using error metrics because they are more easily interpretable than loss.
train | val | diff | ||||
name | action error (%) | policy error (%) | action error (%) | policy error (%) | action error (%) | policy error (%) |
01_baseline_256x4 | 7.9 | 14.8 | 10.5 | 21 | 2.6 | 6.2 |
02_baseline_512x4 | 6.9 | 12.4 | 10.5 | 20.8 | 3.6 | 8.4 |
03_256x4_dropout0000 | 7.2 | 13 | 10.6 | 21.2 | 3.4 | 8.2 |
04_256x4_dropout1100 | 8 | 15.4 | 10.3 | 20.5 | 2.3 | 5.1 |
05_256x4_dropout1110 | 8.7 | 17 | 10.3 | 20.9 | 1.6 | 3.9 |
06_256x4_dropout1111 | 9.8 | 18.89 | 10.4 | 21.3 | 0.6 | 2.41 |
10_256x4_dropout0000_l2_1e5 | 8.1 | 15.4 | 10.4 | 20.8 | 2.3 | 5.4 |
11_256x4_dropout0000_l2_1e6 | 7.7 | 14.3 | 10.7 | 21.2 | 3 | 6.9 |
12_256x4_dropout0000_l2_1e7 | 7.4 | 13.8 | 10.6 | 21.3 | 3.2 | 7.5 |
13_256x4_dropout0000_l2_1e8 | 7.5 | 13.7 | 10.6 | 21.2 | 3.1 | 7.5 |
14_512x4_dropout0000_l2_1e6 | 7 | 13 | 10.5 | 20.8 | 3.5 | 7.8 |
15_256x4_dropout1100_l2_1e5 | 8.4 | 17.2 | 10.8 | 20.8 | 2.4 | 3.6 |
Neither dropout or l2 regularization give big improvements. They seem to improve slighlty. On this experiment using the bigger model with 512 filters does not pay off.
I have to both improve train error and generalization to be able to halve the validation error.
Using a constant learning rate produced worst results.
Since I have not been able to make big improvements on the previous experiment I would like to try a new idea: I will be using agent id with one hot encoding as input with the features. That way the model will be encouraged to learn to play in the style of the different agents.
That seems a really good fit for conditioned unet and a beautiful idea. I believe this architecture was used for different musical instruments so it may have sense to learn to play like different agents.
As a start point I will be using data from the best three Toad Brigade agents just like in the experiment above and thus I have a baseline. If it works I will extend to arbitrary data.
train | val | diff | ||||
name | action error (%) | policy error (%) | action error (%) | policy error (%) | action error (%) | policy error (%) |
01_baseline_256x4 | 7.9 | 14.8 | 10.5 | 21 | 2.6 | 6.2 |
02_256x4_with_id | 7.7 | 14.4 | 9.8 | 19.8 | 2.1 | 5.4 |
It can be see a clear improvement when using agent id as input. Furthermore if we compare it with the experiments of the previous section that only showed tiny improvements. This looks like a promising path to explore.
The goal of this iteration is to explore the approach of multi agent imitation learning where the model is trained with multiple agent data and it is conditioned on the id of the agents. Thus the model learns to imitate how the different agents play. On prediction we can decide which agent we will like to imitate.
The hypothesis is that learning to imitate multiple agents will force the model to learn better features that will help to imitate the best agent (which is the final goal).
We hope that this approach will be better than curriculum learning because it is a single stage training. On curriculum learning there is the risk of forgetting what was learned on previous stages.
Maybe I have to leave more or less free the max steps per epoch to be fully comparable.
On this experiment I leave the architecture unchanged and I will modify how many agents are used for training. The goal is to see if using more agents is beneficial when using agent id as input.
The table below shows the validation error
unit | city | |||
name | action error (%) | policy error (%) | action error (%) | policy error (%) |
seed0_agents1 | 11.9 | 21.4 | 0.21 | 6.6 |
seed0_agents3 | 10.7 | 19.5 | 0.21 | 6.4 |
seed0_threshold1800 | 10.7 | 18.9 | 0.21 | 6.6 |
seed0_threshold1700 | 10.3 | 18.7 | 0.28 | 6.7 |
seed0_threshold1650 | 10.5 | 19 | 0.28 | 6.9 |
seed0_threshold1600 | 11 | 19.7 | 0.26 | 7.2 |
For this experiment using a threshold of 1700 over the agents score using for training is the optimum.
unit | city | |||
name | action error (%) | policy error (%) | action error (%) | policy error (%) |
seed0_threshold1700 | 10.3 | 18.7 | 0.28 | 6.7 |
seed0_threshold1700_control16_16 | 15.3 | 22.4 | 0.36 | 8.1 |
seed0_threshold1700_control32 | 10.3 | 18.6 | 0.21 | 6.4 |
seed0_threshold1700_oversample2 | 10.2 | 18.4 | 0.25 | 6.7 |
seed0_threshold1700_oversample4 | 10.4 | 18.5 | 0.24 | 6.2 |
seed0_threshold1700_512x4_oversample2 | 10 | 18 | 0.21 | 6.3 |
seed0_threshold1650_512x4_oversample4 | 10 | 17.6 | 0.23 | 6 |
seed0_threshold1700_256x4_nodropout_oversample2 | 10.3 | 18.1 | 0.23 | 6.4 |
seed0_threshold1650_256x4_nodropout_oversample4 | 10.4 | 18.5 | 0.26 | 6.2 |
seed0_threshold1700_512x4_nodropout_oversample2 | 10.2 | 18.1 | 0.23 | 6.2 |
- Using two layers in control branch is clearly worse
- Increasing the number of units in control branch does not have a clear effect
- Using oversample over the three best agents does improve accuracy
- Increasing the model size improves accuracy
- Removing dropout increases accuracy
Using the 512x4 models from this experiments I have created agents batman
, robin
and joker
On local validation batman
agent is clearly better than any of my previous agents. This suggest
that this approach is better than the previous curriculum learning.
I have downloaded the matches at date 01/12/2021 which is the last update of Kaggle's Meta dataset. Using that data I have trained four models.
name | dropout | size |
link | yes | 256x4 |
zelda | no | 256x4 |
nairu | yes | 512x4 |
sheik | no | 512x4 |
Total Matches: 1647 | Matches Queued: 23
Name | ID | Score=(μ - 3σ) | Mu: μ, Sigma: σ | Matches |
nairu_th02/ | 77kBdGPexC3Y | 23.1658368 | μ=25.518, σ=0.784 | 540 |
sheik_th02/ | Y12U90UnXYek | 22.7685413 | μ=25.116, σ=0.783 | 492 |
zelda_th02/ | aNGxxS00rfy4 | 22.7603032 | μ=25.108, σ=0.783 | 534 |
link_th02/ | zYGEtOH0SjiF | 21.9723224 | μ=24.321, σ=0.783 | 511 |
batman_th02/ | UqmVZMBaJWuy | 21.6663017 | μ=24.012, σ=0.782 | 446 |
robin_th02/ | q9ZfCFTDjrIL | 20.4994955 | μ=22.862, σ=0.787 | 394 |
joker_th02/ | y4gPb520RjMK | 18.9583960 | μ=21.348, σ=0.796 | 377 |
Local validation seems to suggest that nairu is the most powerful of the trained models, although we will have to see if that translates to the leaderboard.
One interesting thing of this approach is that we can decide which agent we are going to imitate when playing. What makes sense is to play like the best agent, but we can also decide to play like the worse agent.
winner | loser | wins | matches | win rate | uncertainty 95% |
batman_th02 | three_toad_deluxe | 307 | 333 | 92% | 3% |
batman_th02_m1 | three_toad_deluxe | 46 | 126 | 37% | 8% |
In this example we can see that when using the worst agent used for training the win rate decreases from 92% to 37%. Thus we can see that the model has learned to imitate different agents.
I have submitted many agents on this iteration because it's the end of the challenge and each agent is a ticket for the leaderboard lottery.
Above we can see the leaderboard 12 hours before the end of submission period. I believe that gold is almost certain because the distance with 12 position is very big. I'm not sure if I will end in the money, hopefully the last submited agents will be good enough to secure a position in the top 5.