The following is a set of guidelines for contributing to TeamFormationAssistant on GitHub.
This project and everyone participating in it is governed by the TeamFormationAssistant Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code.
- Avoid code smells and writing spaghetti code
- Use Tabs instead of 4 spaces
- Write clear and concise comments
- Please use Camel-case pattern to name method and variables
- Avoid using _ or - in methond and variable names.
- For writing unit tests, please mock all the dependancies and just test functionality of that particular method / class.
- After you submit your pull request, verify that all status checks are passing.
- Add team member(s) as reviewers upon opening the Pull Request.
- Give description and comments to help the reviewers understand the changes.
- Ensure that the description and comments are self-explanatory.
- Make sure to update the relevant file changes on
- Package-lock.json is required for travis CI to run, so do not add it to .gitignore.
- Add appropriate labels to the pull requests for better resolution.
- The code will not be accepted if there is low readability and code smells.
- Code not passing style checkers and code formatters will not be accepted.
- Use the present tense.
- Limit the first line to 72 characters or less.
- Please be consice in commit messages.
- Avoid re-use of commit messages.
- Feature development branch should begin with name as "feature" eg: feature/fronend_testing
- Each feature branch should have its own tests written
- Bugs fixing branch should begin with "bugfix"
- Patching branch should have "patch" in the name
Explain the problem and include additional details to help maintainers reproduce the problem:
- Use a clear and descriptive title for the issue to identify the problem.
- Describe the exact steps which reproduce the problem in as many details as possible.
- Provide specific examples to demonstrate the steps. Include links to files or GitHub projects.
- Use a clear and descriptive title for the issue to identify the suggestion.
- Provide a step-by-step description of the suggested enhancement in as many details as possible.
This is adapted from Atom, available at [(]