- Change 'Foobu' tab title to 'Recommendations'
- Limit birthday field maximum value to '2010-01-01'
- Implement social media integration
- Add Terms and Conditions
- Update lb-services.js
- Change 'viewDetails' implementation on 'diViewCtrl' and 'foodBuddyCtrl'
- Improve UI of dietetics template
- add cordova-plugins for upload payment details image
- Subscription state can now load your list of subscriptions
- No Images from the server
- Fixed Chat Bot URL
- Chat Bot reply even if the server didn't return anything in response
- Implemented textToSpeech in Chat Bot
- Added an option to toggle on/off textToSpeech
- Replaced Dietics with Subscription
- Food Buddy can now view and subscribe meal plans
- Explore state
- Implemented Chat Bot
- Implemented Meal Planner Utility
- Customized loadingService not blocking in Chat Bot
- Fixed Vital Tracker calculating via server
- Added ActionSheet service
- Added animate.css bower
- Added Vital Tracker but calculated locally. Cannot get request on the server
- Centralized exercise levels thru .json
- Added modal service
- Added popup service
- Added http service
- Added success/error notify using loadingService in every action
- Login thru facebook is now up
- Added validation and designs in sign up page
- Encapsulated login to a service
- Error handling
- Added ngMessages support
- Profile management
- Can now update profile
- Implemented getCurrent instead of conditioning with getCachedCurrent to avoid cache problem
- Encapsulated sign up function to re-use during sign up in the creating of account and during social log in
- Added facebook login plugin (not yet finish though)
- Changed bmiService - computeBMI to return with 2 decimal places
- Added status item in vitals page
- Replaced address no & street to address line for user experience
- Added cordova plugins to be able to request for api
- Login
- Sign-up
- Profile management
- Load/update profile
- Vitals (not yet done)
- Password (not yet done)
- Replaced angular-resource version with angular version to avoid issues using ngResource