ECIES utilizes well-known symmetric encryption, key derivation functions and message authentication codes to achieve encryption based on elliptic curves. However, ECIES is not limited to specific algorithms. In particular, the algorithms used for symmetric encryption, key derivation and message authentication can be configured in our implementation. For the sake of easy usage, we have decided to use the following defaults:
- Symmetric Encryption: AES-CBC with PKCS7 padding, IV=0x0, keysize 256 bit
- Key Derivation Function: X9.63 without salt
- Message Authentication Code: HMAC-SHA512 without salt
The following examples show how to encrypt/decrypt using ECIES with these default settings. The different options to change the default values are presented in the next section.
// 1. Read public key from PEM
mococrw::AsymmetricPublicKey pubKey = mococrw::AsymmetricPublicKey::readPublicKeyFromPEM(secp384PubKeyPEM);
std::vector<uint8_t> testString = {'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ' ', 'W', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd', '!'};
mococrw::ECIESCtxBuilder encBuilder;
std::unique_ptr<mococrw::ECIESEncryptionCtx> encCtx = encBuilder.buildEncryptionCtx(pubKey);
// 2. Finish encryption and extract parameters for decryption
std::vector<uint8_t> ciphertext = encCtx->finish();
std::vector<uint8_t> mac = encCtx->getMAC();
std::vector<uint8_t> point = encCtx->getEphemeralKey().toECPoint(...); // See section "Ephemeral Key Encodig Format" for details
// Ciphertext, mac and the point need to be available
std::vector<uint8_t> ciphertext = { ... };
std::vector<uint8_t> mac = { ... };
std::vector<uint8_t> point = { ... };
// 1. Read private key from PEM
mococrw::AsymmetricKeypair privKey = mococrw::AsymmetricKeypair::readPrivateKeyFromPEM(secp384KeyPEM, "password");
// 2. Get type of curve from private key
std::shared_ptr<mococrw::ECCSpec> spec;
// Convert returned unique_ptr into shared_ptr
std::shared_ptr<mococrw::AsymmetricKey::Spec> spec_tmp = privKey.getKeySpec();
// Cast shared_ptr<mococrw::AsymmetricKey::Spec> into std::shared_ptr<mococrw::ECCSpec>
spec = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<mococrw::ECCSpec>(spec_tmp);
if (!spec) {
// Error handling
// 3. Re-create ephemeral key
mococrw::AsymmetricPublicKey ephKey = mococrw::AsymmetricPublicKey::fromECPoint(spec, point);
mococrw::ECIESCtxBuilder decBuilder;
// 4. Set parameters for decryption
std::unique_ptr<mococrw::ECIESDecryptionCtx> decCtx = decBuilder.buildDecryptionCtx(privKey, ephKey);
// 5. Decrypt
try {
std::vector<uint8_t> result = decCtx->finish();
catch (const mococrw::MoCOCrWException &e) {
std::cerr << "MAC verification failed" << std::endl;
The encryption of the plaintext creates several artifacts (ciphertext, mac and ephemeral key) that need to be transferred to the client in order to decrypt the ciphertext. MoCOCrW offers no serialization functionality because we don't want to make any assumptions on format. Essentially, the user of the library is responsible for the serialization.
The methods mococrw::AsymmetricPublicKey::toECPoint()
and mococrw::AsymmetricPublicKey::toECPoint()
expect the serialization format
to be specified by the user. The library currently offers three different formats:
: Format z||x, where z specifies which of the possible two solutions to x has been used.mococrw::openssl::EllipticCurvePointConversionForm::uncompressed
: Format 0x04||x||y, where y is the solution to x that has been used.mococrw::openssl::EllipticCurvePointConversionForm::hybrid
Format z||x||y, where z specifies which of the possible two solutions to x has been used and y contains this solution.
It is also possible to encode the ephemeral key as PEM, but this seems rather unsusal.
offers methods to modify the symmetric cipher used for encryption.
The following code shows how to use these methods to change the symmetric cipher to AES-CBC with a key size of 128-bit:
// 1. Read public key from PEM
mococrw::AsymmetricPublicKey pubKey = mococrw::AsymmetricPublicKey::readPublicKeyFromPEM(secp384PubKeyPEM);
std::vector<uint8_t> testString = {'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ' ', 'W', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd', '!'};
mococrw::ECIESCtxBuilder encBuilder;
// 2. Create IV vector (default value for the IV is 0x0 in ECIES)
// Default size of the IV can be obtianed with mococrw::AESCipherBuilder::getDefaultIVLength(mococrw::SymmetricCipherMode::CBC)
std::vector<uint8_t> IV = ...
// 3. Set new Symmetric Cipher Factory Function
auto cipherEncFunc = [&IV](const std::vector<uint8_t> &key) -> std::unique_ptr<mococrw::AESCipher> {
return mococrw::AESCipherBuilder(mococrw::SymmetricCipherMode::CBC, mococrw::SymmetricCipherKeySize::S_128, key)
// 4. Set new key size
std::unique_ptr<mococrw::ECIESEncryptionCtx> encCtx = encBuilder.buildEncryptionCtx(pubKey);
// 5. Finish encryption and extract parameters for decryption
std::vector<uint8_t> ciphertext = encCtx->finish();
std::vector<uint8_t> mac = encCtx->getMAC();
std::vector<uint8_t> point = encCtx->getEphemeralKey().toECPoint(...); // See section "Ephemeral Key Encodig Format" for details
// Ciphertext, mac, point and IV need to be available
std::vector<uint8_t> ciphertext = { ... };
std::vector<uint8_t> mac = { ... };
std::vector<uint8_t> point = { ... };
std::vector<uint8_t> IV = { ... };
// 1. Read private key from PEM
mococrw::AsymmetricKeypair privKey = mococrw::AsymmetricKeypair::readPrivateKeyFromPEM(secp384KeyPEM, "");
// 2. Get type of curve from private key
std::shared_ptr<mococrw::ECCSpec> spec;
// Convert returned unique_ptr into shared_ptr
std::shared_ptr<mococrw::AsymmetricKey::Spec> spec_tmp = privKey.getKeySpec();
// Cast shared_ptr<mococrw::AsymmetricKey::Spec> into std::shared_ptr<mococrw::ECCSpec>
spec = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<mococrw::ECCSpec>(spec_tmp);
if (!spec) {
// Error handling
// 3. Re-create ephemeral key
mococrw::AsymmetricPublicKey ephKey = mococrw::AsymmetricPublicKey::fromECPoint(spec, point);
mococrw::ECIESCtxBuilder decBuilder;
// 4. Set new Symmetric Cipher Factory Function
auto cipherDecFunc = [&IV](const std::vector<uint8_t> &key) -> std::unique_ptr<mococrw::AESCipher> {
return mococrw::AESCipherBuilder(mococrw::SymmetricCipherMode::CBC, mococrw::SymmetricCipherKeySize::S_128, key)
// 5. Set new key size
// 6. Set parameters for decryption
std::unique_ptr<mococrw::ECIESDecryptionCtx> decCtx = decBuilder.buildDecryptionCtx(privKey, ephKey);
// 7. Decrypt
try {
std::vector<uint8_t> result = decCtx->finish();
catch (const MoCOCrWException &e) {
std::cerr << "MAC verification failed" << std::endl;
MoCOCrW offers various key derivation functions. The following example shows how to change the KDF used by ECIES. In addition, the example also shows how to set the optional salt for the key derivation.
// 1. Read public key from PEM
mococrw::AsymmetricPublicKey pubKey = mococrw::AsymmetricPublicKey::readPublicKeyFromPEM(secp384PubKeyPEM);
std::vector<uint8_t> testString = {'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ' ', 'W', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd', '!'};
mococrw::ECIESCtxBuilder encBuilder;
// 2. Set KDF to PBKDF2
encBuilder.setKDF(std::make_shared<mococrw::PBKDF2>(mococrw::openssl::DigestTypes::SHA256, 100));
// (optionally) Set salt for KDF
std::vector<uint8_t> randomSalt= { ... };
std::unique_ptr<mococrw::ECIESEncryptionCtx> encCtx = encBuilder.buildEncryptionCtx(pubKey);
// 3. Finish encryption and extract parameters for decryption
std::vector<uint8_t> ciphertext = encCtx->finish();
std::vector<uint8_t> mac = encCtx->getMAC();
std::vector<uint8_t> point = encCtx->getEphemeralKey().toECPoint(...); // See section "Ephemeral Key Encodig Format" for details
// Ciphertext, mac and point need to be available
std::vector<uint8_t> ciphertext = { ... };
std::vector<uint8_t> mac = { ... };
std::vector<uint8_t> point = { ... };
// 1. Read private key from PEM
mococrw::AsymmetricKeypair privKey = mococrw::AsymmetricKeypair::readPrivateKeyFromPEM(secp384KeyPEM, "password");
// 2. Get type of curve from private key
std::shared_ptr<mococrw::ECCSpec> spec;
// Convert returned unique_ptr into shared_ptr
std::shared_ptr<mococrw::AsymmetricKey::Spec> spec_tmp = privKey.getKeySpec();
// Cast shared_ptr<mococrw::AsymmetricKey::Spec> into std::shared_ptr<mococrw::ECCSpec>
spec = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<mococrw::ECCSpec>(spec_tmp);
if (!spec) {
// Error handling
// 3. Re-create ephemeral key
mococrw::AsymmetricPublicKey ephKey = mococrw::AsymmetricPublicKey::fromECPoint(spec, point);
mococrw::ECIESCtxBuilder decBuilder;
// 4. Set KDF to PBKDF2
decBuilder.setKDF(std::make_shared<mococrw::PBKDF2>(mococrw::openssl::DigestTypes::SHA256, 100));
// (optionally) Set salt for KDF
std::vector<uint8_t> encryptionSalt= { ... };
// 5. Set parameters for decryption
std::unique_ptr<mococrw::ECIESDecryptionCtx> decCtx = decBuilder.buildDecryptionCtx(privKey, ephKey);
// 6. Decrypt
try {
std::vector<uint8_t> result = decCtx->finish();
catch (const MoCOCrWException &e) {
std::cerr << "MAC verification failed" << std::endl;
The following example shows how to configure (and specify if there will ever be more than one supported MAC) the MAC used by the ECIES scheme.
// 1. Read public key from PEM
mococrw::AsymmetricPublicKey pubKey = mococrw::AsymmetricPublicKey::readPublicKeyFromPEM(secp384PubKeyPEM);
std::vector<uint8_t> testString = {'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ' ', 'W', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd', '!'};
mococrw::ECIESCtxBuilder encBuilder;
// 2. Set new MAC function
auto macFunc = [](const std::vector<uint8_t> &key) -> std::unique_ptr<mococrw::MessageAuthenticationCode> {
return std::make_unique<mococrw::HMAC>(mococrw::openssl::DigestTypes::SHA256, key);
// 3. Set keysize of new MAC function
// (optionally) Set salt for MAC
std::vector<uint8_t> randomSalt= { ... };
std::unique_ptr<mococrw::ECIESEncryptionCtx> encCtx = encBuilder.buildEncryptionCtx(pubKey);
// 4. Finish encryption and extract parameters for decryption
std::vector<uint8_t> ciphertext = encCtx->finish();
std::vector<uint8_t> mac = encCtx->getMAC();
std::vector<uint8_t> point = encCtx->getEphemeralKey().toECPoint(...); // See section "Ephemeral Key Encodig Format" for details
// Ciphertext, mac and point need to be available
std::vector<uint8_t> ciphertext = { ... };
std::vector<uint8_t> mac = { ... };
std::vector<uint8_t> point = { ... };
// 1. Read private key from PEM
mococrw::AsymmetricKeypair privKey = mococrw::AsymmetricKeypair::readPrivateKeyFromPEM(secp384KeyPEM, "password");
// 2. Get type of curve from private key
std::shared_ptr<mococrw::ECCSpec> spec;
// Convert returned unique_ptr into shared_ptr
std::shared_ptr<mococrw::AsymmetricKey::Spec> spec_tmp = privKey.getKeySpec();
// Cast shared_ptr<mococrw::AsymmetricKey::Spec> into std::shared_ptr<mococrw::ECCSpec>
spec = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<mococrw::ECCSpec>(spec_tmp);
if (!spec) {
// Error handling
// 3. Re-create ephemeral key
mococrw::AsymmetricPublicKey ephKey = mococrw::AsymmetricPublicKey::fromECPoint(spec, point);
mococrw::ECIESCtxBuilder decBuilder;
// 4. Set new MAC function
auto macFunc = [](const std::vector<uint8_t> &key) -> std::unique_ptr<mococrw::MessageAuthenticationCode> {
return std::make_unique<mococrw::HMAC>(mococrw::openssl::DigestTypes::SHA256, key);
// 5. Set keysize of new MAC function
// (optionally) Set salt for KDF
std::vector<uint8_t> encryptionSalt= { ... };
// 6. Set parameters for decryption
std::unique_ptr<mococrw::ECIESDecryptionCtx> decCtx = decBuilder.buildDecryptionCtx(privKey, ephKey);
// 7. Decrypt
try {
std::vector<uint8_t> result = decCtx->finish();
catch (const MoCOCrWException &e) {
std::cerr << "MAC verification failed" << std::endl;