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File metadata and controls

179 lines (123 loc) · 7.41 KB

New-OutputObject Module

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Description and examples of usage

The PowerShell module intended for preparing PowerShell objects what the next help output filesystem objects, means: files and folders.

The module - since version 0.9.10 - is compatible with PowerShell Core 6.0.0.

Using the New-OutputObject you can prepare files/folders names like

  • a folder name like: <MySuperServer><_><DailyReport><_><1><_><20170508>
New-OutputFolder -OutputFolderNamePrefix MySuperServer -OutputFolderNameMidPart DailyReport -OutputFolderNameSuffix 1 -NamePartsSeparator "_" | Format-List

OutputObjectPath    : C:\Users\UserName\Documents\Scripts\1 - GitHub My\New-OutputObject\MySuperServer_DailyReport_20170723_1
OutputFolderPath    : C:\Users\UserName\Documents\Scripts\1 - GitHub My\New-OutputObject\MySuperServer_DailyReport_20170723_1
ExitCode            : 0
ExitCodeDescription : Everything is fine :-)


  • a file name like: <SuperImportantFile><-><Generated on server><-><SV004>-<20170508-123400>.<pdf>
New-OutputFile -OutputFileNamePrefix SuperImportantFile -OutputFileNameMidPart "Generated on server" -OutputFileNameSuffix $(Get-Item env:computername).Value -OutputFileNameExtension pdf | Format-List

OutputObjectPath    : C:\Users\Wojtek\Documents\Scripts\1 - GitHub My\New-OutputObject\SuperImportantFile-Generated on server-20170723-173456-TEST-COMPUTER.pdf
OutputFilePath      : C:\Users\Wojtek\Documents\Scripts\1 - GitHub My\New-OutputObject\SuperImportantFile-Generated on server-20170723-173456-TEST-COMPUTER.pdf
ExitCode            : 0
ExitCodeDescription : Everything is fine :-)

where any part in "<>" can be provided directly as a parameter of function.

For more examples please use:

  • Get-Help New-OutputObject -Examples
  • Get-Content -Path .\Demo\Demo.txt

Examples are based on Windows.

Functions from the New-OutputObject module do:

  • check if prepared path contains chars what are supported by FileSystem PSProvider
  • check if the provided parent path exist
  • checks if the provided path is writable
  • prepares the file/folder name based on the path, prefix, suffix, date etc.
  • checks if the file/folder already exist and display dialog with a warning and a question about overwrite decission
  • returns the PowerShell object what contains e.g. [System.IO.FileInfo]

Functions from the New-OutputObject don't

  • create file/folder (except that used to check if destination - parent path - is writable but that files/folders are not retained).

Feedbacks and comments

Your comments - preferable via GitHub issues - and pull requests are welcomed.

The current module version: 0.9.14 - 2018-06-04.

The history of versions you can find here.

The module you can download directly from GitHub or from the PowerShellGallery.

New-OutputObject Cmdlets



Function intended for preparing a PowerShell object for output files like reports or logs.


Function intended for preparing a PowerShell custom object what contains e.g. file name for output/create files like reports or log. The name is prepared based on prefix, middle name part, suffix, date, etc. with verification if provided path exist and is it writable.

Supported options
ParameterName DefaultValue Remarks
ParentPath .
OutputFileNamePrefix Output
IncludeDateTimePartInOutputFileName true
DateTimePartInOutputFileName Get-Date
DateTimePartFormat yyyyMMdd-HHmmss
OutputFileNameExtension txt
NamePartsSeparator -
BreakIfError If not used for some non critical errors returned object can't be suitable to create file
Force If used the exising objects will be overwirten without questions
Returned object contains properties
Property name Property type Remarks
OutputObjectPath [System.IO.FileInfo] For an ExitCode=2 OutputObjectPath is equal null
OutputFilePath [System.IO.FileInfo] alias of OutputFilePath
ExitCode [Int]
ExitCodeDescription [String]
Returned exit codes and descriptions
Exit code Description
0 Everything is fine :-)
1 Provided path <PATH> doesn't exist
2 The result name contains unacceptable chars
3 Provided patch <PATH> is not writable
4 The file <PATH>\<FILE_NAME> already exist - can be overwritten
5 The file <PATH>\<FILE_NAME> already exist - can't be overwritten
6 The file <PATH>\<FILE_NAME> already exist - can be overwritten due to used the Force switch

Detailed help and examples for the New-ObjectFile you can find [here](Help/



Function intended for preparing a PowerShell object for output/create folders for reports logs, etc.


Function intended for preparing a PowerShell custom object what contains e.g.folder name for output/create folders. The name is prepared based on prefix, middle name part, suffix, date, etc. with verification if provided path exist and is it writable.

Supported options
ParameterName DefaultValue Remarks
ParentPath .|
OutputFolderNamePrefix Output
IncludeDateTimePartInOutputFolderName true
DateTimePartInOutputFolderName Get-Date
DateTimePartFormat yyyyMMdd
NamePartsSeparator -
BreakIfError If not used for some non critical errors returned object can't be suitable to create Folder
Returned object contains properties
Property name Property type Remarks
OutputObjectPath [System.IO.DirectoryInfo] For an ExitCode=2 OutputObjectPath is equal null
OutputFolderPath [System.IO.DirectoryInfo] alias of OutputFolderPath
ExitCode [Int]
ExitCodeDescription [String]
Returned exit codes and descriptions
Exit code Description
0 Everything is fine :-)
1 Provided parent path <PATH> doesn't exist
2 The result name contains unacceptable chars
3 Provided patch <PATH> is not writable
4 The folder <PATH>\<FOLDER_NAME> already exist - can be overwritten
5 The folder <PATH>\<FOLDER_NAME> already exist - can't be overwritten
6 The file \<FOLDER_NAME> already exist - can be overwritten due to used the Force switch

Detailed help and examples for the New-ObjectFolder you can find [here](Help/


The behaviour of the New-OutputObject is determined by the value of parameter ObjectType what can be: File or Folder. Generally it's a main function, functions New-OutputFile and New-OutputFolder are only proxy to call the New-OutputObject with selected parameter ObjectType.


Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Wojciech Sciesinski
This function is licensed under The MIT License (MIT)
Full license text:


For to do and developments plans please check file.