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Releases: itchyny/gojq

Release v0.10.4

30 Jun 11:25
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  • implement variable in object key (. as $x | { $x: 1 })
  • fix modify operator (|=) with try catch expression
  • fix optional operator (?) with alternative operator (//) in map_values function
  • fix normalizing numeric types for library users
  • export gojq.NewModuleLoader function for library users

Release v0.10.3

06 Jun 04:35
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  • implement add, unique_by, max_by, min_by, reverse by internal functions for performance and reducing the binary size
  • improve performance of setpath, delpaths functions
  • fix assignment against nested slicing ([1,2,3] | .[1:][:1] = [5])
  • limit the array index of assignment operator
  • optimize constant arrays and objects

Release v0.10.2

24 May 12:46
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  • implement sort_by, group_by, bsearch by internal functions for performance and reducing the binary size
  • fix object construction and constant object to allow trailing commas
  • fix tonumber function to allow leading zeros
  • minify the builtin functions to reduce the binary size

Release v0.10.1

24 Apr 01:55
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  • fix array addition not to modify the left hand side

Release v0.10.0

02 Apr 12:43
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  • implement various functions (format, significand, modulemeta, halt_error)
  • implement input, inputs functions
  • implement stream option (--stream)
  • implement slicing with object (.[{"start": 1, "end": 2}])
  • implement NO_COLOR environment variable support
  • implement nul output option (-0, --nul-output)
  • implement exit status option (-e, --exit-status)
  • implement search field of module meta object
  • implement combination of --yaml-input and --slurp
  • improve string token lexer and support nested string interpolation
  • improve the exit code for jq compatibility
  • improve default module search paths for jq compatibility
  • improve documentation for the usage as a library
  • change methods of ModuleLoader optional, implement LoadModuleWithMeta and LoadJSONWithMeta
  • fix number normalization for JSON arguments (--argjson, --slurpfile)
  • fix 0/0 and infinite/infinite
  • fix error function against null

Release v0.9.0

15 Mar 09:31
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  • implement various functions (infinite, isfinite, isinfinite, finites, isnormal, normals)
  • implement environment variables loader as a compiler option
  • implement $NAME::NAME syntax for imported JSON variable
  • fix modify operator with empty against array ([range(9)] | (.[] | select(. % 2 > 0)) |= empty)
  • fix variable and function scopes ({ x: 1 } | . as $x | (.x as $x | $x) | ., $x)
  • fix path analyzer
  • fix type check in startswith and endswith
  • ignore type error of ltrimstr and rtrimstr
  • remove nano seconds from mktime output
  • trim newline at the end of error messages
  • improve documents and examples

Release v0.8.0

01 Mar 16:17
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  • implement format strings (@text, @json, @html, @uri, @csv, @tsv, @sh, @base64, @base64d)
  • implement modules feature (-L option for directory to search modules from)
  • implement options for binding variables from arguments (--arg, --argjson)
  • implement options for binding variables from files (--slurpfile, --rawfile)
  • implement an option for indentation count (--indent)
  • fix isnan for null
  • fix path analyzer
  • fix error after optional operator (1? | .x)
  • add $ENV variable
  • add zsh completion file

Release v0.7.0

22 Dec 13:07
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  • implement YAML input (--yaml-input) and output (--yaml-output)
  • fix pipe in object value (#7)
  • fix precedence of if, try, reduce and foreach expressions (#9)
  • release from GitHub Actions


25 Aug 17:08
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  • implement arbitrary-precision integer calculation
  • implement various functions (repeat, pow10, nan, isnan, nearbyint, halt, INDEX, JOIN, IN)
  • implement long options (--compact-output, --raw-output, etc.)
  • implement join output options (-j, --join-output)
  • implement color/monochrome output options (-C, --color-output, -M, --monochrome-output)
  • refactor builtin functions


03 Aug 00:58
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  • implement various functions (with_entries, from_entries, leaf_paths, contains, inside, split, stream, fromstream, truncate_stream, bsearch, path, paths, map_values, del, delpaths, getpath, gmtime, localtime, mktime, strftime, strflocaltime, strptime, todate, fromdate, now, match, test, capture, scan, splits, sub, gsub, debug, stderr)
  • implement assignment operator (=)
  • implement modify operator (|=)
  • implement update operators (+=, -=, *=, /=, %=, //=)
  • implement destructuring alternative operator (?//)
  • allow function declaration inside query
  • implement -f flag for loading query from file
  • improve error message for parsing multiple line query