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Quickson: Fast JSON Marshaller/Unmarshaller for golang. License

What is a marshaller? Unmarshaller?

Marshal signifies stringify. Unmarshal signifies parse.


Go in your project directory, open a terminal and type the following

go get

Then, in your main.go import the following


How to update

go get -u


  • It is up to 3x as fast as the native one (encoding/json), generaly 2x faster.
  • It is really easy to use.

How to use

  • Converting a struct into JSON:
myConvertedJson := quickson.Marshal(MyInterface)
  • Parsing JSON into a struct:
data := myStruct{}
quickson.Unmarshal(json, &data)
  • Paring JSON into a map/slice/string/bool/int
data := quickson.Unmarshal(json, false)


  • It is best you don't use this tool if you need to marshal complex interfaces, Quickson is not yet capable of converting big interfaces.

Less performance under load?

Here is how to use concurrency with quickson:

result := ""
c := make(chan string)
			go func() {
				c <- quickson.Marshal(MyInterface)
result <- c

How can I test it?

Follow the installation guide run the following code:

package main


type testInterface struct {
  TestField  string           //"This is a test."
  TestPassed map[string]bool  //"My test": true

func main() {
	testVar := testInterface{"This is a test.", map[string]bool{"My test": true}}
	fmt.Printf("This is our struct converted in JSON: %v", quickson.Marshal(testVar))
	//should output {"TestField":"This is a test.","TestPassed":{"My test":true}}