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192 lines (132 loc) · 4.58 KB

File metadata and controls

192 lines (132 loc) · 4.58 KB

Kontrolgruppen development setup

docker compose up --detach
docker compose exec phpfpm composer install

# Run migrations without encryption.
# Reverse patch from composer.json
(cd vendor/doctrine/dbal && patch --strip=1 --reverse < ../../../core/patches/doctrine/dbal/encrypted-table.patch)
# Remove encryption from migrations
sed -i'' 's/ENCRYPTED = YES//g' migrations/Version*.php
docker compose exec phpfpm bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --no-interaction
# Undo changes to migrations.
git checkout migrations/
# Apply patch from composer.json
(cd vendor/doctrine/dbal && patch --strip=1 < ../../../core/patches/doctrine/dbal/encrypted-table.patch)

docker compose exec phpfpm bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
docker compose exec phpfpm bin/console kontrolgruppen:user:login

Starting the show

The docker compose setup uses a custom image hosted on GitHub, and you have to sign in to download this image.

Go to and create a new personal access token with read:packages checked. Save the token in a file, e.g. ~/github-docker-read-token.txt.

Run this command to sign in using your token before pulling docker images (replace USERNAME with your actual GitHub username):

cat ~/github-docker-read-token.txt | docker login -u USERNAME --password-stdin

to sign in (cf.

docker compose pull
docker compose up -d

Open the site in your default browser:

open http://$(docker compose port nginx 80)

Setup for development

# Install dependencies.
composer install

# Migrate database.
# If using docker these bin/console commands should be run from inside the phpfpm container.
docker compose exec phpfpm /app/bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

# Create super admin user.
docker compose exec phpfpm /app/bin/console fos:user:create --super-admin


You can load fixtures by running the command

docker compose exec phpfpm bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load

and then use

docker compose exec phpfpm bin/console kontrolgruppen:user:login

to get a one-time sign in url.

CPR Service

# Make sure that the database is created
docker compose exec borgerdata node createdb.js

# Migrate database
docker compose exec borgerdata yarn knex migrate:latest

# Seed the database
docker compose exec borgerdata yarn knex seed:run

Use maker bundle

To use MakerBundle in Kontrolgruppen\CoreBundle, use the following environment variable:

MAKER_NAMESPACE=Kontrolgruppen\\CoreBundle php bin/console make:entity

This will place the files in the correct location.

Building js assets

Watch for changes in js and css files and build development version:

docker compose run --rm node yarn watch

Coding standards

Check Symfony coding standards using PHP Coding Standards Fixer and PHP_CodeSniffer:

composer check-coding-standards

Apply Symfony coding standards:

composer apply-coding-standards

Twig (experimental)

Check Twig templates using Twigcs:

composer check-coding-standards/twigcs


Check JavaScript files using eslint:

docker compose run --rm node yarn check-coding-standards-js

Apply coding standards:

docker compose run --rm node yarn apply-coding-standards-js


Check SCSS files using stylelint:

docker compose run --rm node yarn check-coding-standards-scss

Apply coding standards:

docker compose run --rm node yarn apply-coding-standards-scss

Code analysis

We use PHPStan and Psalm for static code analysis.

composer code-analysis/phpstan
composer code-analysis/psalm
composer code-analysis # Run both tools

GitHub Actions

All code checks mentioned above are automatically run by GitHub Actions when a pull request is created.

To run the actions locally, install act and run

act -P ubuntu-latest=shivammathur/node:focal pull_request

Use act -P ubuntu-latest=shivammathur/node:focal pull_request --list to see individual workflow jobs that can be run, e.g.

act -P ubuntu-latest=shivammathur/node:focal pull_request --job phpcsfixer