Source code from Behabadi BF, Mel BW Mechanisms underlying subunit independence in pyramidal neuron dendrites PNAS. 2014;111(1) [pubmed]
Adapted from original ModelDB submission, updated to run inside companion docker image.
The code here reproduces Figures 2b-e, 4b-e, and S5b-f from the paper.
# create docker image
cd docker && docker build -t neuron . && cd -
# run simulations
time docker run -it -v /full/path/to/bfb-bwm-2014:/nrn -w /nrn neuron ./
# This will generate 42 h5 files and 44 pkl files in data/ and 3 png files in figs/
Figures 2 and S5 may not exactly match those in paper due to PRNG issues.