Mircea Lungu (mlun@itu.dk
IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Lecture notes for: DevOps, Software Evolution and Software Maintenance
In the last episode...
Monitoring - a tool that allows you to detect problems.
- What are the types of problems detectable by monitoring?
- Does monitoring help you understand why these problems occur?
Monitoring does not explain WHY there was a problem
For the WHY there are other tools
Logging (main topic of today) = understanding general kinds of problems
Profiling = understanding performance problems
Tracing (not today) = understanding problems where the sequence in which requests propagate through distributed systems matter
Logging = the activity of collecting and analyzing data generated by applications, infrastructure, and other components of a system.
Logs =
- streams of
- aggregated
- time-ordered events
- collected from all running processes and backing services
In server-based environments logs are commonly written to a logfile on disk. E.g.,
cat /var/log/auth.log
Running the above command on an Internet-facing server should be a reminder of the importance of security.
There are three main reasons for logging:
- Diagnosis
- Why could the user not login yesterday?
- Why is the service slow?
- Understanding
- How is our system being used?
- Was our server under attack last night?
- Audit trails
- Sometimes logs are legally required (e.g. banking)
- Sometimes they save your business (e.g. your DB model was not updated - but you can still recover info from the logs)
There are three main challenges
Logs can quickly become very large and searching information in them can become tedious and difficult
Complex systems can generate logs in different formats
E.g. look at the following files in /var/log
: auth.log
, apache2/error.log
, nginx/access.log
. Do they use the same format?
Logging can result in very large data that has to be managed.
The situation resulted from the following sequence of unfortunate events
- Logfile grows to multi-GB size in a few months
- Disk becomes full
- To the point of not even being able to ssh into bash
- Solution? Delete files on the server without opening a terminal
Maybe a final conceptual challenge: what stack and architecture do you use for your logging infrastructure?
There are four main practical principles that you should apply when adding logging to your system.
Or, don't hardcode the path to the logfile to which your process writes.
Instead, each process should write to its unbuffered stdout stream.
Advantage is adaptability
In development: the developer looks at the terminal
In deployment: output from process is routed where needed
Different contexts result in different logfiles, e.g. cronjob
What's necessary for?
- Apache
- Credit Suisse
- MiniTwit
Why? Because you avoid ...
duplicated information
- e.g., you don't need log the web server accesses; they're already logged by your web server
information overload on the reader of the logs
wasted disk space
- Allows the user to control the amount of logging (one can easily increase log level if they want to analyze more)
- Intention revealing enables the reader to make sense of the messages
Possible intention revealing classification of log levels in Python with the logging
import sys
import logging
format="%(asctime)-15sZ %(levelname)s [%(module)s] %(message)s",
datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f",
logging.debug("Got here!")
logging.info("User updated preferences.")
logging.warning("Could not retrieve any items from feed.")
logging.error("Google Translate API not answering")
logging.critical("Out of memory")
I remember I was reusing this Python library that would generate a LOT of logs by default, so my own logs were drowning in their's. It is good that the logging package allows you to turn on/off logging per package.
Having all the information in one place ...
- is more efficient than having to search through different files on different machines
- enables correlation analysis
- Developed in 80s
- Standardizes formatting and transmission of logs in a network (RFC 3164 (2001) RFC 5424 (2009))
- Popular in Linux
- General - for any system exchanging logs
A syslog message is structured in a pre-defined format. Most essential elements are timestamp, application, level, and message.
The original protocol defines many facility codes, several examples of which are below.
- kern = Kernel messages
- user = user-level messages
- mail = mail system
- ... etc.
Most of your applications will use the user facility.
Syslog predefines 8 levels of severity for logs, presented in the table below.
Other systems use only a subset of these (e.g. the logging
package in Python).
Syslog proposes a separation between the following roles
- Originator = sender
- Collector = responsible for gathering, receiving, and storing log messages
- Relay = responsible with receiving syslog messages from multiple sources, possibly aggregating them or filtering them, and then forwarding them to one or more destinations
Source: RFC 5424 (2009)
Example of syslog configuration:
cat /etc/rsyslog.conf
One of the most popular solutions at the moment.
Acronym for
- ElasticSearch = Scalable full text search DB
- Logstash = Java-based log parser
- Kibana = Visualization tool tailored for ElasticSearch
Distributed database which
- Provides almost real time full text search
- Implemented as a swarm of ElasticSearch processes where each ES process is indexing documents based on Apache Lucene
- Supports dedicated log indexes
Story: That time in 2022, when we evaluated the performance of MySQL 8.0 Full Text Search vs. ElasticSearch. It was not even funny.
Java-based log parser which ...
- Converts from various log line formats to JSON
- Tails log files and emits events when a new log message is added
- Uses a pattern parsing plugin named Grok
An example configuration for logstash when trying to run it on my mac os looks like below:
input {
file {
path => "/Users/mircea/local/zeeguu/web.log"
filter {
grok {
match => { "message" => "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp} %{DATA:level} %{DATA:process} %{GREEDYDATA:log}" }
date {
match => [ "timestamp" , "dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss Z" ]
output {
elasticsearch {
host => "elasticsearch:9200"
user => "elastic"
password => "changeme"
index => "zeeguu_web_logs"
- Resource hungry
- Not easy to configure and troubleshoot
Visualization tool tailored for ElasticSearch
- Has its own query language: KQL
There are many variations where one component in ELK is replaced with another or new components are introduced.
Filebeat = Log Shipper
- Addresses resource consumption of logstash
- Lightweight agents on different machines send logs to logstash
- Has special plugin for docker -- see your exercises for an example
Filebeat sends data straight to ElasticSearch
If you don't need to parse further the
field -
Used in your exercises example
Redis = in memory data structure that can be used as DB, cache, and message broker
Purpose: prevention of data loss. Can you explain how?
Promtail = agent that ships the contents of local logs
Loki = log aggregation tool developed by Grafana labs
- Lightweight = Only indexes meta-data (so no full text search)
- No distributed architecture for Loki (vs. ES) - but maybe your logging requirements are not that
- Interfaces with Grafana easier
- Set a threshold of time / size
- After which the data in the file is truncated / stored elsewhere
Example configuration on Linux
cat /etc/logrotate.conf
You can use your own logging infra for analytics instead of relying on Google Analytics
Note: More logs => more privacy concerns
- With sufficiently high-resolution logging you can have a practical backup of the state of the database...
- Binary logging in MySQL
- Stream of events that modify the DB
- Can be shipped across machines
- Bitcoin = a big distributed log of all transactions?
- Logs could be an attack vector
- Control access to logs
- Do not log secrets in plaintext
- Do not log user private data: you might have to "GDPR-remove" them
Docker - all logs on a machine can be found in
When using Docker containers - log files are lost when recreating containers
Alternative to
docker logs
isdocker attach
Similarity: often written to the same logfile
Difference: obviously not all logs are crashes
Example of a specialized tool: Sentry
I use this in one of my deployments
LNAV = Log File Navigator (lnav.org)
- Terminal based (as opposed to web-based)
- Can aggregate live multiple files
- Supports basic search from the command line
- Very little resources compared with ElasticSearch / Grafana
Situations encountered in past iterations of this course that might be relevant also for you.
"My group ditched LogStash last year in part because it is slow, but also because .NET had a logging package that seamlessly integrated with ElasticSearch. So we basically just logged straight into ElasticSearch" (DevOps student from 2021)
Q: Hi, we are using Serilog, Elasticsearch and kibana in our application for logging but kibana isn't showing any data. I'm not sure where in the process it is failing and the logs aren't being passed on. I've looked at countless guides and tutorial and our configuration matches those but still haven't been able to get to work. Has anyone had any issues? or can offer help. thanks!
A: Try to debug it step by step. Is the data in ES?
If you know the name of your index, then you can curl localhost:9200/nameofindex/_count
and you should see the number of "documents" (logs) in your case.
if you don't know the name of your index, then try to get all of them with something like curl localhost:9200/_cat/indices
ah, now I see that you have two documents in each one of your indexes. every log message should be a document. you should definitely have more than 2 if your logs are being sent to ES. in fact, if you look at the name of those two indices, they're both named .kibana*
- they are internal kibana indices; you have not succeeded in creating an index or sending any data to elastic search it seems. Probably better do the docker logs
on the elasticsearch container to see whether you can learn something from that!
- ELK - in the past one could reduce the memory allocated to it to about 700MB at the minimum
- At least one group succeeded in integrating Loki & Grafana instead of ELK in their setup