The Namespace Merkle Tree (NMT) library implements the NMT data structure outlined in the NMT spec. In the following sections, we will provide instructions on how to utilize the library to construct an NMT and offer insights into its fundamental methods.
An NMT can be constructed using the New
func New(h hash.Hash, setters ...Option) *NamespacedMerkleTree
It receives a base hash function alongside some optional configurations, namely:
- Namespace ID byte-size: If not specified then a default is applied by the library.
- The initial capacity of the tree i.e., the number of leaves: if not specified, a default is applied.
- The
flag. By default, theIgnoreMaxNamespace
flag is set to true, which is a Celestia-specific feature designed to enhance performance when querying namespaces in the NMT. This is particularly useful when the NMT is built using data items, of which half are associated with reserved namespace IDs (i.e., the highest possible value within the ID size), that do not need to be queried using their namespace IDs. For more information on the flag's interpretation, see section Ignore Max Namespace.
A sample configuration of NMT is provided below:
// Init a tree with sha256 as the base hash function
// namespace size of 1 byte
// initial capacity of 4 leaves
// and with the IgnoreMaxNamespace set to true
tree := New(sha256.New(), NamespaceIDSize(1), InitialCapacity(4), IgnoreMaxNamespace(true))
One can examine the namespace ID size of the tree
func (n *NamespacedMerkleTree) NamespaceSize() namespace.IDSize
idSize := tree.NamespaceSize() // outputs 1
If the NMT is configured with IgnoreMaxNamespace
set to true (the flag is explained here), then the calculation of the namespace ID range of non-leaf nodes in the namespace hash function will change slightly.
That is, when determining the upper limit of the namespace ID range for a tree node, the maximum possible namespace maxPossibleNamespace
should not be taken into account.
(In the preceding code example with the ID size of 1
byte, the value of maxPossibleNamespace
Concretely, for a node n
with children l
and r
, the namespace ID is the largest namespace value from l
and r
smaller than maxPossibleNamespace
, if such a namespace ID exists.
Otherwise, if all candidate values are equal to maxPossibleNamespace
, the namespace ID of n
is set to maxPossibleNamespace
Precisely, if a set C
, l.maxNs
, r.minNs
, r.maxNs
n.maxNs = max(C)
. If C
is empty, n.maxNs = maxPossibleNamespace
Data items are added to the tree using the Push
Data items should be prefixed with namespaces of size set out for the NMT (i.e., tree.NamespaceSize()
) and added in ascending order of their namespace IDs to avoid errors during the Push
Non-compliance with either of these requirements cause Push
to fail.
func (n *NamespacedMerkleTree) Push(namespacedData namespace.PrefixedData) error
d := append(namespace.ID{0}, []byte("leaf_0")...) // the first `tree.NamespaceSize()` bytes of each data item is treated as its namespace ID.
if err := tree.Push(d); err != nil {
// something went wrong
// add a few more data items
d1 := append(namespace.ID{0}, []byte("leaf_1")...)
if err := tree.Push(d1); err != nil {
// something went wrong
d2 := append(namespace.ID{1}, []byte("leaf_2")...)
if err := tree.Push(d2); err != nil {
// something went wrong
d3 := append(namespace.ID{3}, []byte("leaf_3")...)
if err := tree.Push(d3); err != nil {
// something went wrong
The above code snippets generate the NMT illustrated in Figure 1.
The tree employs SHA256 as its underlying hash function and a namespace ID size of 1
Both data items and tree nodes are represented as hexadecimal strings.
To keep the diagram concise, we have only included the first seven digits of each namespace hash's SHA256 value.
00 03 b1c2cc5 Tree Root
/ \
/ \
NsH() NsH()
/ \
/ \
00 00 ead8d25 01 03 52c7c03 Non-Leaf Nodes
/ \ / \
NsH() NsH() NsH() NsH()
/ \ / \
00 00 5fa0c9c 00 00 52385a0 01 01 71ca46a 03 03 b4a2792 Leaf Nodes
| | | |
NsH() NsH() NsH() NsH()
| | | |
00 6c6561665f30 00 6c6561665f31 01 6c6561665f32 03 6c6561665f33 Namespaced Data Items
0 1 2 3 Leaf Indices
Figure 1.
The Root()
method calculates the NMT root based on the data that has been added through the use of the Push
func (n *NamespacedMerkleTree) Root() []byte
For example:
// compute the root
root := tree.Root()
In the provided code example, the root would be 00 03 b1c2cc5
(as also illustrated in Figure 1).
The minimum and maximum namespace IDs of the tree root can be obtained through the following methods:
minNS := nmt.MinNamespace(root, tree.NamespaceSize())
maxNS := nmt.MaxNamespace(root, tree.NamespaceSize())
The minNs
and maxNs
are equal to 00
and 03
in the supplied example.
The ProveNamespace
method can be used to generate a namespace proof for a specific namespace ID.
func (n *NamespacedMerkleTree) ProveNamespace(nID namespace.ID) (Proof, error)
For example:
nID := namespace.ID{0}
proof, err := tree.ProveNamespace(nID)
if err != nil {
panic("unexpected error")
The returned proof is of the following structure:
type Proof struct {
start int
end int
nodes [][]byte
leafHash []byte
isMaxNamespaceIDIgnored bool
The fields can be interpreted as follows:
start, end
: They represent the starting index and the ending index of leaves that match the provided namespace ID nID
Note that end
is non-inclusive.
: The nodes
hold the tree nodes necessary for the Merkle range proof of [start, end)
ordered according to in-order traversal of the tree.
embodies an ordered list of byte slices, where each byte slice contains an NMT node.
Nodes have identical size and all follow the namespaced hash format.
In the example given earlier, each node is 34
bytes in length and takes the following form: minNs<1 byte>||maxNs<1 byte>||h<32 byte>
: This field is non-empty only for absence proofs and contains a leaf hash required for such a proof (see namespace absence proofs section).
: If this field is true, then namespace range of the tree nodes are set as explained in the Ignore Max Namespace section.
The correctness of a namespace Proof
for a specific namespace ID nID
can be verified using the VerifyNamespace
func (proof Proof) VerifyNamespace(h hash.Hash, nID namespace.ID, leaves [][]byte, root []byte) bool
MUST be the same as the underlying hash function used to generate the proof, otherwise, the verification fails.nID
is the namespace ID for which theproof
is generated.leaves
holds leaves of the NMT in the range of[proof.start, proof.end)
. For an absenceproof
, theleaves
are empty.leaves
MUST be 1) namespace-prefixed 2) ordered according to their index in the tree, withleaves[0]
corresponding to the leaf at indexstart
, and the last element in leaves corresponding to the leaf at indexend-1
is the root of the NMT against which theproof
is verified.
leaves := [][]byte{
append(namespace.ID{0}, []byte("leaf_0")...),
append(namespace.ID{0}, []byte("leaf_1")...),
if proof.VerifyNamespace(sha256.New(), namespace.ID{0}, leaves, root) {
fmt.Printf("Successfully verified namespace: %x\n", namespace.ID{0})