All notable changes to XVIZ will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning
- XVIZ GLB data encoded with AVS_xviz extension & 1.1.0 (#462)
- Change use of 'Frame' to 'Message' in XVIZ (#467)
- Schema change remove "position" as required field for images (#458)
- @xviz/server module (#453)
- Add getXVIZMessageType() to return the XVIZ type with minimal parsing (#451)
- API Audit - rename confusing parser functions (#459)
- New module @xviz/io consolidates general reading and writing (#435)
- Add getXVIZMessageType() to return the XVIZ type with minimal parsing (#451)
- Maintain xviz compatibility after parsing (#442)
- Reduce worker size
- Enable flattened arrays (#430)
- Upgrade to v1 (#429)
- Upgrade (#427)
- Spec: change Pose 'mapOrigin' to 'map_origin' to conform to snake_case (#395)
- Update docker tests to newer version of Node (#416)
- Switch treetable integer type to int32 (#411)
- Update demo app instructions (#405)
- Fix incorrect API to validate metadata
- Upgrade to fix issue with npm install (#393)
- fix kitti demo object trajectory (#351)
- Update coveralls to 3.0.0 to drop insecure dependencies (#383)
- Bump package version to get security fixes (#382)
- XVIZ cli tool documentation for the existing command (#376)
- improve binary support (#369)
- Remove loResTime logic in base synchronizer (#377)
- Fix xviz cli updates (#367)
- XVIZStreamBuffer perf (#379)
- Allow missing primary pose (#348)
- Allow sending nested JSON string to parseStreamMessage (#339)
- Improve point cloud construction perf (#340)
- Ensure we have 3 values for vertices (#329)
Initial beta release