- Support for Python3
- Added Cache system to reduce time and DB accesses.
- Implemented Binance #3
- Added HDF5 Filetype support.
- Added Codecy badge.
- Implemented new unit tests to more aux funcs.
- Improved performance on csv reading method.
- Added count_lines func and its test func.
- Minor changes in log system.
- Decorators replaced to run inside lib.
- Added new unittests for backtest, backtest_market, etc.
- New file management system to improve multiprocessing analysis.
- Added decorator to prevent fatal faults in data analysis.
- Added new options to define system performance.
- Fixed concurrent writing.
- Improved log system and info.
- Fixed setup.py for Travis-CI builds.
- Introduced unittests fr aux.py functions.
- Added support for coveralls.io.
- Corrected some bugs related to realtime mode.
- Added real buy and sell functions.
- Implemented basic Risk Management module.
- Added get_order func to lib_bittrex.
- Improved performance in realtime func.
- Removed unused imported functions.
- Added Trailing Stop Loss function.
- Added Stop Loss function.
- Started introducing framework to work with Binance Exchange.
- Added Travis CI file for building tests.
- Added timeit decorator to control backtests execution time.
- Backtest() runs based on market files.
- Implemented backtest() with multiprocessing.
- Added setup.py.
- Added OpenSellOrders and OpenBuyOrders to get_last_data().
- Added menu to README.md.
- Fixed error with OpenSellOrders and OpenBuyOrders in realtime().
- Added filter realtime() by main market.