Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | int | The check account transaction id | [optional] [readonly] |
object_name | string | The check account transaction object name | [optional] [readonly] [default to 'CheckAccountTransaction'] |
create | \DateTime | Date of check account transaction creation | [optional] [readonly] |
update | \DateTime | Date of last check account transaction update | [optional] [readonly] |
sev_client | \Itsmind\Sevdesk\Model\ModelCheckAccountTransactionSevClient | [optional] | |
value_date | \DateTime | Date the check account transaction was booked | |
entry_date | \DateTime | Date the check account transaction was imported | [optional] |
paymt_purpose | string | The purpose of the transaction | [optional] |
amount | float | Amount of the transaction | |
payee_payer_name | string | Name of the other party | |
payee_payer_acct_no | string | IBAN or account number of the other party | [optional] |
payee_payer_bank_code | string | BIC or bank code of the other party | [optional] |
check_account | \Itsmind\Sevdesk\Model\ModelCheckAccountTransactionCheckAccount | ||
status | int | Status of the check account transaction.<br> 100 <-> Created<br> 200 <-> Linked<br> 300 <-> Private<br> 400 <-> Booked | |
source_transaction | \Itsmind\Sevdesk\Model\ModelCheckAccountTransactionSourceTransaction | [optional] | |
target_transaction | \Itsmind\Sevdesk\Model\ModelCheckAccountTransactionTargetTransaction | [optional] |