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# ModelVoucher


Name Type Description Notes
id int The voucher id [optional] [readonly]
object_name string The voucher object name [default to 'Voucher']
map_all bool
create \DateTime Date of voucher creation [optional] [readonly]
update \DateTime Date of last voucher update [optional] [readonly]
sev_client \Itsmind\Sevdesk\Model\ModelVoucherSevClient [optional]
create_user \Itsmind\Sevdesk\Model\ModelVoucherCreateUser [optional]
voucher_date \DateTime Needs to be provided as timestamp or [optional]
supplier \Itsmind\Sevdesk\Model\ModelVoucherSupplier [optional]
supplier_name string The supplier name.<br> The value you provide here will determine what supplier name is shown for the voucher in case you did not provide a supplier. [optional]
description string The description of the voucher. Essentially the voucher number. [optional]
pay_date \DateTime Needs to be timestamp or [optional]
status float Please have a look in <a href='#tag/Voucher/Types-and-status-of-vouchers'>status of vouchers</a> to see what the different status codes mean
sum_net float Net sum of the voucher [optional] [readonly]
sum_tax float Tax sum of the voucher [optional] [readonly]
sum_gross float Gross sum of the voucher [optional] [readonly]
sum_net_accounting float Net accounting sum of the voucher. Is usually the same as sumNet [optional] [readonly]
sum_tax_accounting float Tax accounting sum of the voucher. Is usually the same as sumTax [optional] [readonly]
sum_gross_accounting float Gross accounting sum of the voucher. Is usually the same as sumGross [optional] [readonly]
sum_discounts float Sum of all discounts in the voucher [optional] [readonly]
sum_discounts_foreign_currency float Discounts sum of the voucher in the foreign currency [optional] [readonly]
paid_amount float Amount which has already been paid for this voucher by the customer [optional] [readonly]
tax_rule \Itsmind\Sevdesk\Model\ModelVoucherTaxRule
tax_type string Use this in sevdesk-Update 1.0 (instead of taxRule). Tax type of the voucher. There are four tax types: 1. default - Umsatzsteuer ausweisen 2. eu - Steuerfreie innergemeinschaftliche Lieferung (Europäische Union) 3. noteu - Steuerschuldnerschaft des Leistungsempfängers (außerhalb EU, z. B. Schweiz) 4. custom - Using custom tax set 5. ss - Not subject to VAT according to §19 1 UStG Tax rates are heavily connected to the tax type used.
credit_debit string Defines if your voucher is a credit (C) or debit (D)
voucher_type string Type of the voucher. For more information on the different types, check <a href='#tag/Voucher/Types-and-status-of-vouchers'>this</a>
currency string specifies which currency the voucher should have. Attention: If the currency differs from the default currency stored in the account, then either the &quot;propertyForeignCurrencyDeadline&quot; or &quot;propertyExchangeRate&quot; parameter must be specified. If both parameters are specified, then the &quot;propertyForeignCurrencyDeadline&quot; parameter is preferred [optional]
property_foreign_currency_deadline \DateTime Defines the exchange rate day and and then the exchange rate is set from sevdesk. Needs to be provided as timestamp or [optional]
property_exchange_rate float Defines the exchange rate [optional]
recurring_interval string The DateInterval in which recurring vouchers are generated.<br> Necessary attribute for all recurring vouchers. [optional] [readonly]
recurring_start_date \DateTime The date when the recurring vouchers start being generated.<br> Necessary attribute for all recurring vouchers. [optional] [readonly]
recurring_next_voucher \DateTime The date when the next voucher should be generated.<br> Necessary attribute for all recurring vouchers. [optional] [readonly]
recurring_last_voucher \DateTime The date when the last voucher was generated. [optional] [readonly]
recurring_end_date \DateTime The date when the recurring vouchers end being generated.<br> Necessary attribute for all recurring vouchers. [optional] [readonly]
enshrined \DateTime Enshrined vouchers cannot be changed. Can only be set via Voucher/{voucherId}/enshrine. This operation cannot be undone. [optional] [readonly]
tax_set \Itsmind\Sevdesk\Model\ModelVoucherTaxSet [optional]
payment_deadline \DateTime Payment deadline of the voucher. [optional]
delivery_date \DateTime Needs to be provided as timestamp or [optional]
delivery_date_until \DateTime Needs to be provided as timestamp or [optional]
document \Itsmind\Sevdesk\Model\ModelVoucherDocument [optional]
cost_centre \Itsmind\Sevdesk\Model\ModelVoucherCostCentre [optional]

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