SwiftMesh is a secondary encapsulation based on Alamofire and Codable, uses Combine and Swift Concurrency, supports SwiftUI and UIKit, removes closure callbacks, is more concise, faster, and more convenient to use.
The design patterns involved are: adapter, singleton, etc.
import UIKit
import Combine
import SwiftMesh
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var request = RequestModel()
private var cancellables: Set<AnyCancellable> = []
override func viewDidLoad() {
.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
.sink { (model) in
print("请求数据Model \(String(describing: model))")
}.store(in: &cancellables)
.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
.sink { (model) in
print("请求数据Model \(String(describing: model))")
}.store(in: &cancellables)
struct SwiftUIView: View {
@StateObject var request = RequestModel()
var body: some View {
Text("Hello, World!")
Text(request.cityResult?.message ?? "")
Text(request.yesterday?.notice ?? "")
Set default parameters —setDefaultParameters
// MARK: 设置默认参数 /// 设置默认参数 /// - Parameter parameters: 默认参数 func setDefaultParameters(_ parameters: [String: Any]?) -> Self
Set default header —setGlobalHeaders
// MARK: 设置全局 headers /// 设置全局 headers /// - Parameter headers:全局 headers func setGlobalHeaders(_ headers: HTTPHeaders?) -> Self
The configuration file of the network request is used to set the request timeout, request method, parameters, header, API address, upload form, etc., and the response returned after the request is completed.
func logStatus(_ log: LogLevel) -> Self
/// 超时配置
func timeout(_ timeout: TimeInterval) -> Self
func interceptor(_ interceptor: RequestInterceptor?) -> Self
/// 请求方式
func requestMethod(_ requestMethod: HTTPMethod) -> Self
/// 添加请求头
func addHeads(_ addHeads: HTTPHeaders?) -> Self
/// 请求编码
func requestEncoding(_ requestEncoding: ParameterEncoding) -> Self
/// 请求地址
func url(_ url: String?) -> Self
///参数 表单上传也用
func parameters(_ parameters: [String: Any]?) -> Self
func downloadType(_ downloadType: DownloadType) -> Self
func destination(_ destination: @escaping DownloadRequest.Destination) -> Self
func resumeData(_ resumeData: Data?) -> Self
func uploadType(_ uploadType: UploadType) -> Self
func fileURL(_ fileURL: URL?) -> Self
func fileData(_ fileData: Data?) -> Self
func stream(_ stream: InputStream?) -> Self
func uploadDatas(_ uploadDatas: [MultipleUpload]) -> Self
/// 表单数组快速添加表单
/// - Parameters:
/// - name: 表单 name 必须
/// - fileName: 文件名
/// - fileData: 文件 Data
/// - fileURL: 文件地址
/// - mimeType: 数据类型
func addformData(name: String,
fileName: String? = nil,
fileData: Data? = nil,
fileURL: URL? = nil,
mimeType: String? = nil) -> Self
Please create it yourself based on your usage. Use ObservableObject to facilitate the mixed development of SwiftUI and UIKit, combined with Combine. Use case reference Request class:
class RequestModel: ObservableObject {
@MainActor @Published var yesterday: Forecast?
@MainActor @Published var cityResult: CityResult?
func getAppliances() {
Task {
do {
// Only parse the required part of the path
let data =
try await Mesh.shared
.request(of: Forecast.self, modelKeyPath: "data.yesterday")
await MainActor.run {
self.yesterday = data
} catch let error {
print(error. localizedDescription)
pod 'SwiftMesh'
to Podfile -
pod install or pod update
import SwiftMesh
Starting from Xcode 11, the Swift Package Manager is integrated, which is very convenient to use. SwiftMesh also supports integration via the Swift Package Manager.
Select File > Swift Packages > Add Pacakage Dependency
in Xcode's menu bar, and enter in the search bar
, you can complete the integration and rely on Alamofire by default.
SwiftMesh also supports manual integration, just drag the SwiftMesh folder in the Sources folder into the project that needs to be integrated