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57 lines (47 loc) · 3.69 KB



A small helper library to download atomic data from the NIST Atomic Spectra Database.


This loads the library and requests atomic data for singly ionized helium, energies in electronvolt:

using AtomicData
using Unitful
using DataFrames

first(get_nist_data("He II", u"eV"), 6)
6×7 DataFrame
│ Row │ Configuration │ Term    │ J         │ Level      │ Uncertainty │ Leading percentages │ Reference │
│     │ String⍰       │ String⍰ │ Rationa…⍰ │ Union…⍰    │ Union…⍰     │ Int64⍰              │ String⍰   │
│ 1   │ 1s            │ 2S      │ 1//2      │ 0.0 eV     │ 2.5e-8 eV   │ 100                 │ missing   │
│ 2   │ 2p            │ 2P*     │ 1//2      │ 40.813 eV  │ 3.0e-7 eV   │ 100                 │ L3620c107 │
│ 3   │ 2p            │ 2P*     │ 3//2      │ 40.8138 eV │ 3.0e-7 eV   │ 100                 │ L3620c107 │
│ 4   │ 2s            │ 2S      │ 1//2      │ 40.8131 eV │ 3.0e-7 eV   │ 100                 │ L3620c107 │
│ 5   │ 3p            │ 2P*     │ 1//2      │ 48.3713 eV │ 3.0e-7 eV   │ 100                 │ L3620c107 │
│ 6   │ 3p            │ 2P*     │ 3//2      │ 48.3715 eV │ 3.0e-7 eV   │ 100                 │ L3620c107 │

Same as above, but for singly ionized xenon instead, in units of Rydbergs:

first(get_nist_data("Xe II", u"Ry"), 6)
6×7 DataFrame
│ Row │ Configuration  │ Term    │ J         │ Level        │ Uncertainty │ Lande    │ Reference │
│     │ String⍰        │ String⍰ │ Rationa…⍰ │ Union…⍰      │ Union…⍰     │ Float64⍰ │ String⍰   │
│ 1   │ 5p5            │ 2P*     │ 3//2      │ 0.0 Ry       │ missing     │ missing  │ L6925     │
│ 2   │ 5p5            │ 2P*     │ 1//2      │ 0.0960203 Ry │ missing     │ missing  │ L6925     │
│ 3   │ 5s.5p6         │ 2S      │ 1//2      │ 0.828103 Ry  │ missing     │ 2.02     │ L6925     │
│ 4   │ 5p4.(3P<2>).6s │ 2[2]    │ 5//2      │ 0.848102 Ry  │ missing     │ 1.56     │ L6925     │
│ 5   │ 5p4.(3P<2>).6s │ 2[2]    │ 3//2      │ 0.86629 Ry   │ missing     │ 1.38     │ L6925     │
│ 6   │ 5p4.(3P<2>).5d │ 2[2]    │ 5//2      │ 0.869319 Ry  │ missing     │ 1.36     │ L6925     │