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Setting up frames_setup.xml

Jahir Fiquitiva edited this page Mar 18, 2020 · 2 revisions

You will find this file in app/src/main/res/values/frames_setup.xml.

There are quite a lot of options here, and each section has a comment explaining what you should edit.

Here is what the main part of the file looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!--suppress CheckTagEmptyBody -->
<resources xmlns:tools="" tools:ignore="MissingTranslation">

    <!--    This is the link for the JSON file where you have listed your wallpapers -->
    <string name="json_url"></string>

    Enable immediate download
    When set to false, users must wait 3 hours after installing the app to be able to download
    any wallpapers
    <bool name="allow_immediate_downloads">true</bool>

    Do you want notifications to be enabled for all your users?
    True means yes
    False means no
    <bool name="notifications_enabled_by_default">true</bool>

    <!-- Choose whether you want colored tiles by default -->
    <bool name="enable_colored_tiles">false</bool>

    <!-- Choose whether you want filled collection preview by default -->
    <bool name="enable_filled_collection_preview">false</bool>

    <!-- Privacy Policy link or url -->
    <string name="privacy_policy_link">""</string>

    <!-- Terms and Conditions link or url -->
    <string name="terms_conditions_link">""</string>

    Show a custom image as placeholder while loading wallpapers or collections
    Use drawable name without extensions
    <string name="wallpapers_placeholder" translatable="false"></string>
    <string name="collections_placeholder" translatable="false"></string>

    <!-- These are your donation items. Only put their ids here -->
    <string-array name="donation_items"></string-array>