(all changes without author notice are by @jakbzhao, Bo Zhao)
- update the version of the prerequisite javascript libraries.
- add script function for each scene.
- update to Bootstrap 4
- using Material icon instead of glyphicon.
- add a paypal donation badge.
- Change the option name 'breakpointPos to triggerPos'
- change the image out of info panel issue.
- Bivariate Choropleth Pallete Generator.
- Fixed bugs
- Progress Line
- change the navbar class to navwidget, in order to be compatible with Boostraps's navbar elements
- update the scrolling function.
- change the place holder.
- enrich the 3d storymap.
- make this lib more depends on jquery.
- define the placeholder class.
- add a navigation bar.
- add animated.css included, then the arrow down icon is animated.
- fullpage feature works on IE.
- update several bugs
- add the home icon for the last scene.
- add fullpage feature. only works for chrome.
- add .gitignore file to remove .idea folder.
- fix the the map view issue when the width is less than 768px
- update the class for button from social to btn
- add the changelog.md
An in-progress version being developed on the master