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File metadata and controls

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I just wanted to share how I backup my self hosted Bitwarden server on Ubuntu 18.04.


  1. Have a Google Cloud Platform Account (GCP)

  2. Create two Storage buckets - one for the encrypted backups and one for the encrypt keys. I recommend making these coldline buckets with a retention policy of 90 days for cost purposes.

  3. Install Cloud SDK/gsutil and do "gcloud init" to give your install access to your GCP account.

  4. Create a directory on your server to temp store backups prior to upload to GCP. I use /backups/bitwarden. I store my scripts in /backups/scripts.

  5. Generate a private key:

    openssl genrsa -out /backups/scripts/bitwarden.pem 2048

  6. Generate a public key from your private key:

    openssl rsa -in /backups/scripts/bitwarden.pem -out /backups/scripts/ -outform PEM -pubout

  7. Save your private key somewhere safe and delete/shred it on your Bitwarden server. If you lose this you will not be able to decrypt your backups.

Save the script as somewhere and chmod +X it.

I set this up to run nightly with a cron job:

0 0 * * * /location/of/script/./ > /backups/scripts/logs/log.txt    

To decrypt your backup you'd just do something similar to:

openssl rsautl -decrypt -inkey /path/to/private/key.pem -in /path/to/encrypted/backup/pass_04_27_2018.tar.gz.enc -out pass.bin #decrypt your key
openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -d -pass file:/path/to/decrypted/pass.bin -in /path/to/encrypted/bitwarden_04_27_2018.tar.gz.enc -out bitwarden.tar.gz #decrypt your backup

To restore your backup you would stop the Bitwarden service, restore the entire bwdata folder from backup then restart the Bitwarden service.

I plan on cleaning up this script eventually but this works great for now. I've restored twice using this backup method.