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Getting Started with Core_bench

Roshan James edited this page Dec 2, 2013 · 9 revisions

Core_bench is a micro-benchmarking library for OCaml that can measure execution costs of operations that take 1ns to about 100ms. Core_bench tries to measure execution costs of such short-lived computations precisely while trying to account for delayed GC costs and noise introduced by other activity on the system.

The easiest way to get started is using an example:

open Core.Std
open Core_bench.Std

let main () =
  Random.self_init ();
  let x = Random.float 10.0 in
  let y = Random.float 10.0 in
  Core.Std.printf "x=%f y =%f\n%!" x y; (Bench.make_command [
    Bench.Test.create ~name:"Float add" (fun () ->
      ignore (x +. y));
    Bench.Test.create ~name:"Float mul" (fun () ->
      ignore (x *. y));
    Bench.Test.create ~name:"Float div" (fun () ->
      ignore (x /. y));

let () = main ()

When compiled this gives you an executable:

$ ./z.exe 
Estimated testing time 30s (3 benchmarks x 10s). Change using -quota SECS.
│ Name      │ Time/Run │ mWd/Run │ Percentage │
│ Float add │   2.53ns │   2.00w │     41.04% │
│ Float mul │   2.50ns │   2.00w │     40.63% │
│ Float div │   6.16ns │   2.00w │    100.00% │

If any of the function resulted in allocation of words on the major heap (mjWd) or promotions, columns corresponding to those would be automatically displayed. In general, if a column does not have sginificant values, the column is not displayed. The most common options one would want to change are the -q flag which controls the time quota for testing and enabling/disabling specific columns.

In the simple case, a benchmark is simply a unit -> unit thunk and a name:

    Bench.Test.create ~name:"Float add" (fun () -> ignore (x +. y));

One can also create indexed benchmarks, which can be helpful in understanding non-linearities in the execution profiles of functions. For example:

open Core.Std
open Core_bench.Std

let main () = (Bench.make_command [
      (fun len ->
         Staged.stage (fun () -> ignore(Array.create ~len 0)));

let () = main ()

which produces:

$ ./z.exe -q 3
Estimated testing time 18s (6 benchmarks x 3s). Change using -quota SECS.
│ Name             │   Time/Run │ mWd/Run │ mjWd/Run │ Percentage │
│ Array.create:1   │    26.60ns │   2.00w │          │      0.99% │
│ Array.create:10  │    35.29ns │  11.00w │          │      1.31% │
│ Array.create:100 │   108.39ns │ 101.00w │          │      4.03% │
│ Array.create:200 │   178.45ns │ 201.00w │          │      6.64% │
│ Array.create:300 │ 1_996.86ns │         │  301.00w │     74.25% │
│ Array.create:400 │ 2_689.28ns │         │  401.00w │    100.00% │

Core_bench produces self documenting executables. This documentation also closely corresponds to the functionality exposed through the .mli file and is a great way to interactively explore what the various options do. At the time of this writing -? displays:

Benchmark for Float add, Float mul, Float div

  z.exe [COLUMN ...]

Columns that can be specified are:
	time       - Number of nano secs taken.
	cycles     - Number of CPU cycles (RDTSC) taken.
	alloc      - Allocation of major, minor and promoted words.
	gc         - Show major and minor collections per 1000 runs.
	percentage - Relative execution time as a percentage.
	speedup    - Relative execution cost as a speedup.
	samples    - Number of samples collected for profiling.

Columns with no significant values will not be displayed. The
following columns will be displayed by default:
	time alloc percentage

Error Estimates
To display error estimates, prefix the column name (or
regression) with a '+'. Example +time.

(1) R^2 is the fraction of the variance of the responder (such as
runtime) that is accounted for by the predictors (such as number of
runs).  More informally, it describes how good a fit we're getting,
with R^2 = 1 indicating a perfect fit and R^2 = 0 indicating a
horrible fit. Also see:

(2) Bootstrapping is used to compute 95% confidence intervals
for each estimate.

Because we expect runtime to be very highly correlated with number of
runs, values very close to 1 are typical; an R^2 value for 'time' that
is less than 0.99 should cause some suspicion, and a value less than
0.9 probably indicates either a shortage of data or that the data is
erroneous or peculiar in some way.

Specifying additional regressions
The builtin in columns encode common analysis that apply to most
functions. Bench allows the user to specify custom analysis to help
understand relationships specific to a particular function using the
flag "-regression" . It is worth noting that this feature requires
some understanding of both linear regression and how various quatities
relate to each other in the OCaml runtime.  To specify a regression
one must specify the responder variable and a command separated list
of predictor variables.

For example: +Time:Run,mjGC,Comp

which asks bench to estimate execution time using three predictors
namely the number of runs, major GCs and compaction stats and display
error estimates. Drop the prefix '+' to suppress error estimation. The
variables available for regression include:
	Time  - Time
	Cycls - Cycles
	Run   - Runs per sampled batch
	mGC   - Minor Collections
	mjGC  - Major Collections
	Comp  - Compactions
	mWd   - Minor Words
	mjWd  - Major Words
	Prom  - Promoted Words
	One   - Constant predictor for estimating measurement overhead

=== flags ===

  [-all-values]         Show all column values, including very small ones.
  [-ascii]              Display data in simple ascii based tables.
  [-ci-absolute]        Display 95% confidence interval in absolute numbers
  [-clear-columns]      Don't display default columns. Only show user specified
  [-display STYLE]      Table style (short, tall, line, blank or column).
                        Default short.
  [-fork]               Fork and run each benchmark in separate child-process
  [-geometric SCALE]    Use geometric sampling. (default 1.01)
  [-linear INCREMENT]   Use linear sampling to explore number of runs, example
  [-load FILE]          Analyze previously saved data files and
                        don't run tests. [-load] can be specified multiple
  [-no-compactions]     Disable GC compactions.
  [-overheads]          Show measurement overheads, when applicable.
  [-quota SECS]         Time quota allowed per test (default 10s).
  [-reduced-bootstrap]  Reduce the number of bootstrapping iterations
  [-regression REGR]    Specify additional regressions (See -? help).
  [-save]               Save benchmark data to .txt files.
  [-stabilize-gc]       Stabilize GC between each sample capture.
  [-v]                  High verbosity level.
  [-width WIDTH]        width limit on column display (default 200).
  [-build-info]         print info about this build and exit
  [-version]            print the version of this build and exit
  [-help]               print this help text and exit
                        (alias: -?)
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