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WARNING: tween was overwritten by another

janpaepke edited this page Oct 14, 2014 · 8 revisions


This error occurs when two tweens animate the same property of an element and are triggered in short succession.

A common example for this is using one scene to fade an element in and another to fade it out.
If the user scrolls very fast past them or uses the home and end keys to jump past them, visual errors occur like the element being stuck at 10% opacity.

The phenomenon was first adequately discussed in Issue 145.


In GSAP a tween will overwrite any previously running tween, as soon as it is triggered and has conflicting parameters. This is default behavior due to the setting of TweenLite.defaultOverwrite.
Since the first tween most of the time has already entered render state and rendered its first frame, when the second is triggered, this will be the faulty start position for our second tween (and the explanation for the 'stuck at 10% opacity' behavior).


There are three possible approaches to resolve this issue:

A: Giving the scenes a duration

This issue only occurs if the scenes have no duration and the tweens are just played.
So the easiest way to resolve it is by giving the scenes a duration and thus binding the animation to the scroll position. This is not always the desired behavior, so you'll have to check out B or C.

B: Disabling overwrite and using fromTo()

For this solution the overwrite behavior needs to be disabled so tweens that are overwritten and only have one property aren't completely destroyed. This can be done globally using TweenLite.defaultOverwrite = false; or individually by supplying the overwrite option to the tween (see example). It is also important that all but the first tween get the option immediateRender: false so it will be the only one that is set to its start position upon init. Here's an example:

var scene1 = new ScrollScene({
        offset: 10,
        duration: 30
    .setTween(TweenMax.fromTo($s, 0.2, {opacity: 0}, {opacity: 1}))

var scene2 = new ScrollScene({
        offset: 100,
        duration: 30
    .setTween(TweenMax.fromTo($s, 0.2, {opacity: 1}, {opacity: 0, immediateRender: false}))

You can check it out in detail here:

C: Using to() inside of event listeners based on scrollDirection

With this solution we actually take advantage of GSAP's overwrite functionality. Instead of defining a tween and playing it forward or reverse, we just create a new one everytime we hit the trigger position.
The one that is currently running will be overwritten and stopped. Unlike with solution B the animation will always start from the current value.

$s.css("opacity", 0); // starting value
var scene1 = new ScrollScene({
        offset: 10
    .on("start", function (e) {$s, 0.2, {opacity: e.scrollDirection === "FORWARD" ? 1 : 0});

var scene2 = new ScrollScene({
        offset: 50
    .on("start", function (e) {$s, 0.2, {opacity: e.scrollDirection === "FORWARD" ? 0 : 1});

To see it in action see click here:

How to decide

The solution to chose much depends on the visual outcome you are trying to achieve.

  • Use A if you don't care if the animation just plays and want the easiest possible fix.
  • Use B if you want the animations always to be played from a certain start or end point.
  • Use C if you want the animations always to be played from the current start or end point.


Troubleshooting Guide

Getting Started

First Steps
How to use ScrollMagic
Using AMD (i.e. requirejs)


What are Tweens (and their projected duration)
What are Pins
Scene trigger position


basic pin w/multiple scenes
basic tween w/multiple scenes
anchor navigation
using ScrollMagic with OnePageScroll
using ScrollMagic with Tween.js

Getting Started (v2)

  1. Setup
  2. First Tween
  3. First Pin
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