All notable changes to livewire-alert
will be documented in this file
- initial release
- Added Livewire 2.0 support
- Laravel 8.0 support
- Removed LivewireAlert trait
- Added livewire component macro for calling alert directly instead of using trait on each livewire components.
- Fixed Laravel 8.0 and livewire 2.0 conflict because of blade directive for scripts.
- Added script component to embed sweetalert2
- Added support for session flash messages out-of-the-box.
- Added support for alert confirmation.
- Added PHP 8.0 support
- Added multiple confirmation alerts on a single livewire component
- Refactor confirmation alerts to use livewire event listeners to handle callbacks.
- Removed the need to use Alpine.js, it's no longer required.
- Refactor Alpine.js code to vanilla js for alert confirmation.
- Refactor alert javascript codes.
- Added config.php file with default SweetAlert2 config.
- Removed SweetAlert2 script tag, should no longer be included by default.
- Separate config array for alert and confirm
- Added publishable config
- Optimize blade component script code to utilize config
- Added more default config to livewire-alert.php
- Fixed unable to install livewire alert in laravel 8.20.1
- Fixed flash null config issue #28
- Unable to resolve dependency [Parameter #0 [ $id ]]
- Support sending additional params on confirm #29 fix for issue #38
- Fix js errors in old browsers (#40)
- Unexpected token '?' on Safari #27
- Allow users to override alert config