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Expr object

An Expr is an expression (or a function, or a procedure), in some embedded language that can be evaluated by GraalVM.

There are many ways to create an Expr instance:

import org.graalvm.polyglot.Value
import japgolly.scalagraal._
import japgolly.scalagraal.js._
import GraalJs._

// Pass in code directly

// Return your own values without interacting with the embedded language

// Declare functions that are expected to exist in the embedded language
// (Change the "2" here to any arity.)
var mathPow: (Int, Int) => Expr[Int] =
  Expr.fn2[Int, Int]("Math.pow").compile(_.asInt)
//         ^^^^^^^^ fn inputs              ^^^^^ fn output

// You can do the same for your own expressions that take arguments
mathPow = Expr.apply2[Int, Int]((a, b) => s"$b == 0 ? 1 : Math.pow($a, $b)").compile(_.asInt)

// To apply arguments to your function, just call it.
// This is equivalent to "Math.pow(2, 4)" in JS.
var pow_2_4: Expr[Int] =
  mathPow(2, 4)

// You don't need to prepare functions as a separate step; you can evaluate expressions directly.
// (Note: if you're going to call your function repeatedly, it'll run faster if you prepare it in
//        a separate step like above, because scala-graal will pre-compile it.)
pow_2_4 = Expr.apply2((a, b) => s"Math.pow($a, $b)", 2, 4).asInt

// There are helpers for collections too.

// We've got good old "traverse", except its called "distribute" here
// because we're not traversing an Expr, it's a Scala collection that is traversed.
val names = List[String]( /* ... */ )
val nameLengths: Expr[List[Int]] =
  Expr.distribute(names)(name =>
    Expr.apply1(n => s"$n.length", name).asInt)

// We've got good old "sequence", except its called "cosequence" here
// because we're on the other side of the coin and don't have a "traverse"
// for Expr. See how we flip the positions of List and Expr:
val exprs   = List[Expr[Int]]( /* ... */ )
val allExprs: Expr[List[Int]] = Expr.cosequence(exprs)

// You can also queue a bunch of stuff to run sequentially
val setup: Expr[Unit] =
  Expr.runAll(allExprs, nameLengths, pow_2_4)

// To load and evaluate files on the classpath, there's:
Expr.fileOnClasspath("hello.js"): Expr[Option[Value]]

// And if you're ok throwing an ExprError if the file isn't found:
Expr.requireFileOnClasspath("hello.js"): Expr[Value]

// Finally there's also
// * Expr.lazily[A](a: => A): Expr[A]
// * Expr.suspend[A](a: => Expr[A]): Expr[A]
// * Expr.tailrec[A, B](init: => A)(f: A => Expr[Either[A, B]]): Expr[B]

Expr instance

Once you've got an Expr instance there are many things you can do with it.

  • Transformation and composition

    def map    [B](f   : A => B      ): Expr[B]
    def flatMap[B](f   : A => Expr[B]): Expr[B]
    def >>     [B](next:      Expr[B]): Expr[B]
    def <<     [B](prev:      Expr[B]): Expr[A]
    def flatTap[B](f   : A => Expr[B]): Expr[A]
  • Specify the expected return value type

    def as[T]                          : Expr[T]
    def as[T]       (t: TypeLiteral[T]): Expr[T]
    def asOption                       : Expr[Option[A]]
    def asPromise                      : Expr[Future[Value]]
    def asPromise[B](f: Value => B)    : Expr[Future[B]]
    def void                           : Expr[Unit]
    def asBoolean: Expr[Boolean]
    def asByte   : Expr[Byte   ]
    def asDouble : Expr[Double ]
    def asFloat  : Expr[Float  ]
    def asInt    : Expr[Int    ]
    def asLong   : Expr[Long   ]
    def asShort  : Expr[Short  ]
    def asString : Expr[String ]
    def asBooleanArray: Expr[Array[Boolean]]
    def asByteArray   : Expr[Array[Byte   ]]
    def asDoubleArray : Expr[Array[Double ]]
    def asFloatArray  : Expr[Array[Float  ]]
    def asIntArray    : Expr[Array[Int    ]]
    def asLongArray   : Expr[Array[Long   ]]
    def asShortArray  : Expr[Array[Short  ]]
    def asStringArray : Expr[Array[String ]]
    def asBooleanList: Expr[List[Boolean]]
    def asByteList   : Expr[List[Byte   ]]
    def asDoubleList : Expr[List[Double ]]
    def asFloatList  : Expr[List[Float  ]]
    def asIntList    : Expr[List[Int    ]]
    def asLongList   : Expr[List[Long   ]]
    def asShortList  : Expr[List[Short  ]]
    def asStringList : Expr[List[String ]]
    def asBooleanVector: Expr[Vector[Boolean]]
    def asByteVector   : Expr[Vector[Byte   ]]
    def asDoubleVector : Expr[Vector[Double ]]
    def asFloatVector  : Expr[Vector[Float  ]]
    def asIntVector    : Expr[Vector[Int    ]]
    def asLongVector   : Expr[Vector[Long   ]]
    def asShortVector  : Expr[Vector[Short  ]]
    def asStringVector : Expr[Vector[String ]]
  • Async utils (on Expr[Future[A]])

    def await                         : Expr[A]
    def await       (atMost: Duration): Expr[A]
    def awaitAttempt                  : Expr[Either[Future[A], A]]
    def awaitAttempt(atMost: Duration): Expr[Either[Future[A], A]]
  • Other utils

    // Assign the result to some variable
    def assignTo(name: String): Expr[A]
    // Create a new variable and assign the result to it
    def assignToNewVar(varName: String): Expr[A]
    // Measure how long the expression takes to evaluate
    // We return a DurationLite here which is a super-lightweight representation of Duration.
    // It's super-lightweight so that it's as fast as possible to construct, and uses a
    // minimal amount of memory possible. Expressions can sometimes be run in very hot
    // loops/envs, so we want to add as little overhead as possible if one wants to measure
    // and report, the timings of each execution.
    def timed: Expr[(A, DurationLite)]


There are a number of things that can go wrong when evaluating foreign language code:

  • ExprError
    • .InEval
      • AsyncFunctionFailed
      • ContextClosed
      • EvalError
      • UnsupportedLanguageOrMimeType
    • .InResult
      • ValueCastError -- the value could not be converted to the expected type
      • ValueError -- a guest language error occurred during execution
      • ValueIsNull -- equivalent to NullPointerException
      • ValueReprError -- the value does not represent the expected type


A GraalContext provides what GraalVM calls a "Context", which are stateful sandboxes/environments in which you execute your foreign language code.

For synchronous usage:

  • GraalContext() - defaults to .fixedContext below

  • GraalContext.fixedContext(options) - creates a single context and uses it for all .eval calls. Consequences:

    • an eval call can modify global state and affect subsequent calls
    • it's fast because JIT will improve it the more you use it
  • GraalContext.newContextPerUse(options) - creates a new, fresh context for each call to .eval Consequences:

    • eval calls are isolated and can't affect each other
    • it's slow because JIT only partially gets to optimise your code. JIT does more than nothing because under the hood, the contexts share a single "Engine" which some JIT. But the bulk of the JIT work is done within the context. Creating a new context every time means the JIT is always cold.
  • GraalContext.Builder.{fixedContext,newContextPerUse}(options).<config>.build() - Create a builder that allows you to further configure your GraalContext before calling .build().

    Configuration available:

    • .useMutex(Boolean) - whether or not eval calls need to be atomic, which avoids concurrency issues.
      Defaults to true for fixedContext and false for newContextPerUse.

    • Hooks to inject custom expressions at certain lifecycle events:

      • onContextCreate(Expr[Any])
      • beforeEval(Expr[Any])
      • afterEval(Expr[Any])
      • onContextClose(Expr[Any])
    • writeMetrics(GraalContextMetrics.Writer) to automatically collect metrics, and write them to the provided writer.

Once you've got an instance of GraalContext, you simply call .eval(Expr[A]) to evaluate it. The return type will be Expr.Result[A] which is Either[ExprError, A].

Notes for advanced users:

  • Expr is pure but GraalContext is not.
  • If you want to output F[Expr.Result[A]] like IO[Expr.Result[A]] or anything else, there's a .trans method that accepts a natural transformation so that you can wrap evaluations before they execute (as opposed to just wrapping the evaluation result).


A GraalContextPool[F] is a thread pool of contexts. Evaluation is asynchronous. Out-of-the-box the [F] is [Future], but once you've got an instance you can call .trans to change Future to IO or any F[_] you like. Or you can specify the type you want in the builder (see below).

The simplest way to create a GraalContextPool is by calling GraalContextPool.fixedThreadPool(n) where n is the number of threads in the pool.

Just like GraalContext, there is a builder that allows you to customise how it works:

  • GraalContextPool.Builder.fixedThreadPool(n)
    • Step 1: .fixedContextPerThread or .newContextPerUse
    • Step 2:
      • .configure(f) -- with f you can modify all the GraalContext.Builder settings
      • .resultType[F] -- F is IO or some other F[_] substitute for Future
      • .awaitResultsWithTimeout -- specify a global timeout for all calls to .eval on the instance
    • Finally call .build

Once you've got your GraalContextPool, usage is the same as a normal GraalContext except that it's asynchronous so your results wil be wrapped in Future or whatever you specified. Depending on your F type, results might not even have been evaluated but could be something that you evaluate in the future.


You can warmup your GraalContext or GraalContextPool by making it evaluation an expression over and over again until a certain condition is met (usually a combination of max-time-elapsed and eval-speed-achieved).

import japgolly.scalagraal.util._

val ctx = GraalContext()

// Warmup until the average last 10 evals completed in < 10ms, or give up after 30 sec.
  innerReps = 100,
  expr      = Expr("someFunctionOfMine()"),
  stopWhen  = s => s.lastEvalAverage(10).millis < 10 || s.totalWarmupTime.seconds > 30

And for a pool:

import japgolly.scalagraal.util._

val ctxPool = GraalContextPool.Builder

// Warmup until the average last 10 evals completed in < 10ms, or give up after 30 sec.
  innerReps = 100,
  expr      = Expr("someFunctionOfMine()"),
  stopWhen  = s => s.lastEvalAverage(10).millis < 10 || s.totalWarmupTime.seconds > 30

I'm not able to recommend the best strategies here because I now use CacheAndReplace so that I don't have to care about eval speed. However, there is a JMH benchmark around this and I've included some results so have a look at that to get a sense of warmup efficacy with regard to warmup parameters; and keep in mind that the Expr being evaluated is hugely significant so best to test out parameters with your own specific use case.


StrFnCache is a very powerful and very unconventional cache that is designed specifically for SSR.

It caches A => F[String] functions and makes them super-fast by executing once per path, optimising and caching the result, and then using it as template for all subsequent calls.

"Paths" are independent from each other and are defined by StrFnCacheParam instances. There is typically one path per sum type, for example Option has two paths: None and Some[A]; String only has one which is itself.

Values (once in a path) must be completely opaque and not used to affect function logic or conditionality. For example, a function that takes a name and prints it a few times is fine, but a function which branched according to string length, or converted the string to uppercase would be broken by this cache because the caching logic doesn't branch according to string length, and the caching logic doesn't convert strings to uppercase. You can still have your super-fast cake and eat it too by creating your own customised StrFnCacheParam instance that includes any value modification or branching you need. In such cases it would be wise to cross-compile the logic rather than duplicate it, and/or modify your function (or React component) to accept inputs that have already been processed.

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