This is my attempt at learning about the Pebble SDK by adjusting an app for my own needs. The original Futura Weather watchface was the cleanest and best looking design I had seen but I prefer YAHOO! Weather data. So, I added the option to switch between both, and added hourly data from Weather Underground.
- Update - as of 2016, Yahoo has decided to charge for API access when attempting to translate lat lon to woeid and therefor I have replaced their API with Weather Underground.
Give it a shot and let me know what you think: download pbw here
The hourly data for this app comes from the Weather Underground API. Unfortunately, their API is not free. However, Weather Underground does provide a free developer API key (500 hits / day) which more than suffices for this app. Don't share your API key, as once the quota has been reached the key will stop working.
Query string variables:
s=[wunder|open] // weather service
u=[F|C] // weather scale
d=[true|false] // debug enabled
b=[on|off] // battery enabled
a=[apikey] // Weather Underground API Key
- Hourly weather!
- Configurable weather provider (Weather Underground, Open Weather map)
- More granularity in weather condition expression
- Configurable minimal battery display
- Configurable weather scale (°F / °C)
- Configurable debug mode ((L)ast updated, (P)ublish Date, Neighborhood)
- JQuery Mobile configuration screen here
- Config settings are persisted
- No longer subscribed to second ticks, minute & day for better battery performance
- Tested on iOS 7.1 & Android 4.3
- Improved network link monitoring (limited retries on both Pebble and JS sides)
- many rewrites, separation of concerns
- "Futura Weather 2" by Niknam -
- "WeatherWatch" by Katharine -
- "Roboto Weather" by Martin Rosinski -