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Branza Alexandru edited this page Jul 1, 2015 · 30 revisions

Player Functions

.addPlayer(parameters) - adds the player to any element of the page, should only be used once when declaring the player (parameters is optional, see supported parameters and demo usage)

.state() - get state in human readable format (can be "idle", "opening", "buffering", "playing", "paused", "stopping", "ended" or "error")

.stateInt() - get state in int format - Idle = 0, Opening = 1, Buffering = 2, Playing = 3, Paused = 4, Stopping = 5, Ended = 6, Error = 7

Playback Functions

.play() - start playing the current playlist item

.pause() - pause player

.togglePause() - toggles pause

.stop() - stops the player

.playing() - returns true if the player is playing or false otherwise

.position(float) - get/set playback time in milliseconds

.time(i) - get/set normalized position in multimedia stream item given as a float value between [0.0 - 1.0]

.rate(i) - get/set input speed given as float (1.0 for normal speed, 0.5 for half speed, 2.0 for twice as fast, etc.)

Video Functions

.width() - get video's original width

.height() - get video's original height

.length() - get video's total length in milliseconds

.aspectRatio(string) - string, get/set aspect ratio (common values are "Default", "1:1", "4:3", "16:9", "16:10", "2.21:1", "2.35:1", "2.39:1", "5:4")

.crop(string) - string, get/set crop (common values are "Default", "16:10", "16:9", "1.85:1", "2.21:1", "2.35:1", "2.39:1", "5:3", "4:3", "5:4", "1:1")

.zoom(i) - int/float, get/set zoom, can be any positive number or float including 0 (zero hides the video feed completely)

.deinterlace(string) - string, set deinterlace mode (can be 'disabled', 'blend', 'bob', 'discard', 'linear', 'mean', 'x', 'yadif' or 'yadif2x')

.fps() - get video's frames per second returned as a float (typically 60.0, 50.0, 23.976, etc.)

Playlist Functions

.addPlaylist(playlist) - Adds videos to the playlist (accepts strings, arrays and objects, see supported parameters and demo usage)

.next() - iterate to the next playlist item

.prev() - iterate to the previous playlist item

.itemCount() - returns the number of playlist items

.itemDesc(i) - returns the media object

.currentItem(i) - get/set the current playlist item

.playItem(i) - set the current playing playlist item

.removeItem(i) - removes a playlist item

.clearPlaylist() - clears the current playlist and stops the player

.advanceItem(i, count) - change item position within playlist

Audio Functions

.volume(i) - get/set volume (can be an integer between 0 and 200, if no value set it will return the current volume)

.toggleMute() - toggle mute

.mute(bool) - get/set mute (boolean, if no value set it will return the current mute state)

.audioCount() - returns the number of audio tracks available

.audioTrack(i) - gets/sets currently playing audio track by index number, a value of 0 means the audio is/will be disabled

.audioDesc(i) - returns the i-th audio track name. 0 corresponds to disable and 1 to the first audio track

.audioDelay(i) - change audio track delay (in milliseconds, can be positive or negative number)

.audioChan(string) - string, get/set audio channel (can be "error", "stereo", "reverseStereo", "left", "right" or "dolby")

.audioChanInt(i) - int, get/set audio channel in int format - Error = -1, Stereo = 1, Reverse Stereo = 2, Left = 3, Right = 4, Dolby = 5

Subtitle Functions

External subtitles are set in .addPlaylist()

.subTrack(i) - get/set the currently playing subtitle (internal video subtitles and external subtitles)

.subDesc(i) - returns an object with information about the subtitle track (includes: language, type, url, ext)

.subDelay(i) - change subtitle track delay (in milliseconds, can be positive or negative number)

.subCount() - returns the total number of subtitles (interval video subtitles and external subtitles)

Subtitle Functions

.toggleFullscreen() - toggles fullscreen mode

.fullscreen(bool) - boolean, true - maximize, false - minimize

.playlist(bool) - optional boolean, sets playlist menu visibility, if no value set, it will return the playlist menu HTML element

.subtitles(bool) - optional boolean, sets subtitle menu visibility, if no value set, it will return the subtitle menu HTML element

.ui(bool) - boolean, sets User Interface visibility


.onMediaChanged(function) - triggers when the playlist item has changed

.onIdle(function) - triggers when the player enters idle state

.onOpening(function) - triggers when the player enters opening state

.onBuffering(function) - triggers when the player is in buffering state

.onPlaying(function) - triggers when the player enters playing state

.onPaused(function) - triggers when the player enters paused state

.onStopped(function) - triggers when the player enters stopped state

.onEnded(function) - triggers when the player finished playing all playlist items

.onError(function) - triggers when the player has encountered an error and is unable to continue

.onState(function) - triggers when the event has changed (returns a string, can be "idle", "opening", "buffering", "playing", "paused", "stopping", "ended" or "error")

.onStateInt(function) - triggers when the event has changed (returns a int, values can be 0 - 7)

.onTime(function) - triggers when the player's time changed

.onPosition(function) - triggers when the player's position changed

.onForward(function) - triggers when the player's fastforwarding through the media (works only when an input supports forward playback)

.onBackward(function) - triggers when the player's going backwards through the media (works only when an input supports backwards playback)

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