Implementation of A.I that tries to Drive on any random Map
Starting with initial population of size 10, Each "Car" tries to think whether to Turn Right, or Turn Left or go Straight using a simple 3-layered Feed Forward Neural Network.
For more Information : Mandav's Blog/A.I. Learns to Drive
Watch Learning in Action: MANDAV/A.I. Learns to Drive
Usage and Controls of the Project:
- To generate a Map, Click on boxes to add to path or click again to remove from path. After Generating the map of your choice, press 'S' to start training. NOTE: Make Sure you create an actual "path" and NOT scattered around the playground
- Key L - Load the Previous Generation
- Key B - Load the Best Generation Ever
- Key R - Reset the Evolution/Progress
- Key S - Save the Current Generation
- Key Q - Quit
- Keys 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 - To Speed up the Game upto the factor of the number pressed