Sim2Real - ZeroShot Transfer (Indoor)
Sim2Real - ZeroShot Transfer (Outdoor)
Isaac Lab Training FlaminGO
Sim 2 Sim framework - Lab to MuJoCo
Simulation to Simulation framework is available on sim2sim_onnx branch
You can simply inference trained policy (basically export as .onnx from isaac lab)
Install lab.flamingo package
Set the ISAACSIM_PATH environment variable to point to your isaaclab installation directory(register on your environment [.bashrc])
export ISAACSIM_PATH="${HOME}/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac-sim-4.0.0"
export ISAACLAB_PATH="${HOME}/IsaacLab"
clone repository
git clone -b flamingo_isaac_lab_envs
replace 'source' folder into your isaaclab 'source' folder
cp ${HOME}/lab.flamingo/modified_source/source ${HOME}/IsaacLab/source
install lab.flamingo pip package by running below command
${ISAACLAB_PATH}/ -p -m pip install --upgrade pip
${ISAACLAB_PATH}/ -p -m pip install -e .
on lab.flamingo root path, type
${ISAACLAB_PATH}/ -p scripts/rsl_rl/ --task Isaac-Velocity-Flat-Flamingo-v1 --num_envs 4096 --headless
${ISAACLAB_PATH}/ -p scripts/rsl_rl/ --task Isaac-Velocity-Flat-Flamingo-Play-v1 --num_envs 32