This project contains a demonstration AWS API Gateway Custom Lambda Authorizer, built to use with Okta.
This function is based on examples from the following info sources:
The JWT debugger available here may be useful while working on this function:
Register for an Okta account, if you don't have one:
Setup an Okta Application, following steps here:
If you're using an API Services App Integration, you can get an access_token like so:
curl -X POST 'https://<clientid>:<client-secret>@<okta-domain>/oauth2/default/v1/token' -d grant_type=client_credentials -d scope=someoptionalscope
Then take the returned access_token to call the API served by API GW.
curl -v -H "Authorization: Bearer <some_token>" "https://<your-api>/"
You'll need to deploy the lambda to your account, I chose to do this the old school way of zipping up the function:
From within the /src file, do the following:
npm install && zip -r .
Then, you can use cloudformation to package and deploy the function:
aws cloudformation package --s3-bucket <some_bucket> --template-file authorize-cfn.yml --output-template-file packaged-template.yaml --force-upload --profile <your_profile> --region=<your_region>
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file ./packaged-template.yaml --stack-name authorizer --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM --profile=<your_profile>--region=<your_region>
The cloudformation template exports the function arn as an output to be referred by other cloudformation templates.