Individual assignment for course Autonomous Flight of Micro Air Vehicles 2020/2021
Requirements: OpenCV, PyTorch, Jupyter Notebook
Put the dataset WashingtonOBRace
under the repo. Download saved models: Then put them in the folder learned_weights/
in the repo root directory.
The codes is with the same structure of the report. For only checking the proposed method(report section 3), just run gate_detection.ipynb
Report section 2.1
: explore the ORB features extraction method(if it works, filter good matches, visualize, etc)gate_detection_orb_test.ipynb
: finally test the ORB features method(computational effort, ROC curve)
Report section 2.2
: explore the binary classification method. Skip the node for training the model, and later in the code 'learned_weights/' is loaded for testing. Actually for avoiding accidentally starting training I have commented them.
Report section 2.3
: explore the Mask R-CNN method. Skip the node for training the model, and later in the code 'learned_weights/gate_det_maskrcnn' is loaded for testing
Report section 3
: test the final proposed method. Run the notebook step by step