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🍬 <hydra-element>

A custom element for wrapping the hydra-synth engine.


Hydra is a video synth and coding environment that runs in the browser. It stands out for its elegant DSL, modeled on a fluent interface.

This project aims to simplify the render of Hydra scripts in HTML documents embedding hydra-synth (Hydra's video synthesizer and shader compiler) in a custom element.

By default each hydra-element contains its own hydra-synth (with its own sources, functions and outputs). In this way, several elements can be used in the same HTML document without collisions.


This package is published in the npm registry as hydra-element. You can load it via CDN (the easiest way) or install it with a package manager.


Load the custom element via CDN adding the following script to your HTML file.

<script type="module" src=""></script>


Install the package from npm with the following command.

npm install hydra-element

Once you’ve done that, import the custom element in your JavaScript module.

import "hydra-element"


Include your code between the element tags.


    .mult(osc(() => (100 * Math.sin(time * 0.1)),-0.1,1).modulate(noise(3,1)).rotate(0.7))
    .modulateRotate(o0, () => mouse.x * 0.003)

If you need to update the code, use the code property with JavaScript.

document.querySelector('hydra-element').code = 'osc().out()'

Finally, use CSS to style the element.

hydra-element {
  width: 15rem;
  height: 15rem;
  color: white;

You can see and remix a live example here.


By default the embedded hydra-synth engine is created with these settings:

canvas: null,
width: window.innerWidth,
height: window.innerHeight,
autoLoop: true,
makeGlobal: false,
detectAudio: false,
numSources: 4,
numOutputs: 4,
extendTransforms: [],
precision: null,
pb: null

You can use the following attributes and properties to configure these options. Read the hydra-synth API documentation for more information.

Attributes width and height

In addition to the engine, the custom element also takes care of the canvas. By default it creates one the size of the window, which is useful for many cases. If this is not yours, you can use the width and height attributes to modify the canvas size.

<hydra-element width="250" height="250"></hydra-element>

Property canvas

If you prefer to take care of the canvas yourself, use the canvas property to specify a canvas element to render on. In this case the component does not create any canvas but uses the assigned one.

document.querySelector('hydra-element').canvas = yourCanvasElement

Attribute loop

If you want to use your own render loop for triggering Hydra updates, set the loop attribute to false.

<hydra-element loop="false"></hydra-element>

Note you will need to call the tick method, where dt is the time elapsed in milliseconds since the last update.


Attribute global

If you set the global attribute to true all sources, functions and outputs of the synthesizer will be stored in the window object, so they will be directly available. You should use this option if you need to extend the functionality of the synthesizer by loading extensions or external libraries with loadScript.

<hydra-element global="true">
  await loadScript("")

Warning You must not use more than one hydra-element with global set to true in the same HTML document.

Attribute audio

Hydra's audio capabilities are disabled by default because they require requesting microphone permissions and not all scripts use them, so don't forget to set the audio attribute to true if you use the a object in your script.

<hydra-element audio="true">

  osc(10, 0, () => a.fft[0]*4).out()

Attribute sources

You can use the sources attribute to set the number of source buffers available for multimedia resources. The default value is 4. Extra buffers are available via the synth object.

<hydra-element sources="8">
  const { s6, s7 } = synth



Attribute outputs

You can use the outputs attribute to set the number of output buffers to use. The default value is 4. Extra buffers are available via the synth object.

<hydra-element outputs="8">
  const { o7 } = synth



Warning Note that hydra-synth itself has only been tested with 4 outputs, so use this attribute with caution.

Attribute precision

You can use the precision attribute to force precision of shaders. By default no precision is specified, so the engine will use highp for iOS and mediump for everything else. Avaiblable options are highp, mediump and lowp.

<hydra-element precision="highp"></hydra-element>

Property transforms

You can add custom GLSL functions setting the transforms property with JavaScript.

document.querySelector('hydra-element').transforms = [{
  name: 'yourNoise',
  type: 'src',
  inputs: [
    { type: 'float', name: 'scale', default: 5 },
    { type: 'float', name: 'offset', default: 0.5 }
  glsl: `return vec4(vec3(_noise(vec3(_st*scale, offset*time))), 0.5);`

Once done, you can use the new functions in your script. Generator functions (those of type src) will be available via the synth object.

  const { yourNoise } = synth


Property pb

If you have access to an instance of rtc-patch-bay for streaming, you can assign it to the pb property with JavaScript.

document.querySelector('hydra-element').pb = yourRtcPatchBayInstance


  • The loadScript function is only available when global is true.
  • It is not possible to work with p5.js as in the Hydra web editor.


This project uses Vite for development and Web Test Runner for testing. The following npm scripts are available:

  • dev: serves index.html for development (reloading on file changes)
  • test: runs the test suites in a headless chrome
  • build: bundles the custom element for distribution (in the dist directory)


  • Naoto Hieda for improving the usability of the custom element 🪄
  • Olivia Jack for creating such a fun tool as Hydra 🌈
  • The Hydra community for turning the tool into something even more fun 🧩


Distributed under the GNU Affero General Public License.