This guide will go through installation and basic configuration for Synapse.
sudo apt install python3-distutils
sudo apt install python3-pip
sudo apt install python3-dev libkrb5-dev gcc
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Before filling in the configuration file, create a new user in TheHive for Synapse with the following details:
Login: synapse
Full name: synapse
Roles: read, write
Additional Permissions: ✓ Allow alerts creation
And create an API Key.
Now edit the configuration file located at Synapse/conf/synapse.conf
The [api]
section is related to the flask API and log settings. You can keep it as it is for debug
, host
, threaded
value. You may want to change the default port 5000
and set dockerized
to true if you are running Synapse in a docker container. This will print the logging to stdout instead of the log file.
debug_mode: false
port: 5000
threaded: true
log_level: INFO
dockerized: false
The automation section is related to (surprise, surprise...) the automation related functionality. Here you can enable/disable it entirely, or make sure it is tailored to your needs by adjusting the file path for the configuration files, start time fields used in the description for alerts and cases and more.
enabled: false
enable_customer_list: false
automation_config_dir: /path/to/automation_config
event_start_time: Start Time
#event start time related to your environment. Elastic: "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ" QRadar: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
event_start_time_format: "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ"
internal_contact: <customer_id>
debug_contact: <customer_id>
- 'uc-\w+-\d{3}\w{0,2}'
In this section, put in configuration values required for each module. More information can ben found in the corresponding module guide
user: synapse
api_key: r4n0O8SvEll/VZdOD8r0hZneOWfOmth6
Basic configuration for Synapse is done.
To configure workflows, head to the workflows page.
To start Synapse, run:
If you'd like to go live with Synapse, it is advised to use a WSGI server. The below will show you how to deploy Synapse as a service with gunicorn and supervisor but feel free to use any others tools for your deployment.
This part is mainly taken from the excellent Flask Mega Tutorial by Miguel Grinberg. Have a look at the section named "Setting Up Gunicorn and Supervisor" for the "original" deployment instructions.
- Download the WSGI server and the process control system:
sudo apt-get install gunicorn3
sudo apt-get install supervisor
- Create the user
, this user is dedicated to running the application.
sudo adduser --disabled-login synapse
- Create
as follow:
command=/usr/bin/gunicorn3 -b -w 4 app:app
In this case, Synapse is located at /opt/Synapse
as indicated by directory=/opt/Synapse
Feel free to adapt directory
to your context.
Just make sure that user synapse
has enough rights on this directory:
sudo chown -R synapse:synapse /opt/Synapse/
Make also sure to replace <PATH_TO_EWS_CERT>
with the file path to your ews certificate.
- Reload supervisor to make the changes effective:
sudo supervisorctl reload
From here the application should be deployed and running on port 5000. It also means that your server has now port 5000 open.
To stop Synapse, run:
sudo supervisorctl stop synapse
To start Synapse, run:
sudo supervisorctl start synapse
Logs for supervisor are located under:
Regarding Synapse, if the application is located at /opt
then logs are under:
In order to update Synapse (minor version), just pull the new version from Github and run the application:
cd Synapse/
git pull