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Dynatrace AppMon Jenkins Plugin pipeline steps

Requirements: Jenkins 2.0+ with Pipeline Plugin.

Note: If you are using Jenkins 2.7.2 (or earlier), please ensure that your Pipeline: Nodes and Processes plugin version is not higher than 2.13.

Note: For Maven projects, please use Maven Integration Plugin version 2.13 (or higher).

Global configuration remains unchanged and is described here in Global Settings section.


Corresponds to 'Use Dynatrace AppMon to monitor tests' from 'Build environment' section. Wrapper that provides constant Test Run metadata for all 'appMonRegisterTestRun' steps defined.

  • Required parameter:
    • systemProfile
  • Optional parameters:
    • versionMajor, versionMinor, versionRevision, versionMilestone - version descriptors aggregated to ' milestone' pattern, where the build number is supplied by Jenkins
    • marker - string literal to provide a user-defined marker
    • recordSession - boolean flag to enable session recording
Usage example:

Minimal set of parameters required:

appMonBuildEnvironment(systemProfile: 'test_jenkins') {
    //your pipeline logic

All TestRun properties provided:

appMonBuildEnvironment(marker: '1', recordSession: true, systemProfile: 'test_jenkins', versionMajor: '5', versionMilestone: '2', versionMinor: '4', versionRevision: '3') {
    //your pipeline logic


Has the same purpose as 'Dynatrace AppMon - Register Test Run' step - registers a Test Run used to differentiate subsets of tests. Uses Test Run's metadata defined in 'appMonBuildEnvironment' wrapper step.

  • Required parameter:
    • category - category of TestRun (unit, uidriven, performance, webapi)
  • Optional parameter:
    • platform - platform on which tests are executed

Returns ID of a registered Test Run, which can be passed to your test execution command.

Usage example (with Maven):

Using Surefire or Failsafe plugin there's no need to adapt your project's configuration, except for few Jenkins pipeline script changes described below.

def testRunId = appMonRegisterTestRun category: 'unit'
bat(<your Maven path> -DargLine="-agentpath:<path to dtagent.dll/>=name=<agent name>,server=<host[:port]>,loglevel=warning,optionTestRunIdJava=${testRunId}" <your Maven goals>/)
Usage example (with Ant):

Follow the instructions described here and adapt your pipeline script as follows (assuming dt_agent_path, dt_agent_name and dt_server are configured in your build script):

def testRunId = appMonRegisterTestRun category: 'unit'
bat(<your Ant path> -DdtTestrunID=${testRunId} <Ant targets>/)


Has the same purpose as 'Dynatrace AppMon - Finish Registered Test Runs and Publish Results' - finish running Test Runs, fetches analysis data from the Dynatrace Server to display a chart with a trend on passed/degraded/failing/... etc. tests and also provides a detailed view for each test case showing the metrics recorded by Dynatrace Application Monitoring.

  • No required parameters.
  • Optional parameters:
    • statusNameIfDegraded - string literal to provide status name for degraded tests (UNSTABLE, FAILURE)
    • statusNameIfVolatile - string literal to provide status name for volatile tests (UNSTABLE, FAILURE)
    • printXmlReportForDebug - boolean flag to enable printing Xml report for debugging
Usage examples:

Without parameters:


With all parameters:

appMonPublishTestResults printXmlReportForDebug: true, statusNameIfDegraded: 'UNSTABLE', statusNameIfVolatile: 'UNSTABLE'

Sample Pipeline script:

node {
   def mvnHome
   //Wraps a build and creates enviroment necessary to register test run and publish test results
   appMonBuildEnvironment(systemProfile: 'test_jenkins', recordSession: true) {
          stage('Preparation') {
          // Get some code from a GitHub repository
          git branch: 'master', url: '<repo_address>'
          // Get the Maven tool.
          // ** NOTE: This 'M3' Maven tool must be configured
          // **       in the global configuration.
          mvnHome = tool 'M3'
          //Registers test run
          def testRunId = appMonRegisterTestRun category: 'unit'
          //Inject testRunId into test execution
          bat(/"${mvnHome}\bin\mvn" -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore -DargLine="-agentpath:'<path_to_agent>'=name=agent,server=localhost,loglevel=warning,optionTestRunIdJava=${testRunId}" clean test/)
          //Registers test run
          def testRunId = appMonRegisterTestRun category: 'performance'
          //Inject testRunId into test execution
          bat(/"${mvnHome}\bin\mvn" -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore -DargLine="-agentpath:'<path_to_agent>'=name=agent,server=localhost,loglevel=warning,optionTestRunIdJava=${testRunId}" clean test/)
       stage('Results') {
          //Obtains results from Dynatrace server and publish in Jenkins
          appMonPublishTestResults printXmlReportForDebug: true
          junit '**/target/surefire-reports/TEST-*.xml'
          archive 'target/*.jar'

Pipeline tip:

If you are not familiar with pipeline syntax, you can go to your pipeline project menu and choose 'Pipeline syntax'. It's the best place to start with pipelines in Jenkins.