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Traces of Jobs and Pipeline Builds

Traces, Spans and Span Attributes

The Jenkins OpenTelemetry integration collects comprehensive contextual attributes of the jobs and pipelines builds to:

The attributes of the traces and spans are normalized in order

Enriching pipeline build traces with custom span attributes

Attributes can be added to the spans associated with pipeline steps using one of the following pipeline steps:

  • withSpanAttribute(key, value[, type][, target])
  • setSpanAttributes([spanAttribute(key, value[, type][, target])])
  • withSpanAttributes([spanAttribute(key, value[, type][, target])])


withSpanAttribute(key: "pipeline_type", value: "release_pipeline", target: "PIPELINE_ROOT_SPAN")
stage ("build") {
    withSpanAttribute(key: "build.tool", value: "maven")
    setSpanAttributes([spanAttribute(key: "build.tool", value: "maven")])
    withSpanAttributes([spanAttribute(key: "test.tool", value: "junit")]) {
        sh "./"
  • Supported attribute types are STRING, BOOLEAN, LONG, DOUBLE, STRING_ARRAY, BOOLEAN_ARRAY, LONG_ARRAY, DOUBLE_ARRAY. If not specified, the type of the attribute is inferred from the passed value. It is recommended to not specify the type and to rely on the inference from the value.
  • Supported targets are:
    • CURRENT_SPAN (default value): the attribute is set on the span of the current pipeline phase (current node, stage, step...)
    • PIPELINE_ROOT_SPAN: the attribute is set on the root span of the pipeline (ie the "BUILD ..." span)

Note that none of the steps setSpanAttributes, withSpanAttribute, withSpanAttributes create a span in the pipeline build trace.

withSpanAttribute and setSpanAttributes set the given attribute(s) on the target.

withSpanAttributes sets the given attribute(s) on child spans.

It's also possible to use withSpanAttributes in declarative pipelines:

pipeline {
    options {
        withSpanAttributes([spanAttribute(key: 'pipeline.type', value: 'release', target: 'PIPELINE_ROOT_SPAN')])
    stages {
        stage('build') {

Custom spans

Custom spans can be defined using the withNewSpan step, which accepts the following parameters

  • label
    • the label of the span
    • the value is a string
  • attributes
    • a list of attributes, defined the same way as in the withSpanAttributes step
    • attributes: ([
          spanAttribute(key: 'modules', value: '2'),
          spanAttribute(key: 'command', value: 'mvn clean install')
  • setAttributesOnlyOnParent
    • flag used to define whether to inherit the provided attributes to the children spans or not
    • true by default, all user-defined attributes for a span are passed on to children spans
    • the value is a boolean, true or false

Example definitions:

  • All parameters provided

    stage('build') {
        withNewSpan(label: 'custom-build-span', attributes: ([
            spanAttribute(key: 'modules', value: '2'),
            spanAttribute(key: 'command', value: 'mvn clean install')
        ]), setAttributesOnlyOnParent: true) {
            sh './'
            sh './'
  • Only the label parameter is required, all others are optional.

    stage('build') {
        withNewSpan(label: 'custom-build-span') {
            sh './'
            sh './'

Pipeline, freestyle, and matrix project build spans

Attributes reported on the root span of Jenkins job and pipeline builds:

Attribute Description Type Job name String Job name (user friendly) String
ci.pipeline.type Job type Enum (freestyle, matrix, maven, workflow, multibranch, unknown) Job DSL seed job full name. Added when the executed job has been generated by the Job DSL plugin String
ci.pipeline.template.url Job DSL seed job URL. Added when the executed job has been generated by the Job DSL plugin String
ci.pipeline.multibranch.type Multibranch type Enum (branch, tag, change_request)
ci.pipeline.axis.names When using matrix projects, names of the axis of the job String[]
ci.pipeline.axis.values When using matrix projects, values of the axis of the job String[] Name of the agent String Is this a complete build? Boolean Build duration Long Build description String Build number Long Build result Enum (aborted, success, failure, not_build and unstable) Build URL String Who triggered the build String List of machine-readable build causes like UserIdCause:anonymous or BranchIndexingCause. Pattern : ${cause.class.simpleName}[:details] String[] List of users that caused the build. String[]
ci.pipeline.parameter.sensitive Whether the information contained in this parameter is sensitive or security related. Boolean[] Name of the parameters String[]
ci.pipeline.parameter.value Value of the parameters. "Sensitive" values are redacted String[]

Pipeline step spans

Attributes reported on the span of pipeline steps:

Status Code Status Description Description
OK for step and build success
UNSET Machine readable status like FlowInterruptedException:FailFastCause:Failed in branch failingBranch For interrupted steps of type fail fast parallel pipeline interruption, pipeline build superseded by a newer build, or pipeline build cancelled by user, the span status is set to UNSET rather than ERROR for readability
ERROR Machine readable status like FlowInterruptedException:ExceededTimeout:Timeout has been exceeded For other causes of step failure
Attribute Description Type Step name (user friendly) String
jenkins.pipeline.step.type Step name String Step id String
jenkins.pipeline.step.result Step result Enum (ABORTED, FAILURE, NOT_EXECUTED, PAUSED_PENDING_INPUT, QUEUED, SUCCESS, UNSTABLE; see GenericStatus) Jenkins plugin for that particular step String
jenkins.pipeline.step.plugin.version Jenkins plugin version String
jenkins.pipeline.step.agent.label Labels attached to the agent String
jenkins.pipeline.step.interruption.causes List of machine readable causes of the interruption of the step like FailFastCause:Failed in branch failingBranch.

Common causes of interruption: CanceledCause: Superseded by my-pipeline#123, ExceededTimeout: Timeout has been exceeded, FailFastCause:Failed in branch the-failing-branch, UserInterruption: Aborted by a-user

git.branch Git branch name String
git.repository Git repository String
git.username Git user String
git.clone.shallow Git shallow clone Boolean
git.clone.depth Git shallow clone depth Long
git.username Git user String
jenkins.url Jenkins URL String Name of the agent String

Environment variables for trace context propagation and integrations

The trace context is exposed as environment variables in shell/bat/powershell steps to ease integration with third party tools.

When the configuration options "Export OpenTelemetry configuration as environment variables", the following OpenTelemetry environment variables will be exported according to the settings of the plugin to enable configuring downstream OpenTelemetry aware CI/CD tools:

  • OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT: Target to which the exporter is going to send spans or metrics.
  • OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_INSECURE: Whether to enable client transport security for the exporter's gRPC connection.
  • OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_HEADERS: Key-value pairs to be used as headers associated with gRPC or HTTP requests. Usually used to pass credentials.
  • OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_TIMEOUT: Maximum time the OTLP exporter will wait for each batch export.
  • OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_CERTIFICATE: The trusted certificate to use when verifying a server's TLS credentials.

In addition, if the backends were configured then there will be an environment variable for each of them pointing to the URL with the span/transactions: