A JavaScript project part of the Software Engineering FastTrack course at Manchester Codes
The purpose of this project is to build upon the following skills recently learned as part of the Manchester Codes bootcamp course:
- Using Node and Node Package Manager (npm)
- Understanding the importance of README documents
- Using git and Github
- The importance of a .gitignore file
- Employing Test Driven Development (TDD) methodology
- Feature testing using the Node REPL
- Writing and executing unit tests using Jest
- Debugging using a stack trace
- Understanding Node modules and exporting using require
- JavaScript objects, prototypes, constructor functions, the this keyword
- Refactoring
- Understanding magic numbers
- JavaScript
- Node and Node Package Manager
- Jest
- Git & GitHub
- Pets can be given names
- Pets can grow older
- The hunger and fitness levels of pets can be tracked
- Pets get hungry and need to be fed
- Pets can be walked to increase their fitness
- Pets get less fit as they get older
- Pets gets hungrier as they get older
- If the pet gets too hungry or unfit, it will die!
- At 30 days over, the pet will go to virtual pet heaven!