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224 lines (209 loc) · 10.2 KB

File metadata and controls

224 lines (209 loc) · 10.2 KB


Version 0.3

  • Change the package name (from pydynamixel to pyax12): the project now focus on Dynamixel AX-12 actuators.

Version 0.4

  • Improve Connection.send() function:
    • Step 1: measurements on the Jupyter notebook
      • return delay time @115.2kbps on GPIO and USB2Dynamixel
      • return delay time @57.6kbps on GPIO and USB2Dynamixel
      • return delay time @19.2kbps on GPIO and USB2Dynamixel
      • return delay time @9.6kbps on GPIO and USB2Dynamixel
      • time per bytes on Tx with respect to the baud rate (to check if the device respect the expected baud rate ?) on GPIO and USB2Dynamixel
      • time.sleep() resolution (i.e. minimal value) using a LOW/HIGH/time.sleep()/LOW signal on GPIO 18 (also test a LOW/HIGH/LOW signal without sleep to check the GPIO resolution)
      • sending time before the first sleep using a HIGH/LOW/HIGH/send()/LOW/HIGH signal on GPIO 18
      • time between varions instruction in the send function using a HIGH/LOW/HIGH signal on GPIO 18
    • Step 2: waiting times should be sending_time + return_delay_time/2 where sending_time is a multiple of 1/baud_rate * (num bits per byte + num bits of parity) * num bytes sent
    • Step 3: split the flush() function into flush_in() and flush_out() + make them synchronous
    • Step 4: read status packets in a while loop with a timeout criteria
    • Step 5: be sure the UART is free (i.e. no other process is using it), suppress interrupts on it and check with fuser -v </dev/tty...> and lsof
    • Step 6: Add tools to:
      • scan at multiple baud rate ("Connection.scan_multiple_baud_rates()" function or "Connection.discover_devices()") (it probably won't work under Windows because of the COM port configuration in the Device Manager)
      • reset a dynamixel to default values (factory reset)
      • reset any dynamixel whatever its baud rate and setup a new baud rate and a new ID
      • change the baud rate and the ID
      • ...
    • Step 6: test for:
      • GPIO on all Raspberry Pi: A, B, 2, 3, zero
        • all baud rates
      • USB2Dynamixel on main OS: Linux (PC and Raspberry Pi), MacOSX, Windows
        • all baud rates
    • Step 7: check official Dynamixel specs and recommendations
    • Step 8: check how packets are sent and received on other libraries:
  • Sphinx documentation:
    • Explain low level/mid level/high level APIs
    • Explain system setup on Raspberry Pi (issues with UART on Raspberry Pi 3, ...)
    • Explain the hardware setup in detail (breadboard schemas, ...) for USB2Dynamixel, GPIO, ...
  • Complete the sphinx documentation to contain all the "Dynamixel User Manual" (the documentation should help users to connect dynamixels, understand how it works, ...).
  • Improve the README file:
    • Description;
    • Installation procedure: see (and add more details in the Troubleshooting/FAQ sections)
  • Add a "Troubleshooting" section in the README.rst and sphinx docs (should contain installation instructions relative to specific platforms/configurations).
  • Add a "FAQ" section in the README.rst and sphinx docs.
  • Update the file
  • Write a tutorial to explain how to use PyAX-12 on a RaspberryPi using GPIOs (i.e. without the usbdynamixel adapter) and without the CM-5 (i.e. using a batteries, a LiPo or a DC lab power supply instead).
  • Add the following warning in the documentation: the baud rate value given to the Connection class should be the same than the one in dynamixel units (and also the same than the one of the COM port used for Windows).

Version 0.5

  • Packging: PIP, conda, macports, brew, Debian packet, RPM, ...
  • Add a "Features" section in the README.rst and sphinx docs.
  • Check/fix the file.
  • Publish PyAX-12 on PyPI.
  • Check the PyAX-12 installation (with pip) and examples on Windows 7.
  • Put an argparse default instance in "".
  • Write unit tests.
  • Improve docstrings.
  • Check how docstrings are printed with the "help()" function (is it readable ?).
  • Clean all modules with pylint.
  • Use exceptions instead warnings.
  • Create a user documentation with Sphinx.
  • Publish the documentation on
  • Add a demonstration video in the README file.
  • Write "high level" functions in Connection: Connection.dump(), Connection.scan(), Connection.reset(), ...
  • Fix issue #1: #1
  • Test arguments in all functions (type, value, ...)
  • How to avoid the "--pre" option when installing on Linux with pip ?
  • Cite the Vor12 project in the documentation (in the examples section).
  • Update the CHANGES.rst file.

Version 0.6

  • Write a test suite to launch all unit tests.
  • Add some examples.
  • Clean all modules with pep8.
  • Clean all modules with pyflakes.
  • Get a table with border in sphinx (to write clean packet data frame in the documentation), i.e. something like this:

Version 0.7

  • Check and document PID and torque capabilities of Dynamixels with an experimental installation using weights and accelerometer at one end of an arm and a Dynamixel at the other end
  • Advanced control
    • External PID
    • Impulse like control (give a "force" and simulate pysical models: spring, viscosity, ...)

Version 1.0

  • GUI to control Dynamixels and get infos
  • Update "Connection.get_control_table_tuple()" such that only one Instruction Packet is send to the Dynamixel unit and only one (big) Status Packet is returned by the Dynamixel Unit.
  • Check how famous open source Python projects write:
    • sphinx documentation
    • docstrings (e.g. Sphinx style, Google/Numpy "Napoleon" sytle, ...)
  • Fix remaining "TODO" tags.
  • Fix missing data and tests:
    • Error table (Dynamixel User Manual p.11)
    • Access RD/WD (p.12)
    • Addr/labels (p.12)
    • Baud rates (p.13)
    • Status return level (p.14)
    • Alarm led (p.15)
    • Alarm shutdown (p.15)
    • Compliance margin and slope (p.16)
    • Present load (p.17)
    • Goal speed setting (p.18)
    • Range (p.18)
    • Instruction set labels (p.19)
    • UART p.30 and 31
  • Use the following services and add webbadges ?
  • Clone the git repository in the following forges ?
  • Use Tox ( to run tests ?
  • Implement __str__ in Packet.
  • Implement __iter__ and next in Packet to make it iterable.
  • Implement the with context manager in the Connection class (to automatically close serial connections).
  • Check the "" script and build/publish a Debian packet.
  • On Windows, how to automatically update the PATH variable (for C:\PYTHON34\Scripts) from pip or from a .bat ?
  • Say somewhere in the documentation that (by default), with pip, the package is installed in C:\PYTHON34\libs\site-packages\
  • Add a RPM package.
  • Check the PyAX-12 installation (with pip and dedicated packages) and examples:
    • on Windows XP/Vista/8/10;
    • on MacOSX;
    • on Ubuntu/Fedora/SuSE/Arch/Mint/...;
    • on Raspbian/...;
    • with Python 3.0/3.1/3.2/3.3;
    • with PySerial 2.5/2.4/...
  • Write functions "Packet.print_info()" and "Connection.print_info()" to print "human readable" informations (e.g. "position=...°\nspeed=..." ; "baud_rate=...\nport=...\n...") ?
  • Some unit tests "requires to be connected to the Dynamixel number 1 using port "/dev/ttyUSB0" (thus it works on Unix systems only) at 57600 baud." -> fix it... (especially in test_status_packet)
  • Annoucements:, linuxfr, ...


  • Conform to ?
  • Write a MSI installer for Windows.
  • Test " bdist_rpm ..." (create an RPM distribution)
  • Test " bdist_wininst ..." (create an executable installer for MS Windows)
  • Create a "pyax12gui" repository: a set of graphic tools (tkinter) on top of PyAX-12 to handle Dynamixels servos.