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feat(composition): Implement TemperatureAndTintEffect + Sample
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ahmed605 committed Mar 2, 2024
1 parent 429bf99 commit 93643a3
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Expand Up @@ -29,5 +29,6 @@
<Grid x:Name="borderGrid" Width="200" Height="200" VerticalAlignment="Top" HorizontalAlignment="Left" ToolTipService.ToolTip="BorderEffect"/>
<Grid x:Name="t2dGrid" Width="200" Height="200" VerticalAlignment="Top" HorizontalAlignment="Left" ToolTipService.ToolTip="Transform2DEffect"/>
<Grid x:Name="sepiaGrid" Width="200" Height="200" VerticalAlignment="Top" HorizontalAlignment="Left" ToolTipService.ToolTip="SepiaEffect"/>
<Grid x:Name="tempTintGrid" Width="200" Height="200" VerticalAlignment="Top" HorizontalAlignment="Left" ToolTipService.ToolTip="TemperatureAndTintEffect"/>
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -178,6 +178,12 @@ private void EffectBrushTests_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var effectBrush19 = factory19.CreateBrush();

sepiaGrid.Background = new EffectTesterBrush(effectBrush19);

var effect20 = new SimpleTemperatureAndTintEffect() { Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("sourceBrush"), Temperature = 0.5f, Tint = 0.5f };
var factory20 = compositor.CreateEffectFactory(effect20);
var effectBrush20 = factory20.CreateBrush();

tempTintGrid.Background = new EffectTesterBrush(effectBrush20);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1428,6 +1434,69 @@ public object GetProperty(uint index)
public IGraphicsEffectSource GetSource(uint index) => Source;
public uint GetSourceCount() => 1;

private class SimpleTemperatureAndTintEffect : IGraphicsEffect, IGraphicsEffectSource, IGraphicsEffectD2D1Interop
private string _name = "SimpleTemperatureAndTintEffect";
private Guid _id = new Guid("89176087-8AF9-4A08-AEB1-895F38DB1766");

public string Name
get => _name;
set => _name = value;

public float Temperature { get; set; } = 0.0f;

public float Tint { get; set; } = 0.0f;

public IGraphicsEffectSource Source { get; set; }

public Guid GetEffectId() => _id;

public void GetNamedPropertyMapping(string name, out uint index, out GraphicsEffectPropertyMapping mapping)
switch (name)
case "Temperature":
index = 0;
mapping = GraphicsEffectPropertyMapping.Direct;
case "Tint":
index = 1;
mapping = GraphicsEffectPropertyMapping.Direct;
index = 0xFF;
mapping = (GraphicsEffectPropertyMapping)0xFF;

public object GetProperty(uint index)
switch (index)
case 0:
return Temperature;
case 1:
return Tint;
return null;

public uint GetPropertyCount() => 2;
public IGraphicsEffectSource GetSource(uint index) => Source;
public uint GetSourceCount() => 1;
49 changes: 49 additions & 0 deletions src/Uno.UI.Composition/Composition/CompositionEffectBrush.skia.cs
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using System;
using SkiaSharp;
using System.Numerics;
using Uno.UI.Composition;

namespace Windows.UI.Composition
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1105,6 +1106,54 @@ half4 main()
sourceFilter, new(bounds));

return null;
case EffectType.TemperatureAndTintEffect:
if (effectInterop.GetSourceCount() == 1 && effectInterop.GetPropertyCount() == 2 && effectInterop.GetSource(0) is IGraphicsEffectSource source)
SKImageFilter sourceFilter = GenerateEffectFilter(source, bounds);
if (sourceFilter is null)
return null;

effectInterop.GetNamedPropertyMapping("Temperature", out uint tempProp, out _);
effectInterop.GetNamedPropertyMapping("Tint", out uint tintProp, out _);

float temp = (float)effectInterop.GetProperty(tempProp);
float tint = (float)effectInterop.GetProperty(tintProp);

var gains = TempAndTintUtils.NormalizedTempTintToGains(temp, tint);

string shader = $@"
uniform shader input;
uniform half redGain;
uniform half blueGain;
half4 main()
half4 inputColor = sample(input);
return half4(inputColor.r * redGain, inputColor.g, inputColor.b * blueGain, inputColor.a);

SKRuntimeEffect runtimeEffect = SKRuntimeEffect.Create(shader, out string errors);
if (errors is not null)
return null;

SKRuntimeEffectUniforms uniforms = new(runtimeEffect)
{ "redGain", gains.RedGain },
{ "blueGain", gains.BlueGain }
SKRuntimeEffectChildren children = new(runtimeEffect)
{ "input", null }

return SKImageFilter.CreateColorFilter(runtimeEffect.ToColorFilter(uniforms, children), sourceFilter, new(bounds));

return null;
case EffectType.Unsupported:
Expand Down
228 changes: 228 additions & 0 deletions src/Uno.UI.Composition/Composition/Uno/TempAndTintUtils.cs
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@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Uno.UI.Composition
internal static class TempAndTintUtils
internal struct Robertson
public float U;
public float V;
public float S;
public float R;

internal static readonly Robertson[] _robertson = new Robertson[31]
new() { U = 0.18006f, V = 0.26352f, S = -0.24341001f, R = 1.0e-10f },
new() { U = 0.18065999f, V = 0.26589f, S = -0.25479001f, R = 0.0000099999997f },
new() { U = 0.18133f, V = 0.26846001f, S = -0.26876f, R = 0.000019999999f },
new() { U = 0.18208f, V = 0.27118999f , S = -0.28538999f , R = 0.000029999999f },
new() { U = 0.18292999f, V = 0.27406999f , S = -0.30469999f , R = 0.000039999999f },
new() { U = 0.18388f, V = 0.27709001f , S = -0.32675001f , R = 0.000049999999f },
new() { U = 0.18494f, V = 0.28020999f , S = -0.35156f , R = 0.000059999998f },
new() { U = 0.18611f, V = 0.28342f , S = -0.37915f , R = 0.000070000002f },
new() { U = 0.1874f, V = 0.28668001f , S = -0.40955001f , R = 0.000079999998f },
new() { U = 0.18880001f, V = 0.28997001f , S = -0.44277999f , R = 0.000090000001f },
new() { U = 0.19032f, V = 0.29326001f , S = -0.47887999f , R = 0.000099999997f },
new() { U = 0.19462f, V = 0.30140999f , S = -0.58204001f , R = 0.00012500001f },
new() { U = 0.19961999f, V = 0.30921f , S = -0.70471001f , R = 0.00015000001f },
new() { U = 0.20524999f, V = 0.31647f , S = -0.84900999f , R = 0.00017499999f },
new() { U = 0.21142f, V = 0.32312f , S = -1.0182f , R = 0.00019999999f },
new() { U = 0.21807f, V = 0.32909f , S = -1.2168f , R = 0.000225f },
new() { U = 0.22510999f, V = 0.33439001f , S = -1.4512f , R = 0.00025000001f },
new() { U = 0.23247001f, V = 0.33904001f , S = -1.7298f , R = 0.000275f },
new() { U = 0.2401f, V = 0.34308001f , S = -2.0637f , R = 0.00030000001f },
new() { U = 0.24792001f, V = 0.34654999f , S = -2.4681001f , R = 0.000325f },
new() { U = 0.25591001f, V = 0.34951001f , S = -2.9640999f , R = 0.00034999999f },
new() { U = 0.264f, V = 0.352f , S = -3.5813999f , R = 0.000375f },
new() { U = 0.27217999f, V = 0.35407001f , S = -4.3632998f , R = 0.00039999999f },
new() { U = 0.28038999f, V = 0.35576999f , S = -5.3762002f , R = 0.00042500001f },
new() { U = 0.28863001f, V = 0.35714f , S = -6.7262001f , R = 0.00044999999f },
new() { U = 0.29685f, V = 0.35822999f , S = -8.5955f , R = 0.00047500001f },
new() { U = 0.30504999f, V = 0.35907f , S = -11.324f , R = 0.00050000002f },
new() { U = 0.3132f, V = 0.35968f , S = -15.628f , R = 0.00052499998f },
new() { U = 0.32128999f, V = 0.36011001f , S = -23.325001f , R = 0.00055f },
new() { U = 0.32931f, V = 0.36037999f , S = -40.77f , R = 0.00057500001f },
new() { U = 0.33724001f, V = 0.36050999f , S = -116.45f , R = 0.00060000003f }

public static (float RedGain, float BlueGain) NormalizedTempTintToGains(float normTemp, float normTint)
float flDstX;
float srcG;
float srcTemp = 6502.0781f;
float flDstB = normTemp * 100.0f;
float srcY;
float flDstY = 6502.0781f;

if (flDstB <= 0.0)
if (flDstB < 0.0)
srcTemp = flDstB * 0.01249999925494194f;
var currentTemp = srcTemp;
srcTemp = 0.0001537969801574945f - -0.00005379698268370703f * srcTemp;
flDstY = 1.0f / srcTemp;
srcTemp = 0.0001537969801574945f - currentTemp * 0.00008429825538769364f;
srcTemp = 1.0f / srcTemp;
flDstB = flDstB * 0.01249999925494194f;
flDstB = flDstB * 0.00006842524453531951f + 0.0001537969801574945f;
flDstY = 1.0f / flDstB;

TempTintToXYZ(out srcG, out srcY, srcTemp, 0.0032560001f, out flDstB);
XYZtoRGB(out srcY, out srcG, srcG, srcY, flDstB, out srcTemp);

srcY = srcY / srcG;
srcTemp = srcTemp / srcG;
srcG = normTint * 1.25f * 0.009999999776482582f + 0.003256000112742186f;

TempTintToXYZ(out flDstX, out flDstY, flDstY, srcG, out srcG);
XYZtoRGB(out flDstY, out flDstX, flDstX, flDstY, srcG, out flDstB);

flDstY = flDstY / flDstX;
flDstB = flDstB / flDstX;

return (flDstY / srcY, flDstB / srcTemp);

private static void XYZtoRGB(out float r, out float g, float xVal, float yVal, float zVal, out float b)
r = xVal * 3.240454196929932f - yVal * 1.53713846206665f - zVal * 0.4985314011573792f;
g = yVal * 1.876010775566101f - xVal * 0.9692659974098206f + zVal * 0.04155600070953369f;
b = xVal * 0.05564339831471443f - yVal * 0.2040258944034576f + zVal * 1.057225227355957f;

private static void TempTintToXYZ(out float pflX, out float pflY, float flTemp, float flTint, out float pflZ)
float flMax;
float flY;
float flU;
float flV;

if (flTemp < 1666.666625976562f)
flTemp = 1666.6666f;
flMax = Math.Clamp(flTint, -0.1f, 0.1f);
TempTintToYUV(out flY, out flU, flTemp, flMax, out flV);
Yuv1960toXYZ(out pflX, out pflY, flY, flU, flV, out pflZ);

private static void Yuv1960toXYZ(out float pflX, out float pflY, float flY, float flU, float flV, out float pflZ)
if (flV >= 0.0000001000000011686097f)
pflX = flU * 6.0f * flY / (flV * 4.0f);
pflZ = flY * ((4.0f - flU) * 6.0f - flV * 60.0f) / (flV * 12.0f);
pflZ = 0.0f;
pflX = 0.0f;

pflY = flY;

private static void TempTintToYUV(out float pflY, out float pflU, float flTemp, float flTint, out float pflV)
float flDelU;
float flDelUa;
float flDelUb;
float flDelUc;
float flDelUd;
float flDelUe;
float flDelUf;
float flJPrev;
float flJPreva;
float flVbb;
float flVbba;
float flVbbb;
float flVbbc;
float flVbbd;
float flRecipTemp;
float flRecipTempa;
float flRecipTempb;
float flRecipTempc;
float flRecipTempd;
float flTinta;

if (flTemp < 1666.666625976562f)
flTemp = 1666.6666f;

flTinta = Math.Clamp(flTint, -0.1f, 0.1f);
flRecipTemp = 1.0f / flTemp;

var idx = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 31; i++)
if (_robertson[i].R <= flRecipTemp && _robertson[i + 1].R >= flRecipTemp)


if (idx >= 0x1F)
idx = 30;

flDelU = InvLerp(_robertson[idx - 1].R, flRecipTemp, _robertson[idx].R);
flRecipTempa = _robertson[idx - 1].S * _robertson[idx - 1].S + 1.0f;
flRecipTempb = MathF.Sqrt(flRecipTempa);
flRecipTempc = 1.0f / flRecipTempb;
flJPrev = _robertson[idx - 1].S * flRecipTempc;
flVbb = _robertson[idx].S * _robertson[idx].S + 1.0f;
flVbba = MathF.Sqrt(flVbb);
flVbbb = 1.0f / flVbba;
flVbbc = _robertson[idx].S * flVbbb;
flDelUa = flJPrev + (flVbbc - flJPrev) * flDelU;
flDelUb = (flVbbb - flRecipTempc) * flDelU + flRecipTempc;
flRecipTempd = flDelUa / flDelUb;

flJPreva = (_robertson[idx].U - _robertson[idx - 1].U) * flDelU
+ _robertson[idx - 1].U;

flVbbd = flDelU * (_robertson[idx].V - _robertson[idx - 1].V)
+ _robertson[idx - 1].V;

flDelUc = flRecipTempd * flRecipTempd + 1.0f;
flDelUd = MathF.Sqrt(flDelUc);
flDelUe = -flTinta / flDelUd;
pflY = 1.0f;
pflU = flDelUe + flJPreva;
flDelUf = flDelUe * flRecipTempd;
pflV = flDelUf + flVbbd;

MapUV(ref pflU, ref pflV, flJPreva, flVbbd);

private static float InvLerp(float flV0, float flVt, float flV1)
if (flV0 == flV1)
return (float)0.5f;
return (float)((flVt - flV0) / (flV1 - flV0));

private static void MapUV(ref float pflU, ref float pflV, float flUbb, float flVbb)
float flT;
float uVal = 0.4000000059604645f - pflU * 0.1000000014901161f;

if (pflV > uVal)
flT = (uVal - pflV) / (flVbb - 0.1000000014901161f * (pflU - flUbb) - pflV);
pflU = pflU + (flUbb - pflU) * flT;
pflV = flT * (flVbb - pflV) + pflV;

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