#monitoring purposes
<title>MonitoringTool Production Monitoring</title> <style> html, body { margin:0; padding:0; height:100%; } li { display:inline-block; margin-left:1em; margin-rigth:1em; } iframe { width:100%; height:103%; } #workspace { width:100%; height:885px; } .nav { padding:1px; line-height:0em; } .centered { text-align:center; } .top-nav { line-height:0em; background:whitesmoke; } .top-nav .active { padding:9px; background:gainsboro; } .sub-nav { line-height:0em; background:gainsboro; } .sub-nav .active { padding:9px; background:white; } .sub-nav .checkout .active { padding:9px; background:#00FFFF; } </style> <!--[if lte IE 9]>
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type: 'info',
label: 'Top of MonitoringTool',
url: 'https://MonitoringTool'
type: 'info',
label: 'System Status Summary',
url: 'https://MonitoringTool'
type: 'info',
label: 'MonitoringTool Alarms',
url: 'https://MonitoringTool',
type: 'info',
label: 'INFONAME',
url: 'https://MonitoringTool',
type: 'info',
label: 'INFONAME',
url: 'MonitoringTool',
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label: 'Last Link of the menu',
url: 'http://MonitoringTool',
label: 'Menu 2 (Any number of menues can be added with this same struture',
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type: 'info',
label: 'INFONAME',
url: 'https://MonitoringTool'
type: 'info',
label: 'INFONAME',
url: 'https://MonitoringTool',
type: 'checkout',
label: 'INFONAME',
url: 'https://MonitoringTool',
type: 'checkout',
label: 'INFONAME',
url: 'https://MonitoringTool',
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