If you are here to remove the "Card Rating History" label, change Show Label to "false"
If you are here to hide the learning stage reviews (Sowa0 and and u/boworyx's idea) when the card is in a review stage, change "only-show-learning-reviews-in-learning-stage" to "true!"
To change the postion to the top of the card reviewers, change to "top" instead of "bottom".
Horizontal adjustment is still a work in progress as it's super buggy.
Addon idea by gbrl.sc on the Anki Forums!
Special thanks to xygn (u/strawberry-fields) who went above and beyond to provide solutions to other users!
Another HUGE thank you to @saxoncameron on Github who consistently left incredibly useful feedback and contributed many solutions.
Lots of credit goes to u/boworyx, @Sowa0, cqg, Casartelli, korkmaz (Anki Forums), u/Michaelz35699, u/You_Goose, u/nimbuslimbus, @morning-paradigm, @FrozenKite, @MightyW0lf for their suggestions and help in making this addon!