- added new color support (#49)
- fixed 🐛 whereby the original logged object was being modified by the filter function
- NPM Package updates
- Added Angular 1.5.x to test suite
- Reformat all code
- Release 0.0.10-3+sha.c8ba77d
- bump tagrelease version
- Updates to package.json and libs
- added new angular libraries to the testing cycle to ensure nothin has broken. the latest 1.2.x, 1.3.x & 1.4.x beta libraries has been added. closes #40
- Merge pull request #31 from lwhiteley/feature/developer
- added more details to develop.md for developers & also updated wiki. closes #31
- Merge pull request #28 from lwhiteley/jshint
- Update dist task to lint dist file after generation. resolves #28
- Merge pull request #30 from lwhiteley/readme
- remove detailed docs from readme. closes #30
- Merge pull request #29 from lwhiteley/feature/bump
- Used proper semantic versioning library for numbering. closes #29
- Release 0.0.10-2+sha.c8ba77d
- Bumping version to 0.0.10-2.
- Bumping version to 0.0.10-2.
- Bumping version to 0.0.10-2.
- Bumping version to 0.0.10-1.
- Bumping version to 0.0.10-0.
- fixed jshint, lint issues & upgraded packages. closes #26
- Release v0.0.9
- Merge pull request #25 from lwhiteley/develop
- Merge pull request #22 from lwhiteley/logfilter
- Added support filter sensitive data masking. closes #22
- Merge pull request #24 from waffle-iron/master
- Update README.md
- Update .travis.yml
- add waffle.io badge
- Merge pull request #25 from lwhiteley/develop
- Merge pull request #22 from lwhiteley/logfilter
- Added support filter sensitive data masking. closes #22
- Merge pull request #24 from waffle-iron/master
- Update README.md
- Update .travis.yml
- add waffle.io badge
- cleanup before release 0.0.7
- Update known keys return description
- Update readme and develop documentation
- Add knownKeys validation for colorCss
- edit test description
- Add length validation to colorCss validation
- edit overrideLogPrefixTest to return customLogPrefix to original state after test
- add memorization for default logprefix rules
- add clean task for coverage folder
- update grunt file with proper indent
- update clean config to support for multi clean config
- add minify process for module
- Add param descriptions
- Add param descriptions for declarations
- change for-in to foreach in overrideLogMethodColors method
- fix spelling and wording of descriptions
- move provider method descriptions to above method definitions
- Add overrideLogMEthodColors method and tests
- Move setLogMethodColor tests to a different file
- Update readme wording
- add setLogMethodColor and tests
- generate release
- CleanUp - fixed linting issues with methods - remove commented out code - remove unsued variables - fixed formatting of methods to match jslint standards
- generate new release - fix grammer issues - added test case for supplant catch block - clean up formatting and parameter passing - correct param naming - set optional types for certain method
- update documentation
- update bower settings
- Update documentation with new config
- Update documentation
- Update default colors
- Update createlogobj method and spec
- Fix incorrect spelling and add util function
- Update documentation
- Add default colors for each log method
- Update documentation
- Update typeof references to use itypeof
- Add tests for supplant
- Update function names
- Add string check for supplant pattern
- update prepareLogFn method and spec
- Add function description for canColorizee
- Update documentation
- Fix spelling error
- Add function description for canTemplate
- Implement string template functionality
- Add documentation
- Add documentation for colorify
- Update prepareLogFn tests
- Enhance colorify method
- Add supplant method and spec
- Update colorify tests
- Update colorify tests
- Update colorify to validate css string
- Add itypeof method and tests
- add colorify method
- Update dist file
- Add methods for Colorify supported browser detection
- added version testing
- test cleanup
- update changelog
- added jsonlint
- added jsonlint
- Update Documentation to remove future implementation that was achieved
- connect bower to dist generation
- Update Documentation to showcase upcoming bower support
- Update bower ignore list
- Add bower support
- release 0.0.5
- remove unecessary declaration
- update submodule
- snapshot release
- release 0.0.4
- Update Documentation
- Update Documentation
- Update Documentation
- Update Documentation
- Update Documentation
- Remove constant reference
- Shorten module name to log.ex.uo
- Replace plain text with constant references
- Update documentation to give a more accurate description of the module
- Update Documentation
- Update Documentation to showcase added configurations
- Update Documentation to showcase constants
- Update Documentation and add logMethod constant for external use
- updated config for lcov
- more context
- new dist
- remove readme dup
- fixed readme issue
- updated documentation
- update submodule
- update submodule
- generated changelog generated distributed version
- added the functionality for supporting toggling of methods
- remove allowedMethods
- remove allowMethods override
- Remove duplicate isBoolean method
- Update enableLogging method to handle invalid input
- Reword spec description to a vlaid statement
- reword spec description to valid statement
- clean up tests
- added more tests for exposed restrictedMethod and override functionality. reformat code update prefix updated dist version
- checked in to make the stable.
- Merge branch 'develop' of github.com:lwhiteley/AngularLogExtender into develop
- added new logic
- Add tests for enableLogging and add path to code coverage
- added declarations to tests env
- cleaned up logic for function exposition break out providerFunc added provider suffix
- updateed submodule
- Update documentation to showcase new way to enable logs
- Update dist file
- Create provider for logEx to make module more configurable
- snapshot dist
- updated v0.0.3 to snapshot
- added datespy library to project solution to help with testing dates …
- remove integration tests and replace with unit tests
- update test structure
- added more tests for key methods
- modularize tests
- update changelog
- added grunt shell
- generate new snapshot
- remove default config from jshintrc add config files & util files to lint process fix closure optimal syntax remove unsed variables from tests
- added more interpolation added jsdoc/closure to set optional params update package.json with interpolation data added new snapshot release remove redundant comments
- added versioning, version inc and LICENSE
- changed wording in the develop.md
- added some unit test, update activatelog function
- added some unit test, update wording
- added some unit test
- included globals.js into coverage, added comment stubs. all blocks should have comments
- move enabled to globals
- added code coverage support via coveralls
- added develop.md
- added changelog and contributor section to header.js
- reformat code
- reorganize repo to be more modular and testable
- remove example_app
- readded darn submodule
- Merge branch 'develop' of github.com:lwhiteley/AngularLogExtender into develop
- added build status
- Merge pull request #2 from ferronrsmith/master
- jshint the code base, addded karma testing framework, grunt, and test file. also aded travis configuration
- cleanup to remove excessive var statements
- remove submodule from master. keep testing in develop
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lwhiteley/AngularLogExtender
- add submodule
- removed prev versions from master
- removed prev versions from master