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File metadata and controls

862 lines (686 loc) · 27.3 KB

knowhow-api Build Status

This is a node.js api for connect and manipulating a knowhow server. A command line tool that exposes the API to bash, KHCommand, is also provided for shell scripting. Uses of this API include:

  • creating and deleting repositories
  • add and deleting file in repositories
  • adding and deleting agents
  • executing jobs
  • executing other knowhow jobs from knowhow itself


This is installed by default when installing knowhow package. If you want to install this package individually

	npm install -g knowhow-api


List all active repositories on a knowhow server

	var serverURL = "http://localhost:3001";
	var khClient =  require('knowhow-api')(serverURL);
	khClient.khRepository.listRepositories(function(err, repos) {
	  	if (err) {
	  		console.log("unable to get repositories: "+err.message);

or using KHCommand

	KHCommand listRepositories http://localhost:3001

Execute a job on a knowhow server

	var serverURL = "http://localhost:3001";
	var khClient =  require('knowhow-api')(serverURL);
	testJob = { "jobRef": "MyRepo://jobs/dummyJob.json"}
	khClient.khJob.executeJob(agent, createAgentJob, function (err, result) {

or using KHCommand

	KHCommand executeJob http://localhost:3001 '{"host": "container02", "user": "serverClub", "password": "serverClub", "port": 3141}' '{"jobRef": "zenzic:///jobs/dummyJob.json"}'

Add/delete an agent

	var serverURL = "http://localhost:3001";
	var khClient =  require('knowhow-api')(serverURL);
	var agentInfo = {
			"host": "myHost",
			"user": "myUser",
			"password": "myPassword",
			"port": 3141
	//add agent
	khClient.khAgent.addAgent(agentInfo, function(err, addedAgent) {
	//delete agent
	khClient.khAgent.deleteAgent(agentInfo, function(err, deletedAgent) {

or using KHCommand: addAgent http://localhost:3001 '{"host": "container02", "user": "serverClub", "password": "serverClub", "port": 3141}'

Import a repository from GIT

	var exampleRepo = {
		"name": "knowhow-example",
		"path": "/tmp/knowhow-example"
	var gitURL = "";
	var gitUser = undefined;
	var gitPassword = undefined;
	khClient.khRepository.importFileRepositoryFromGit(exampleRepo, gitURL, gitUser, gitPassword, function(err, loadedRepo) {

Download a repository as a tarball

	khClient.khRepository.downloadRepoAsTarBall(exampleRepo, './testRepo.tar.gz', function(err, savedPath) {

Execute a workflow

	khClient.khRepository.loadURL("knowhow-example:///environments/test/environment.json", function(err, testEnvironment) {
		if (err) {
			throw err;
		//connect all the agents for the environment
		khClient.khWorkflow.connectEnvironmentAgents(testEnvironment, function(err) {
			if (err) {
				throw err;
			//load a test workflow and execute it
			khClient.khRepository.loadURL("knowhow-example:///workflows/test/testWorkflow.json", function(err, testWorkflow){
				if (err) {
					throw err;
				khClient.khWorkflow.executeWorkflow(testEnvironment, testWorkflow,function(err, workflowREsult) {

other examples:

add a file to a repository, create a new repository, delete a repository, delete a file in a repository

knowhow urls

All files and resources on a knowhow server are designed to be accessed in url syntax:


For example: MyRepo:///jobs/myJob.json would refer to the file myJob.json located in the jobs folder of the MyRepo repositorhy


An event listener is provided to listen for the following server side events:

  • 'agent-update'
  • 'agent-error'
  • 'agent-delete'
  • 'agent-add'
  • 'job-start'
  • 'job-update'
  • 'job-cancel'
  • 'job-complete'
  • 'job-error'
  • 'cancel-job-on-agent'
  • 'execution-start'
  • 'execution-complete'
  • 'execution-error'
  • 'execution-password-prompt'

Example: var serverURL = "http://localhost:3001"; var khEventHandler = require('knowhow-api').khEventsHandler(serverURL); khEventHandler.on("job-complete", function(job) { console.log("done event"); });


Agent API (accessed via khClient.khAgent)


addAgent(agentInfo, callback)

Adds a new agent to a knowhow server. If no login or password is specified it will attempt to scan for an already running agent on the specified host. If no port is specified the port 3141 is used. Plain text passwords may be used, but is discouraged. Use passowrddEnc to pass encrypted passwords that are descryped using the server's encrytion key


Synchronous version of addAgent call

updateAgent(agentInfo, callback)

Updates agent info with values specified in agentInfo

deleteAgent(agentInfo, callback)

deletes an agent on a knowhow server


deletes an agent on a knowhow server

resetAgent(agentInfo, callback)

resets an agent on a knowhow server by stopping and restarting.


Synchronous version of addAgent call

getAgentInfo(agentInfo, callback)

retrives agent info base on _id.

getAgentLogs(agentInfo, callback)

retrives agent info base on _id.


retrieves a list of all agents on a knowhow server

agentHeartbeat(agent, callback)

Checks if an agent is alive by attempting to contact it through the server.

waitForAgentStartup(agent, callback)

Waits for an agent to start up and returns when done. Used for flow control in scripts.

## addAgent(agentInfo, callback) Adds a new agent to a knowhow server. If no login or password is specified it will attempt to scan for an already running agent on the specified host. If no port is specified the port 3141 is used. Plain text passwords may be used, but is discouraged. Use passowrddEnc to pass encrypted passwords that are descryped using the server's encrytion key

Kind: global function

Param Description
agentInfo agentInfo only host is requred - ex: {"host": "myHost", "port": 3141, "user": "MyUSer", "passwordEnc": "DSAF@#R##EASDSAS@#"}
callback callback function with parameters (error, agentInfo)


Synchronous version of addAgent call

Kind: global function

Param Description
agentInfo json representaion of the agent to add

updateAgent(agentInfo, callback)

Updates agent info with values specified in agentInfo

Kind: global function

Param Description
agentInfo agentInfo must specify _id - ex: {"_id": "1234:", "host": "myHost", "port": 3141, "user": "MyUser", "passwordEnc": "DSAF@#R##EASDSAS@#"}
callback callback function with parameters (error, agentInfo)

deleteAgent(agentInfo, callback)

deletes an agent on a knowhow server

Kind: global function

Param Description
agentInfo agentInfo must specify _id - ex: {"_id": "1234"}
callback callback function with parameters (error, agentInfo)

deleteAgentSync(agentInfo) ⇒

deletes an agent on a knowhow server

Kind: global function
Returns: agent or undefined if it didn't work

Param Description
agentInfo agentInfo must specify _id - ex: {"_id": "1234"}

resetAgent(agentInfo, callback)

resets an agent on a knowhow server by stopping and restarting.

Kind: global function

Param Description
agentInfo agentInfo only host is requred - ex: {"host": "myHost", "port": 3141, "user": "MyUSer", "passwordEnc": "DSAF@#R##EASDSAS@#"}
callback callback function with parameters (error, agentInfo)


Synchronous version of addAgent call

Kind: global function

Param Description
agentInfo json representaion of the agent to add

getAgentInfo(agentInfo, callback)

retrives agent info base on _id.

Kind: global function

Param Description
agentInfo agentInfo must specify _id - ex: _id: "1234"
callback callback function with parameters (error, agentInfo)

getAgentLogs(agentInfo, callback)

retrives agent info base on _id.

Kind: global function

Param Description
agentInfo agentInfo must specify _id - ex: 1234
callback callback function with parameters (error, agentInfo)


retrieves a list of all agents on a knowhow server

Kind: global function

Param Description
callback callback function with parameters (error, agentInfo)

agentHeartbeat(agent, callback) ⇒

Checks if an agent is alive by attempting to contact it through the server.

Kind: global function
Returns: {alive: true} if the agent can be reached.

Param Description
agent agent json

waitForAgentStartup(agent, callback) ⇒

Waits for an agent to start up and returns when done. Used for flow control in scripts.

Kind: global function
Returns: {alive: true} if the agent can be reached.

Param Description
agent agent json

Repository API (accessed via khClient.khRepository)


listRepositories(serverURL, callback)

Lists all repositories on a server

loadRepoFromName(repoName, callback)

loads a populated repo json object based on a name


Adds a new repository to a knowhow server specified by param serverUDL

updateRepo(serverURL, existingRepo, callback)

Modifies an existing repo obejct on a knowhow server with the values specified in the repo object

deleteRepo(repo, callback)

Deletes a repository on a knowhow server

loadRepo(repo, subDir, callback)

Returns a directory tree structure starting at a specified subDir- used to load a tree widget

addFile(path, newFile, content, isDirectory, callback)

Adds a file to specified repository

deleteFile(filePath, force, callback)

Deletes specified file from a repository

saveFile(filePath, fileContent, callback)

saves a file in the specified filePAth on a knowhow server


retrieves an environment object from a knowhow URL

importFileRepositoryFromGit(repo, gitURL, gitUser, gitPAssword, callback)

Imports a repository from a git server Url into a new file repository.

importFileRepositoryFromTarBall(repo, tarBallFile, callback)

Imports a repository from a tarball(.tar.gz) file

importFileRepositoryFromServer(repoToCreate, KHHostRepoName, KHServerURL, callback)

Imports a repository from a a knowhow server

downloadRepoAsTarBall(repo, savePath)

Downloads a knowhow repository as a tarball. This tarball may be reimport as a new repository on any knowhow server.

KHRepository(serverURL, EventHandler)

Factory method for KHJob

## Typedefs
loadFile : function

Loads a File from the specified repository

## listRepositories(serverURL, callback) Lists all repositories on a server

Kind: global function

Param Description
callback function to call when done with parameters (error, repoList)

loadRepoFromName(repoName, callback)

loads a populated repo json object based on a name

Kind: global function

Param Description
repoName the name of the repositry
callback callback function to execute when complete with parameters (error, repoObject)


Adds a new repository to a knowhow server specified by param serverUDL

Kind: global function

Param Description
newRepo A json object describing the new repository with parameters (error, repoObject)

updateRepo(serverURL, existingRepo, callback)

Modifies an existing repo obejct on a knowhow server with the values specified in the repo object

Kind: global function

Param Description
serverURL the URL of the knowhow server ex :http://localhost:3001
existingRepo a json object describing a repository - _id must be specified
callback callback functions with parameters (error, modifiedRepoObject)

deleteRepo(repo, callback)

Deletes a repository on a knowhow server

Kind: global function

Param Description
repo a json object representing the repo to delete - _id must be specified
callback callback function with parameters (error, deletedRepo)

loadRepo(repo, subDir, callback)

Returns a directory tree structure starting at a specified subDir- used to load a tree widget

Kind: global function

Param Description
repo a json object representing a repository to use
subDir the point in the repository to start - ex: /jobs
callback callback function with params (error, repoTree)

addFile(path, newFile, content, isDirectory, callback)

Adds a file to specified repository

Kind: global function

Param Description
path the repository path of the file - ex: /jobs/myJob.json
newFile new file name
content text content of the file to add
isDirectory flag for whether of not file is a directory
callback callback function with parameters (error, newFile)

deleteFile(filePath, force, callback)

Deletes specified file from a repository

Kind: global function

Param Description
filePath the absolute directory structure of the file to delete ex /myRepo/job/myJob.json
callback callback function with parameters (error, deletedFile)

saveFile(filePath, fileContent, callback)

saves a file in the specified filePAth on a knowhow server

Kind: global function

Param Description
filePath the absolute directory path of a specified file on the knowhow server host
fileContent the text content of the file
callback callbacj function with params (error, file)


retrieves an environment object from a knowhow URL

Kind: global function

Param Description
URL the knowhow URL we are attempting to load

importFileRepositoryFromGit(repo, gitURL, gitUser, gitPAssword, callback)

Imports a repository from a git server Url into a new file repository.

Kind: global function

Param Description
repo a json object with the expected repo values: name and path
gitURL URL of the git repository
gitUser if supplied will attempt to use as part of the url
gitPAssword use only if server requires password authentication
callback to execute when finished

importFileRepositoryFromTarBall(repo, tarBallFile, callback)

Imports a repository from a tarball(.tar.gz) file

Kind: global function

Param Description
repo a json object with the expected repo values: name and path
tarBallFile the file path of the tarball file
callback to execute when finished

importFileRepositoryFromServer(repoToCreate, KHHostRepoName, KHServerURL, callback)

Imports a repository from a a knowhow server

Kind: global function

Param Description
repoToCreate a json object with the expected repo values: name and path
KHHostRepoName the name of the repo on the knowhow server we are importing from
KHServerURL the url of the knowhow server
callback to execute when finished

downloadRepoAsTarBall(repo, savePath)

Downloads a knowhow repository as a tarball. This tarball may be reimport as a new repository on any knowhow server.

Kind: global function

Param Description
repo the knowhow repository to download
savePath where to save the tarball

KHRepository(serverURL, EventHandler)

Factory method for KHJob

Kind: global function

Param Description
serverURL the url of the server

loadFile : function

Loads a File from the specified repository

Kind: global typedef

Param Description
serverURL the URL of the knowhow server ex :http://localhost:3001
repo a json object representing a repository to use
path the repository path of the file - ex: /jobs/myJob.json

Job API (accessed via khClient.khJob)


executeJob(agent, job, callback)

Executes a job on a knowhow server

executeJobSync(agentInfo, job)

Synchronous version of addAgent call

cancelJob(agent, job, callback)

Cancels a running job on a knowhow server

getRunningJobsList(agent, callback)

Retreives a list of currently executing jobs on a knowhow server

KHJob(serverURL, EventHandler)

Factory method for KHJob

## executeJob(agent, job, callback) Executes a job on a knowhow server

Kind: global function

Param Description
agent agentInfo _id is required is requred - ex: {_id: "1234"}
job a json job to execute
callback callback function with parameters (error, agentInfo)

executeJobSync(agentInfo, job)

Synchronous version of addAgent call

Kind: global function

Param Description
agentInfo json representaion of the agent to add
job to run

cancelJob(agent, job, callback)

Cancels a running job on a knowhow server

Kind: global function

Param Description
agent agentInfo _id is required is requred - ex: {_id: "1234"}
job a json job to execute
callback callback function with parameters (error, agentInfo)

getRunningJobsList(agent, callback)

Retreives a list of currently executing jobs on a knowhow server

Kind: global function

Param Description
agent agentInfo _id is required is requred - ex: {_id: "1234"}
callback callback function with parameters (error, runningJobList)

KHJob(serverURL, EventHandler)

Factory method for KHJob

Kind: global function

Param Description
serverURL the url of the server

Workflow API (accessed via khClient.khWorkflow)



loads all agents on an environment. Returns with the agent data fully populated


Ensures that all agents for an environment are running. IF a defined agent does not exist an attempt is made to add it.

executeWorkflow(environment, workflow, callback)

Executes a workflow on a knowhow server

executeWorkflowSync(environment, workflow)

Synchronous version of addWorkflow call

cancelWorkflow(environment, workflow, callback)

Cancels a running workflow on a knowhow server


Retreives a list of currently executing workflows on a knowhow server

KHWorkflow(serverURL, khEventHandler, the, khClient)

Factory method for KHWorkflow

## loadAgentsForEnvironment(environment) loads all agents on an environment. Returns with the agent data fully populated

Kind: global function

Param Description
environment the environment to load


Ensures that all agents for an environment are running. IF a defined agent does not exist an attempt is made to add it.

Kind: global function

Param Description
environment an environment json object

executeWorkflow(environment, workflow, callback)

Executes a workflow on a knowhow server

Kind: global function

Param Description
environment json environment representation (i.e. collection of knowhow agents that represent the environment)
workflow a json workflow to execute
callback callback function with parameters (error, agentInfo)

executeWorkflowSync(environment, workflow)

Synchronous version of addWorkflow call

Kind: global function

Param Description
environment json representaion of the workflow's environment
workflow to run

cancelWorkflow(environment, workflow, callback)

Cancels a running workflow on a knowhow server

Kind: global function

Param Description
environment environment to cancel
workflow a json workflow to execute
callback callback function with parameters (error, agentInfo)


Retreives a list of currently executing workflows on a knowhow server

Kind: global function

Param Description
callback callback function with parameters (error, runningJobList)

KHWorkflow(serverURL, khEventHandler, the, khClient)

Factory method for KHWorkflow

Kind: global function

Param Description
serverURL the url of the server
khEventHandler EventHandler
the khJob object for this workflow engine

Event API (accessed via khClient.khEventHandler)

commits since last release

	Merge branch 'master' of
	fix tests, agent/workflow callbacks
	updated documentation
	fix more jsdoc tags
	fixed @returns annotation
	fix documentation typo
	expose wait for startup and heartbeat methods in agent api
	Merge branch 'master' of
	added heartbeat and waitForStartup methods for better scripting control flow when automatically starting and stopping knowhow servers and agents. Added a test for KHCommand.
	updated documentation
	Merge branch 'master' of
	updated documentation
	added space to render properly on github
	Update aPI tempalte
	updated documentation to fix npm formatting issues and to break up apis into separate sections
	Merge branch 'master' of
	updated documentation
	fix documentation so it renders properly on github
	added new examples
	Completed workflow API, Added additona tests, fix agent api runtime errors
	added workflow commands
	Merge branch 'master' of
	fix load URL call
	fix typo
	updated documentation
	Merge branch 'master' of
	add latest repository functions to KHCommand
	added repository page functions to API as well as eom real unit tests
	updated documentation
	Merge branch 'master' of
	updated documentation
	fix runtime error - make error handling a little mroe robust
	Merge branch 'master' of
	fix environment substitution and add more verbose command output
	updated documentation
	updated documentation
	updated documentation
	fix KHCommand error handling
	updated documentation
	Merge branch 'master' of
	fixed job execution api and agent createion api. properly parse json objects from command line tool. Correct callback after job execution. Updated documentation to reflect correct usage examples
	updated documentation
	updated version
	updated test
	added travis buiuld icon
	added build test
	Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
	added travis file
	updated documentation
	Merge branch 'master' of
	fix execution issues
	job execution fixes
	updated documentation
	updated documentation
	incremented version
	fix command line doc generation
	Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
	moved to a client model for easier event management
	moved to a client model where events are managed for synchronous processing
	updated documentation
	fix package executable error
	Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
	fixed event list
	updated documentation
	configured readme generation
	fixed js doc issues
	fix compile error
	initial add
	first commit