cover coverY layout .gitbook/assets/banner.png 0 cover title description tableOfContents outline pagination visible size true full visible visible visible true visible visible JFrog Applications Welcome to the JFrog Applications Doc Hub IDEideIDE.pngCLIjfrog-clicli.pngFrogbotfrogbotFROG BOT.pngCI ci-integrationsCI Integrations.pngSDKssdksSDK.png Shift Left with JFrog Security SCASoftware Composition Analysis for source code and binary filessca.mdContextual AnalysisDeep Contextual Analysis combining real-world exploitability and CVEs applicabilitycontextual-analysis.mdSecretsSecrets Detection for source code and binary files secrets.mdInfrastructure as Code (IaC)Identify security exposures in your IaC infrastructure-as-code-iac.mdSASTDiscover vulnerabilities in the 1st party codesast