Created by Jordane Gengo (Titus)
This project is a simple Proof-of-Concept for the 42network allowing to visualize the evaluations made via a network graph.
- 42API app
- Python 3.6+ (tested with 3.12)
Create a venv
python3 -m venv venv
Activate your venv
source venv/bin/activate
Add the information to your config.yml
cp config.sample.yml config.yml
The previous command will create a data.json file inside ./web
The easiest way to run a little web server to open the website is to go inside web/ folder and run a http server with python
cd web/ && python3 -m http.server
Your network graph should then be accessible from http://localhost:8000/
- Cluster Detection and Visualization (js-louvain)
- Interactive Info Panel (instead of tooltip)
- Time-Based Filtering
- Heatmap Overlay
- Export Graph as Image