-- single line comment
{- multiline comment
True : Bool
False : Bool
13 : number -- Int or Float depending on usage
4.2 : Float
"hello world" : String
'a' : Char
"hello" ++ " world" -- Concatenation
"age: " ++ (String.fromInt 42) -- Concatenation with numbers
add a b = a + b -- Definition
add 3 5 -- Example of use, returns 8
anotherAdd = (\a b -> a + b) -- Lambda / anonymous function
anotherAdd 3 5 -- Returns 8
["elem1", "elem2"]
1 :: [2,3,4] -- Equals [1, 2, 3, 4]
List.map (\a -> a * 2) [1, 2, 3, 4] -- Equals [2, 4, 6, 8]
("text", 42) -- Tuple with two values
(34, 23, "text") -- Tuple with 3 values
myAge = 19
if myAge >= 18 then
-- Returns "overage" (this is an expression, not a statement)
myUser = { username = "Marcus", password = "Secr3T" }
myUser.username -- Returns "Marcus"
myUserWithChangedPassword = { myUser | password = "M0r3Secr3T" }
myUser.password -- Returns "Secr3T"
myUserWithChangedPassword.password -- Returns "M0r3Secr3T"
-- Type alias
type alias User = { username : String, password : String }
-- Gives you a "constructor" function 'User'
User "Marcus" "Secr3T" == { username = "Marcus", password = "Secr3T" }
-- Custom type
type RemoteString = NotLoaded | Loading | Loaded String | OnError Int
{- For null values, you can use the Maybe custom type
that is either "Just something" or "Nothing":
Just "value" : Maybe.Maybe String
Nothing : Maybe.Maybe a
More informations about custom types
Match values against patterns
case myListOfString of
[] -> -- Handles empty list
head :: others -> -- Store head of the list in head and the rest of the list in the List others
case myStringMaybe of
Just value ->
Nothing ->
"empty string"
case myNumber of
0 ->
"the number is 0"
1 ->
"the number is 1"
_ ->
"the number is neither 0 nor 1"
let these values be defined in this specific expression.
days =
seconds =
numberOfDays * 24 * 60 * 60
(String.fromInt seconds) " seconds in " ++ (String.fromInt days) ++ " days"
Allows to split complex expressions into smaller definitions to ease the read. Use when needed but be careful, sometimes it is better to extract code into functions!
module MyModule exposing (..)
import List exposing (..) -- import module and expose everything
import List exposing ( map, foldl ) -- exposes only map and foldl
Qualified imports are preferred. Module names must match their file name, so module Parser.Utils needs to be in file Parser/Utils.elm .
You can learn more about type annotations here.