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Education project about e-commerce backend in php

Database Schema for audio

Database: audio

This database schema is designed for an e-commerce system with functionalities such as user management, product catalog, orders, reviews, and more. Below is the detailed structure of the tables and their relationships.

Table: users

  • id: Primary Key
  • username: User's username
  • email: User's email address (unique)
  • passwordhash: Hashed password
  • firstname: User's first name
  • lastname: User's last name
  • address: User's address
  • city: City of the user
  • country: Country of the user
  • postalcode: Postal code of the user
  • phonenumber: User's phone number
  • isadmin: Boolean to indicate admin status
  • datecreated: Timestamp of when the user was created

Table: roles

  • id: Primary Key
  • rolename: Name of the role (unique)

Table: userroles

  • id: Primary Key
  • userid: Foreign Key referencing users(id)
  • roleid: Foreign Key referencing roles(id)

Table: products

  • id: Primary Key
  • productname: Name of the product
  • description: Description of the product
  • price: Price of the product
  • stock: Available stock of the product
  • categoryid: Foreign Key referencing categories(id)
  • dateadded: Timestamp of when the product was added

Table: categories

  • id: Primary Key
  • categoryname: Name of the category

Table: orders

  • id: Primary Key
  • userid: Foreign Key referencing users(id)
  • orderdate: Timestamp of when the order was placed
  • totalamount: Total amount of the order
  • status: Status of the order
  • shippingaddress: Shipping address for the order
  • billingaddress: Billing address for the order

Table: orderdetails

  • id: Primary Key
  • orderid: Foreign Key referencing orders(id)
  • productid: Foreign Key referencing products(id)
  • quantity: Quantity of the product ordered
  • price: Price of the product at the time of order

Table: payments

  • id: Primary Key
  • orderid: Foreign Key referencing orders(id)
  • paymentdate: Timestamp of when the payment was made
  • amount: Amount paid
  • paymentmethod: Method of payment
  • paymentstatus: Status of the payment

Table: reviews

  • id: Primary Key
  • productid: Foreign Key referencing products(id)
  • userid: Foreign Key referencing users(id)
  • rating: Rating given by the user (1 to 5)
  • reviewtext: Review text
  • reviewdate: Timestamp of when the review was written

Table: shoppingcart

  • id: Primary Key
  • userid: Foreign Key referencing users(id)
  • productid: Foreign Key referencing products(id)
  • quantity: Quantity of the product in the cart
  • dateadded: Timestamp of when the product was added to the cart

Table: addresses

  • id: Primary Key
  • userid: Foreign Key referencing users(id)
  • addressline1: First line of the address
  • addressline2: Second line of the address
  • city: City of the address
  • country: Country of the address
  • postalcode: Postal code of the address
  • isprimary: Boolean to indicate if this is the primary address

Table: wishlists

  • id: Primary Key
  • userid: Foreign Key referencing users(id)
  • productid: Foreign Key referencing products(id)
  • dateadded: Timestamp of when the product was added to the wishlist

Table: inventory

  • id: Primary Key
  • productid: Foreign Key referencing products(id)
  • quantitychange: Change in the quantity of the product
  • changedate: Timestamp of when the change occurred
  • changereason: Reason for the change in quantity

Table: productimages

  • id: Primary Key
  • productid: Foreign Key referencing products(id)
  • imageurl: URL of the product image


  • users to userroles: One-to-Many (A user can have multiple roles)
  • roles to userroles: One-to-Many (A role can be assigned to multiple users)
  • categories to products: One-to-Many (A category can have multiple products)
  • users to orders: One-to-Many (A user can have multiple orders)
  • orders to orderdetails: One-to-Many (An order can have multiple order details)
  • products to orderdetails: One-to-Many (A product can be part of multiple order details)
  • orders to payments: One-to-One (An order can have one payment)
  • users to reviews: One-to-Many (A user can write multiple reviews)
  • products to reviews: One-to-Many (A product can have multiple reviews)
  • users to shoppingcart: One-to-Many (A user can have multiple items in their cart)
  • products to shoppingcart: One-to-Many (A product can be in multiple carts)
  • users to addresses: One-to-Many (A user can have multiple addresses)
  • users to wishlists: One-to-Many (A user can have multiple wishlist items)
  • products to wishlists: One-to-Many (A product can be in multiple wishlists)
  • products to inventory: One-to-Many (A product can have multiple inventory changes)
  • products to productimages: One-to-Many (A product can have multiple images)