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File metadata and controls

79 lines (60 loc) · 3.6 KB


This repo is a collection of configuration files used to setup my desktop environment.


OSX has been my primary OS for a few years now and the most recently dotfiles all belong to OSX. The configuration files and associated scripts can all be found underneath the osx directory.


I use iTerm2 as my primary terminal and install a theme collection from Iterm2-Color-Schemes by `mbadolato.

These themes are saved here under

  • osx/.config/mbadolato-iTerm2-Color-Schemes-0c5cc04

They are loaded into iTerm2 manually via the import functionality under profiles.


My primary shell is zsh, installed and configured via the oh-my-zsh project. I use the powerlevel10k ZSH theme and I use it to configure my $PS1.

Relevant files:

  • .zshrc: primary config file for my zsh environment, pulls in configurations from other dotfiles
  • .sh_functions: custom shell functions, sourced on shell start via .zshrc
  • .sh_aliases: custom shell aliases, sources on shell start via .zshrc


Vim has been my primary text editor for ~10 years now and I recently switched to NeoVim to continue my Vim journey with a more modern toolkit.

Dot files are in

  • osx/.config/nvim

Quick Reference NeoVim

This is a quick reference to shortcuts that I've configured in NeoVim (copied from my Notion)

  • Press <Leader>z to load/update new plugins
  • Press <C-y> to accept a suggestion (for instance, when typing a command)
  • :colorscheme {nightfox|dayfox} to toggle colorschemes
  • <Leader>ff to open fuzzy search for new files
  • <Leader>ft to open the floating tree view
    • g? to open help and a to create a new file in current directory
  • :LuaSnipListAvailable to show available snippets
    • Snippets work by typing some command in insert mode and then pressing enter on the snippet. Super cool. Try classi in Python script in insert mode to make a new class or time
  • Terminal access
  • Copilot
    • Suggestions will automatically show for you
      • M is the option key (meta key)
      • <M-]> and <M-[> cycle through suggestions
      • <M-l> accepts a suggestion, <C-l> rejects
    • You can open a panel using <M-CR> (meta-enter) to look at more complicated suggestions
  • Git integration
    • You have a lazygit integration built-in!
      • Use <leader>gg to toggle the lazygit UI
      • Use q to quit
  • Visual mode
    • You can navigate multiple lines at a time!
    • Select a line to highlight (V)
      • Then type 50G to go to line 50 (notice, not :50G, just 50G).
      • You can type e.g. 10 to go down ten lines
  • LSP
    • You can use <C-b> and <C-f> to scroll through the docs that show up
    • You can use gd (go-to definition) to hop to the definition of an item
      • You can use <C-o> to jump back to the previous file after jumping to a definition!
      • You can use [d to go to the next diagnostic and [e to go to the next error!?


I used to use ArchLinux and had a cool setup with a tiling desktop environment that was very specialized and highly customized. I gave up on this environment when I got my first Macbook Pro and decided that it was easier to just stick with OSX. My dot files are still here under the /linux directory but they haven't been touched in ages.