In this tutorial you'll learn how to inspect the quality of High-throughput sequencing and perform a metagenomic assembly.
We will use data under the accession SRS018585 in the Sequence Read Archive. this sample is "a Human Metagenome sample from G_DNA_Anterior nares of a male participant in the dbGaP study HMP Core Microbiome Sampling Protocol A (HMP-A)"
- Softwares Required for this Tutorial
- Getting the Data
- Quality Control
- Assembly
- Taxonomic Classification and Visualization
tar xjf SRS018585.tar.bz2
cd SRS018585
we'll use FastQC to check the quality of our data. FastQC can be downloaded and ran on a Windows or LINUX computer without installation. It is available here
Start FastQC and select the fastq files you just downloaded with file -> open
What is the average read length? The average quality?
Now we'll trim the reads using sickle
sickle pe -f SRS018585.denovo_duplicates_marked.trimmed.1.fastq \
-r SRS018585.denovo_duplicates_marked.trimmed.2.fastq -t sanger \
-o SRS018585_trimmed_1.fastq -p SRS018585_trimmed_2.fastq -s unpaired.fastq
sickle normally gives you a summary of how many reads were trimmed.
SPAdes will be used for the assembly. Since version 3.7, SPAdes includes a metagenomic version of its algorithm, callable with the option --meta --meta -1 SRS018585_trimmed_1.fastq -2 SRS018585_trimmed_2.fastq -t 8 -o assembly
the resulting assenmbly can be found under assembly/scaffolds.fasta. How many contigs does this assembly contain? How long is the longest contig and to what organism does it belong to?
For the vizualisation of the assembly we will use a tool called blobtools. Blobtools produces "Taxon annotated GC-coverage plots" (TAGC) and was orignially made for the visualisation of (draft) genome assemblies.
mkdir blobtools && cd $_
blastn -num_threads 8 -db nt -query ../assembly/scaffolds.fasta -out blastresults.txt -outfmt '6 qseqid staxids bitscore'
This blast step is necessary to obtain the taxonomic information of your contigs. It might take a while. Be patient!
blobtools create -i ../assembly/scaffolds.fasta -y spades -t blastresults.txt \
--nodes /export/databases/taxonomy/nodes.dmp \
--names /export/databases/taxonomy/names.dmp \
-o scaffolds --title SRS018585
blobtools plot -i scaffolds.blob.BlobDB.json -o scaffolds --title -r family
Inspect the plot, what is the most abundant families? try to play with the parameters
(especially -r