This document is used to help customer solve problems when using AzureML extension.
You could get more detail Azureml extension information at Install AzureML extension. AzureML extension is released as a helm chart and installed by Helm V3. By default, all resources of AzureML extension are installed in azureml namespace. Currently, we don't find a way customise the installation error messages for a helm chart. The error message user received is the original error message returned by helm. This is why sometimes vague error messages are returned. But you can utilize the built-in health check job or the following commands to help you debug.
# check helm chart status
helm list -a -n azureml
# check status of all agent pods
kubectl get pod -n azureml
# get events of the extension
kubectl get events -n azureml --sort-by='.lastTimestamp'
# get release history
helm history -n azureml --debug <extension-name>
If the installation fails, you can use the built-in health check job to make a comprehensive check on the extension, and the check will also produce a report. This report can facilitate us to better locate the problem. We recommend that you send us these reports when you need our help to solve the installation problems. The report is saved in configmap named "arcml-healthcheck" under azureml namespace.
# trigger the built-in test to generate a health report of the extension
helm test -n azureml <extension-name> --logs
# get a summary of the report
kubectl get configmap -n azureml arcml-healthcheck --output="jsonpath={.data.status-test}"
# get detailed information of the report
kubectl get configmap -n azureml arcml-healthcheck --output="jsonpath={.data.reports-test}"
# for versions that is older than 1.0.75, the commands should be those
kubectl get configmap -n azureml amlarc-healthcheck --output="jsonpath={.data.status-test-success}"
kubectl get configmap -n azureml amlarc-healthcheck --output="jsonpath={.data.reports-test-success}"
Note: When running "helm test" command, Error like "unable to get pod logs for healthcheck-config: pods 'healthcheck-config' not found" should be ignored.
For inference azureml-fe agent, HA feature is enabled by default. So, by default, the inference feature requires at least 3 nodes to run. The phenomenon that this kind of issue may lead to is that some azureml-fe
pods are pending on scheduling and error message of the pod could be like "0/1 nodes are available: 1 node(s) didn't match pod anti-affinity rules".
It's very important for inference to expose scoring endpoint. According to the cluster configuration and testing scenarios, we have three ways to expose scoring services: public loadbalancer, private endpoint and nodeport. Public loadbalancer is used by default. privateEndpointNodeport
and privateEndpointILB
flags are used for the rest two scenarios. For detailed flag usage, please refer to doc. Many customers got problems in setting up loadbalancer, so we strongly recommend reading the relevant documents and doing some checks before the installation. If you find that inference-operator pod is crashed and azureml-fe service is in pending or unhealthy state, it is likely that endpoint flags are not set properly.
If you get error like CustomResourceDefinition "" in namespace "" exists and cannot be imported into the current release: invalid ownership metadata; label validation error: missing key "": must be set to "Helm"; annotation validation error: missing key "": must be set to "amlarc-extension"; annotation validation error: missing key "": must be set to "azureml"
, that means there is a confliction between existing cluster resources and AzureML extension. Follow the steps below to mitigate the issue.
- Check who owns the problematic resources and if the resource can be deleted or modified.
- If the resource is used only by AzureML extension and can be deleted, we can manually add labels to mitigate the issue. Taking the previous error message as an example, we can run commands
kubectl label crd ""
andkubectl annotate crd "" "<extension-name>"
. Please replace <extension-name> with your own extension name. By setting labels and annotations to the resource, it means the resource is managed by helm and owned by AzureML extension. - If the resource is also used by other components in your cluster and can't be modified. Please refer to doc to see if there is a flag to disable the resource from AzureML extension side. Taking the previous error message as an example, it's a resource of Volcano Scheduler. If Volcano Scheduler has been installed in your cluster, you can set
flag to disable it to avoid the confliction.
If user have their own volcano suite installed, they can set volcanoScheduler.enable=false
, so that the extension will not try to install the volcano scheduler. Volcano scheduler and volcano controller are required for job submission and scheduling.
The version of volcano we are using and run tests against with is
, other version may not work as expected. -
The volcano scheduler config we are using is :
volcano-scheduler.conf: | actions: "enqueue, allocate, backfill" tiers: - plugins: - name: task-topology - name: priority - name: gang - name: conformance - plugins: - name: overcommit - name: drf - name: predicates - name: proportion - name: nodeorder - name: binpack
We are using
plugins in the scheduler, if user have a volcano version greater than1.3.0
, please consider to enable this plugin. -
There is a bug in volcano admission, and it will break our job, so we disabled
webhook explicitly in the volcano admission provided in our extension, user should also patch their volcano admission otherwise the common runtime job won’t work. See this issue.
If you setup private endpoint for your workspace, it's important to test its availability before using it. Otherwise, it may cause unknown errors, like installation errors. You can follow the steps below to test if the private workspace endpoint is available in your cluster.
- The format of private workspace endpoint should be like this
. You can find workspace id and region in your workspace portal or throughaz ml workspace
command. - Prepare a pod that can run
commands. If you have AzureML extension installed and enabled Inference features, azureml-fe pod is a good choice. - Login into the pod. Taking azureml-fe as an example, you need to run
kubectl exec -it -n azureml $(kubectl get pod -n azureml | grep azureml-fe | awk '{print $1}' | head -1) bash
- If you don't configure proxy, just run
nslookup {workspace_id}.workspace.{region}
. If private link from cluster to workspace is set correctly, dns lookup will response an internal IP in VNET. The response should be something like this:Server: Address: Non-authoritative answer: *** Non-authoritative answer: ***
- If you have proxy configured, please run
curl https://{workspace_id}.workspace.{region}{subscription}/resourceGroups/{resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/{workspace_name}/api/2.0/prometheus/post -X POST -x {proxy_address} -d {} -v -k
. If you configured proxy and workspace with private link correctly, you can see it's trying to connect to an internal IP, and get response with http 401 (which is expected as you don't provide token for runhistory). The response should be something like this:Note: Unnecessary use of -X or --request, POST is already inferred. * Trying * Connected to *** ( port 443 (#0) * ALPN, offering h2 * ALPN, offering http/l.l *** { "error": { "code": "UserError", "severity": null, "message": "Bearer token not provided.", "messageFornat": null, "messageParameters": null, "innerError": { "code": "AuthorizationError", "innerError": null } "debuglnfo" : null, "additionallnfo" : null } *** }
UserError: AzureML Kubernetes job failed. : Dispatch Job Fail: Cluster does not support job type RegularJob
Please check whether you have enableTraining=True set when doing the AzureML extension installation. More details could be found at here.
Credential less machine learning workspace default storage account is not supported right now for training jobs.
Error message is:
AzureML Kubernetes job failed. 400:{"Msg":"Failed to acquire CSI storage account credentials for mountVolume 'hbiws8397576437-2e2dc25af77dcceea86ae50b45bd1724-secrets', encountered an error: Encountered an error when attempting to connect to Storage Account 'hbiws8397576437': HTTP 403 Forbidden: {\"error\":{\"code\":\"AuthorizationFailed\",\"message\":\"The client '1d0028bc-c1ca-4bdc-8bc0-e5e19cc6f812' with object id '1d0028bc-c1ca-4bdc-8bc0-e5e19cc6f812' does not have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/listKeys/action' over scope '/subscriptions/4aaa645c-5ae2-4ae9-a17a-84b9023bc56a/resourceGroups/youhuaprivatelink/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/hbiws8397576437' or the scope is invalid. If access was recently granted, please refresh your credentials.\"}}","Code":400}
This should happen when using HBI workspace, please assign system assigned or user assigned managed identity of the attached compute the access of (“Storage Blob Data Contributor”) and Storage Account Contributor” to the machine learning workspace default storage account by following this.
Error message is:
AzureML Kubernetes job failed. 400:{"Msg":"Failed to acquire CSI storage account credentials for mountVolume 'hbipleusws6182689148-c8d2ee5daca188bde53fa0711010c53c-secrets', encountered an error: Encountered an error when attempting to connect to Storage Account 'hbipleusws6182689148': Failed to successfully make an http request after 10 attempts. Last inner exception: %!w(\u003cnil\u003e)","Code":400}
Please follow Private Link troubleshooting section to check your network settings.
UserError: Unable to upload project files to working directory in AzureBlob because the authorization failed
Error message is:
Unable to upload project files to working directory in AzureBlob because the authorization failed. Most probable reasons are:
1. The storage account could be in a Virtual Network. To enable Virtual Network in Azure Machine Learning, please refer to
Please make sure the storage account has enabled the exceptions of “Allow Azure services on the trusted service list to access this storge account” and the aml workspace is in the resource instances list. And make sure the aml workspace has system assigned managed identity.
Error message is:
AzureML Kubernetes job failed. 400:{"Msg":"Encountered an error when attempting to connect to the Azure ML token service","Code":400}
It should be network issue. Please follow Private Link troubleshooting section to check your network settings.
Error message is:
AzureML Kubernetes job failed. 137:PodPattern matched: {"containers":[{"name":"training-identity-sidecar","message":"Updating certificates in /etc/ssl/certs...\n1 added, 0 removed; done.\nRunning hooks in /etc/ca-certificates/update.d...\ndone.\n * Serving Flask app 'msi-endpoint-server' (lazy loading)\n * Environment: production\n WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.\n Use a production WSGI server instead.\n * Debug mode: off\n * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)\n","code":137}]}
Check your proxy setting and check whether was added to proxy-skip-range when using “az connectedk8s connect” by following this.
Reattach your compute to the cluster and then try again. If it is still not working, use "kubectl get po -n azureml" to check the relayserver* pods are running.
Below commands could be used to validate. Expect the second command return "RSA key ok" without prompting you for passphrase.
openssl x509 -in cert.pem -text -noout
openssl rsa -in key.pem -check -noout
Below commands could be used to verify whether sslCertPemFile and sslKeyPemFile match:
openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in cert.pem
openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in key.pem