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[2024-11-20] Epic Allows Internet Archive to Distribute Unreal and Unreal Tournament Forever — Let's Encrypt is 10 years old now #850

github-actions bot opened this issue Nov 21, 2024 · 0 comments


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Epic Allows Internet Archive to Distribute Unreal and Unreal Tournament Forever

422 points by chocmake at 11:15:50 | 100 comments

Let's Encrypt is 10 years old now

409 points by gslin at 14:13:40 | 144 comments

Tiny Glade 'built' its way to >600k sold in a month

376 points by TaurenHunter at 09:45:13 | 85 comments

Apple Confirms Zero-Day Attacks Hitting macOS Systems

247 points by fortran77 at 08:26:30 | 87 comments

Show HN: Physically accurate black hole simulation using your iPhone camera

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Blender 4.3

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Webvm: Virtual Machine for the Web

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The Data Engineering Handbook

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Yi Peng 3 crossed both cables C-Lion 1 and BSC at times matching when they broke

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Understanding the BM25 full text search algorithm

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Using Erlang hot code updates

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Hand Tracking for Mouse Input

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Open Riak – open, modern Riak fork

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Meta Uses LLMs to Improve Incident Response

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Foursquare Open Source Places: A new foundational dataset

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SpaceX Super Heavy splashes down in the gulf, canceling chopsticks landing

107 points by alach11 at 06:15:34 | 113 comments



去年租了一个房子给中介,一年,有一万元押金,租期到了后发现餐桌损坏,垃圾处理器损坏。 餐桌大概值 2500 元,垃圾处理器大概价值 2600 元。请问我能不能把一万押金全部扣掉?而不是只扣 5000.

164 comments by Kale at 08:50:06 in 问与答



164 comments by zxlBen at 09:19:29 in 问与答

[赛博丁真] 何同学被指盗用开源项目,本人致歉称文案不够严谨

B 站知名 UP 主“老师好我叫何同学”,近日发布的新视频《我用 36 万行备忘录做了个动画…》。在介绍核心功能(字符画转制程序)时,何同学在视频中声称“我们专门写了一个软件”,引发了大量网友的质疑。

视频原话为:“所以我们专门写了一个软件,可以把预览动画里面的色块转换成字符,提高效率,但为了最自然的效果,前面白条,躲避障碍的动画,依然是一行一行画的。最后这个文档有 36 万。”

但实际上这款“专门写的转件”正是 GitHub 上 的开源项目“ASCII generator”,该项目可用于生成 ASCII 码,支持图像转文本、图像转图像、视频转视频。

何同学的视频成品正是基于该开源项目实现,不仅如此,他还删除了原作者的信息,虽然该项目采用了最为宽松的 MIT 开源协议,但删除作者信息等举动还是引起了网友的诸多吐槽。



130 comments by CHTuring at 10:00:00 in 分享发现

我在想以后的汽车会不会加一个特定区域不能超过多少速度的限制啊? 类似于无人机,在某些区域就不能飞

109 comments by kuawo at 09:20:50 in 问与答

目前你家 NAS 日常功耗多少,会心疼电费吗?

我这两块 16T 硬盘满了,日常运行功耗 44w 左右,如果再加一块硬盘的话有点心疼电费了..

109 comments by Yharnam at 11:31:52 in 问与答


各位老哥们,有个问题咨询一下 我人在国内,然后给境外的公司开发软件,签订的事线上的电子合同 然后境外公司给我每个月结算薪酬,大概就 4000 美金不到 通过招商借记卡进来,属于境外公司账户打到国内私人账户这种 需要报税吗?我看百度都是说需要报税,但是我咨询律师以后国内外的律师都说无所谓,不保也没人管 请问大家遇到过这种场景吗?怎么解决呢?

86 comments by zachariahss at 13:50:09 in 职场话题

由于自己有 100 元余额尝试玩了一把数字币之合约 转账余出来 100 元,想着利用一下,一直观望币圈就打算入一下,100 兑换了 13.77,尝试了一手合约余额到 17 刀,然后由于操作不熟练,操作界面好多链接鼠标移动上去会有提示点了一下卖飞了,赔到现在 13.02.

一开始也觉得就这点钱我就试试发现还真不是钱得事儿,是这个机制导致得(赌博时,大脑会释放出多巴胺,一种能使您感到兴奋的感觉良好神经传导物质。 您会以为,只有在赢钱时才会感到兴奋,但其实即使您输了,身体也会产生这种神经反应。),合约一碰伤身伤神!就感觉跟赌博好像,在这里也奉劝大家理性,这仅是我个人的感受哈.


78 comments by sjzjams at 09:07:07 in 问与答

有没有同时支持国内交通卡+国外交通卡(suica)+普通 nfc 门禁卡+双物理 sim 卡的手机

经常国内日本两地跑,试了几款手机都不能完全满足需求 国内安卓不支持 suica ,iphone 不支持 nfc 门禁,pixel 不 root 更是国内交通卡和 nfc 都不支持


  1. suica
  2. nfc 门禁卡
  3. 双物理 sim
  4. 国内交通卡 最好满足全部四条,实在不行前三条也行,尽可能少折腾

78 comments by rigyokusei at 15:45:06 in Android

Tampermonkey 终于空降 iOS

官方 Github:

Tampermonkey/tampermonkey#1258 (comment)

App Store:

支持:iOS 15+ || MacOS 12+ | M1+

售价 2.99 刀

原 macOS 版本重命名为 Tampermonkey Classic:


It's done!

iOS support is there!

The macOS version is still in review, but it should be available soon.

For now Tampermonkey Safari (WebExt version) has these two known issues: #2252 and #2253 Please create a new issue if you find something else.

Free licenses

Again I charge a small fee for this version, because I had to buy Apple hardware to get this done. I hope you understand. However, for people that

donated in the past helped me by posting Github issues and comments develop popular scripts I'll give a free license.

Just register your email on the Tampermonkey website and follow the steps explained at the email you'll receive.

Request for help with the macOS version

I'm not entirely sure if there is one more issue in the macOS version. I got everything working on my end. Especially GM_notification was difficult to get working in iOS, but it's working now. So I worked on renaming the Safari App based Tampermonkey version to "Tampermonkey Classic", uploaded and published it. Back at work on the WebExt version, notifications stopped working with

`"UNErrorDomain" error 1, the operation couldn't be completed"

I think this is maybe related to renaming the app, which got the notification permission long time ago, but all tried ways to make macOS forget the extension didn't work. So you could do me a favor and try the macOS version, once it's available, and tell me if notifications are working for you. I'll keep you post ed here once this happens.

73 comments by oIMOo at 03:55:51 in iOS

ios 开发,还没开始就结束了...

今年最抽象的事情没有之一,申请苹果开发者账号,在同意协议那里提示 Unable to process your request ,打客服电话只会说 [系统因为 1 个或多个原因拒绝了] ,他们啥也干不了,你这辈子都不能申请,不知道招这些人是干什么的。现在一提交就是未知错误,也就是一个有意愿的 iOS 开发者,这辈子也做不了 iOS 开发,真离谱。

Apple 吃枣药丸

73 comments by liunian1004 at 11:52:47 in iDev

Filen 网盘打折 官网 :
官网介绍说这个网盘支持 WebDAV 和 S3

68 comments by Huramkin at 16:16:41 in 优惠信息



众所周知驾校教的开车就是依托答辩,一大把拿到驾照连轻踩油门 [匀速] [直线] 行驶都做不好的妹子,搜了下小红书好像这个需求还是有不少的。

个人觉得自己的驾驶技术还是可以的,早晚高峰堵车和山路十八弯都开过,8 年 0 事故。也比较有信心能给新手教明白,我媳妇就是从匀速行驶开始教的,不能说多好吧,女司机里面能排靠前。


53 comments by gransh at 13:42:44 in 职场话题

求远程 mac 的最佳方式 新入手了一台 mini M4 放在家 24 小时开机,家:300M/40M ,公司:10M/10M ,现在使用 wg+vnc 远程卡顿,10M 带宽直接跑满,取消限速发现差不多用 15M 。我在 win 用的向日葵全家桶好像没有 mac 版,请问还有别的远程方式吗,重度使用

52 comments by dreamage at 09:50:20 in macOS

9 月份进股市的新韭菜,这两个月賺了快 10 个 w,已经不想上班了 现在每天上班满脑子想的都是股市的东西,上班都没心情,炒股的收入已经比我的工资多多了,但是目前没有全职炒股的打算,但是已经影响我的工作了,想把工作外包给别人,这样靠谱吗?

48 comments by q8164305 at 15:47:00 in 职场话题

用 C++ lambda 太爽了

写 GUI 经常碰到需要使用 callback 来描述 event 发生时的 behavior ,在 callback 函数里面不可避免的要使用到某些变量,之前不用 lambda 需要把 callback 内引用的变量都作为全局变量,现在用了 lambda 之后可以直接变量捕捉,在 class method 内也能捕获 this 指针,用起来太爽了

47 comments by zhuyongqi9 at 15:38:40 in C++

@github-actions github-actions bot added the posts label Nov 21, 2024
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